Strata Poster
Right then; been back from a Euro-trip for a little while now, need to TR it!
I'm a bad coaster enthusiast. I go to these far flung places and have a nice time,
totally ignoring all the places nearby. For crying out loud I've been to
Tokyo Disneyland on 2 seperate trips, LA a couple of times and yet I'd never been to
the "local" one even once. Useless.
Lets rectify that shall we?
Two weeks booked off work, wondering where to go, fancy a trip back to Europa Park
to ride their new rides - I plan in a trip around euro-land and then spot that I'm
only a week off Ian's Germany live plans so I shift my time off by a week and thats
a good enough plan then.
Day 1 : Saturday : Disneyland
Fly out from Manchester Saturday morning at a fairly friendly time in the morning,
somewhat tedious amount of time later I'm in my crappy little Nissan Micra hire car
from CDG towards EuroDisney.
Find my hotel, dump the car, dump my stuff and try to walk up to the resort - get
a bit lost in the scrubland between the hotel and Disney (idiot) and find myself
in a car park full of caravans - how strange. The car park is right next to the
Marketplace and I nip through a hole in a fence back to civilisation and the mouse.
Must say, first impressions of the resort are NOT good - partly my own muppet-ness
in walking down the wrong road to get there, party because the Marketplace area
outside the parks is a bit grotty - building boards up all over the place, dodgy
types selling knock off crap on the walkways etc - you don't get this at Downtown
Disney now do you!
However walking into the main park perks me up a bit - that Disneyland Hotel over
the entrance is rather splendid and the way into Disneyland is rather nice.
Plan for the rest of the day was just to "do" the main park (having "done" various
other "Disneylands" there wasn't too much that was new to me, perhaps just some
geeky curiosity about how this one differs to the others was my main challenge
for the day...
Main street pretty similar (although I did like the covered arcades that run
parallel to the street - even found they served beer in some of the eateries down
there, didn't think that Disney allowed that sort of thing in their Disneyland
Castle is pretty good (considering the last one I saw was LA's a few months ago
which is tiny in comparison!)
I was actually really impressed with a lot of the architecture and themeing of the
park, loads of nice touches
This is a good view ; it means you are LEAVING Its a Small World... good, horrible
Big Thunder looks just great (even if the wate is a bit green)
Lots of things are rather familiar from the other parks; only not quite in all
the same places - somewhat disconcerting
Moon shot;
As dark was falling (I'd got into the park sometime after 3pm), people start to
gather in the main bit for Dreams ; but thats not on for a couple of hours - d'oh.
Seriously, 2 hours to go;
Anyway I'm not standing around for 2 hours so try to take some pics in the dark
in Tomorrowland - not great;
But the area is very nice in the dusk, all lit up in neon and stuff
Didn't rate Space Mountain much when I rode it earlier, rough and just a bit
"so what" ; shame as it looks good from the outside and the launch looks cool.
Closing time approached, so that meant Dreams was showing on the castle ; I didn't
attempt to take any pics of it with my little camera (was never going to work),
but I did enjoy the show to be fair (and big shows ain't my sort of thing really)
Final shot wandering out of the park close, I chose not to walk through the dodgy
caravan park on my way back to the hotel and just took the main road.
Back tomorrow then to have a looksee at the park next door.
I'm a bad coaster enthusiast. I go to these far flung places and have a nice time,
totally ignoring all the places nearby. For crying out loud I've been to
Tokyo Disneyland on 2 seperate trips, LA a couple of times and yet I'd never been to
the "local" one even once. Useless.
Lets rectify that shall we?
Two weeks booked off work, wondering where to go, fancy a trip back to Europa Park
to ride their new rides - I plan in a trip around euro-land and then spot that I'm
only a week off Ian's Germany live plans so I shift my time off by a week and thats
a good enough plan then.
Day 1 : Saturday : Disneyland
Fly out from Manchester Saturday morning at a fairly friendly time in the morning,
somewhat tedious amount of time later I'm in my crappy little Nissan Micra hire car
from CDG towards EuroDisney.
Find my hotel, dump the car, dump my stuff and try to walk up to the resort - get
a bit lost in the scrubland between the hotel and Disney (idiot) and find myself
in a car park full of caravans - how strange. The car park is right next to the
Marketplace and I nip through a hole in a fence back to civilisation and the mouse.
Must say, first impressions of the resort are NOT good - partly my own muppet-ness
in walking down the wrong road to get there, party because the Marketplace area
outside the parks is a bit grotty - building boards up all over the place, dodgy
types selling knock off crap on the walkways etc - you don't get this at Downtown
Disney now do you!
However walking into the main park perks me up a bit - that Disneyland Hotel over
the entrance is rather splendid and the way into Disneyland is rather nice.
Plan for the rest of the day was just to "do" the main park (having "done" various
other "Disneylands" there wasn't too much that was new to me, perhaps just some
geeky curiosity about how this one differs to the others was my main challenge
for the day...
Main street pretty similar (although I did like the covered arcades that run
parallel to the street - even found they served beer in some of the eateries down
there, didn't think that Disney allowed that sort of thing in their Disneyland

Castle is pretty good (considering the last one I saw was LA's a few months ago
which is tiny in comparison!)

I was actually really impressed with a lot of the architecture and themeing of the
park, loads of nice touches

This is a good view ; it means you are LEAVING Its a Small World... good, horrible

Big Thunder looks just great (even if the wate is a bit green)

Lots of things are rather familiar from the other parks; only not quite in all
the same places - somewhat disconcerting

Moon shot;

As dark was falling (I'd got into the park sometime after 3pm), people start to
gather in the main bit for Dreams ; but thats not on for a couple of hours - d'oh.

Seriously, 2 hours to go;

Anyway I'm not standing around for 2 hours so try to take some pics in the dark
in Tomorrowland - not great;

But the area is very nice in the dusk, all lit up in neon and stuff

Didn't rate Space Mountain much when I rode it earlier, rough and just a bit
"so what" ; shame as it looks good from the outside and the launch looks cool.

Closing time approached, so that meant Dreams was showing on the castle ; I didn't
attempt to take any pics of it with my little camera (was never going to work),
but I did enjoy the show to be fair (and big shows ain't my sort of thing really)
Final shot wandering out of the park close, I chose not to walk through the dodgy
caravan park on my way back to the hotel and just took the main road.

Back tomorrow then to have a looksee at the park next door.