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Reaper [Under Construction]


Slut for Spinners
I hope this comes out as good as my Iron Horse...

looks kind of like a sharp transition at the bottom, or is that just the angle. Looks good, B&M Speed I suppose?
^It's the angle. It gradually gets less steep and it isn't sharp at all. I'm planning on making it a twisted out and back coaster.
I will have a lot more time on my hands for the next few days/weeks, so I will be able to really work on this a lot. I have most of the layout done:

Is it Diamondback? Is it Apollo's Chariot? I don't think so!

It's Reaper:


Track and terraforming are complete. I'm still deciding whether the supports should be dark gray, or a chocolate brown color, or a mix. Any ideas?
With the purple I think the dark gray would look better. If you were to change the color then you should just freestyle it. I'd like to see gray supports and purple track. :)
Next update, I'll show you a screenshot with the brown train(train colors are indigo, brown, and charcoal) and see what you guys think.
I got quite a bit done today. I'm probably half done with supporting right now:



Also, help me choose a support color:

I think the blue looks good, but it if you're gonna use it I suggest you may have to use a darker blue. I do like the gray though I think it fits nice. Gray or blue i say.
I tried out brown, and I like it. I don't know if I should stick with it, or go with a darker gray. I do like how the station and garage look painted brown though. I'm definitely leaving them brown. Here's some screenshots:



What do you guys think?
I actually think it looks a lot better, and the station looks really nice as well. Can't wait to see it completely done. :--D
The station looks great in brown. Not sure about brown for the supports though. Doesn't look right. I quite liked the grey for the supports to be honest, but maybe a little darker.

Apart from that, this ride is looking really nice. Keep up the good work!