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Project June - Update 5: 21st AUGUST [ By 00Tom00 ]

00 Tom 00

Roller Poster
Hello there,

i've recently begun my latest park, which is currently un-named. I'm not too good at making up names for parks so if anybodys got some gooden's fire away!

Anyway, a very small opening update, but here's 3 pictures of the first of Project June's coasters.




It's called Hurricane, and i've aimed to try and create the most intense, yet safe ( if that makes sense ) ride i can. I'm happy with progress so far

This park will be a full size sandbox, so expect progress to be fairly slow. Don't get me wrong, i've got plenty of ideas i want to implament, but i never move on to my next ride until i'm 100% happy with the one im building.

Anyway, comments and park names welcome! :D

See you next time, for the first Official update!

-- Tom --
Looks really good Tom. I love the themeing of Hurricane based around that crashed plane. :p
Not much else I'm able to say as we haven't seen much yet.
It looks cool. I like the plane theming.

Although I don't really like the supports on the zero-g-roll. They aren't very fitting and just look a bit silly. At least remove one of the cross-braces.

As I said before, I like the look of this ride. It's been ages since I played RCT3, and it makes me realise how bad I was at it when I see work like this.

Ollie - Thanks very much!

Hixee - Cheers for the comment Hixee! To be honest, i was having trouble with that support. I've since changed it abit to look a tad neater. I 'll get a picture of that up next time



^ Landscaping has begun to take place around the park. Pictured here is the park monorail


^ Another angle of Hurricane


^ Coaster 2 is in the beginning stage of construction. This is the proposed layout. The coaster is a launched floorless and will be called Splitbark


^ Splitbark begins to receive theming


^ Another shot of Splitbark

That's all for now!

-- Tom --
Thanks Deano!

Ok, update 3. I know i released one yesterday evening, but i'm really eager to show you guys what i've managed to do with Splitbarks overbank. Circled in red is the area i have altered, and below that are the pictures of the changes. Enjoy!




-- Tom --
Oh my God Tom! This looks incredible.

I really like it. The first coaster based around the plane disaster looks absolutely amazing - the elements you've shown us already give us a great understanding of how fab the ride is going to be!

Kay, Splitbark I wasnt too sure about when I saw the layout - the first part after the launch looked really paintful...
But once you got it with themeing and stuff, it looks amazing - Just I am still concerned about the part straight after the launch being painful.

Nice work! Cant wait for more.
Well Tom, it's a fantastic start! Great effort.

The plane crash is totally orginal and is very well executed. Although I think Hurricane has to be the most overrused name in RCT3... ever. :lol:

Splitbark looks really good, completely original yet again. The theming round the overbank looks stunning as well. Another fantastic concept!

I also spy eine Sky Swat! :D

Your landscaping also does not fail at being spectacular! I'm looking forward to seeing more.

I'm also going to blow away the dust on my RCT3 disc and start re-installing it. (But first I need to find bloody Wild!) I don't know why but I've just had an urge to play it. I'm hoping this thread won't die!

Keep up the good work! I'm expecting good things from you!

Both coasters and the landscaping look great! The only thing wrong with the park so far is the first part of splitbark the way it goes up. It looks strange. Other than that everything's good! :--D
Looking stunning as always Tom! It's difficult to comment when you're getting it all so right (you smug git :lol: ).

Just keep it up, and keep on posting shots! :)
is it me or am i a bit behind on things,where did you get the crashed plane, the lilly pads in the water, and how did you get those stairs or watever they are next to the chain lift can someone tell me thnx
TidalWaveAsh said:
is it me or am i a bit behind on things,where did you get the crashed plane, the lilly pads in the water, and how did you get those stairs or watever they are next to the chain lift can someone tell me thnx

It's all Custom Scenery. You can Download it off many sites...or the Atari Forums are good for CS.

Just google for it.

And welcome to CF!
My name is Ash too! =]
Wow your good, and I love the interaction with scenery, I reasently made a coaster called Sultan's Revenge and goes through ruins and stuff, and the station is a small Sultan's Palace.

I'm not sure about you but I hate the blockiness of some of the track parks!

Love both of your coasters, and scenery, the monorail looks stunning!
Wow. That looks incredible. I'm loving the theming, its all so good. Keep gooing, I'm really looking forward to seeing where this park goes.
Thankyou for the amazing feedback all!

Lauz - I see what you mean about the overbank looking a tad painful, but it's taken at good speed and the RCT3 ride testers are enjoying it!

Rush - Sharp eyes on your head there, Mr Rush! You did indeed spot a sky swat! Although, i haven't themed it at all yet. I was just scouting a good position where riders would get some good views.

UncleArly, Furie, jokerman, bradleyhart - Thanks for the positive feedback!

CMonster - Strange in a good way? :D I agree, it's unusual, but i look to give each of my rides it's own unique feature.

TidalWaveAsh - Looks like UncleArly sorted out your query there :D If you have any further questions about custom scenery and shizz just ask mwah!

Jewls1993 - I agree! Some track types can look really blocky. It's also much harder to make diagonal buildings too, which take away abit of blockiness.

Well i was in Spain for a short while which is my excuse for not getting out Update 4 a little sooner! However, i have actually done quite alot already in a few hours.

Although i've made no more rides as such, i've planned out a massive area of the park using pathways and ground textures. Anyway, it's a very short [ Too short, really... ] update this time around, but hey, i'll make sure the next one's extra bulkly :D


This is a teaser of the Dolphinarium. Yes, it's a miracle! I'VE MADE SOMETHING OTHER THAN A RIDE! Anyway, i made the thing pretty much completly out of wood, and i'm very happy with the end effect. This picture doesn't show alot, so next update i'll give you all a higher birds-eyes view of the structure.

It's nice to be back!

-- Tom --

^ Well i can't make any promises :D


Right, here's 2 more pictures of the Dolphinarium, and as you can see i've started building some shops to surround it.



a Short but sweet update there!

-- Tom --
UncleArly said:
The only thing that lets it down is the blockiness of the shops.

Quite wrong! When you are heading into the degree of realism Tom is here, you can get away with it. Tom doesn't need interesting shapes on buildings to make the park look better, they fit perfectly.

Look down Towers Street, or around any other park, and you'll see that it's rare the functional buildings (such as shops), are anything other than basic rectangles.

The buildings look very smart, and fit in perfectly with the overall feel of the park.