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Possible charge for car parking at Thorpe

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As long as it's free for AP holders.
I will pay if they get rid of that gravel and make the car park better. Again in other countries we pay to park so thats why I have no problem.

It probably will be free for AP holders just like Alton is.

The car park takes long enough to get out of on busy days as it is though and this is going to make it even worse.
"There may be a charge in 2010."

Will they? Won't they? Oh, the tension and excitement! When's the official announcement? Is there a countdown to the launch of the website giving all the information, or are they really going to keep us on our toes and not tell us the details of these plans until the last minute?

Cue the next 200 pages...
we better make the most of the free parking then - everyone should park there every day, no matter where they are going!
They don't charge for parking already? That's crazy.. 99% of the parks have a charge for parking and usually they're not cheap, with Six Flags charging $15 a car.

So be grateful it has been free thus far :p .
It all depends on how much they are going to charge, but they are probably looking at it as another form of revenue and people will still pay it regardless of the cost. Like Marc said, some of the money should be spent on improving the car park area aswell.
As long as it's not as bad as America (well, the Californian parks anyway, where some places were at least $20 for parking), then I don't see a fantastic problem with it.
You already have to pay for a few other parks here anyway, so meh.
This the problem I have with Thorpes car park, and I am not moaning for the sake of it. I am pointing out things to improve.

1. Replace the gravel, my car gets stuck when it rains.
2. Move the exit road so it does not go along side the park entrence. How people have to been run over I will never know. This will also make it better when leaving the park as we will not have to keep stopping to let people cross.

Thats all really tbh.

As I said before I am used to paying for parking at theme parks so as long as it is done to improve things I dont have a problem.
Aslong as it goes to improving the flow of that car park I'm happy. Its got quite a bad layout IMO. I'd rather it exit straight to the road by the coach park than having the battle past that entrance area.
I get dropped off all the time, so this does not worry me. However, I do think that parks are getting cheeky in saying 'Pay for your ticket, pay for food, pay for games, pay to park'.
I find it odd that there is a sign put up saying they *may* bring in a charge in next year. Either you do, or you dont.

You already have to pay for a few other parks here anyway, so meh.

As far I'm aware, Alton is the only one you have to pay for. Blackpool & Fantasy Island are differen't really as they're in a town/village right by the sea, so you pay to park there anyway.

Its quite ridiculous to have to pay to park when you pay £36 to get in.
ciallkennett said:
I get dropped off all the time, so this does not worry me. However, I do think that parks are getting cheeky in saying 'Pay for your ticket, pay for food, pay for games, pay to park'.

LOL! They thought about charging you for having a good time too, but knew they would get anything from it! ;)
I think every park in Germnay and Denmark charged, some we did not have to pay for though.

Every park I have been to in the USA charge, Disney do not if you stay in one of their hotels or hold a pass.

Every park in France and Plopsaland charge to park as well that I have been to.

I dont expect AP holders will get charged to park at Thorpe though.

I expect Chessington and Lego Land to charge soon as well.
I think that it's fair for them to charge, a lot of places do, Alton have done for years (but then their carparks are pretty good anyway)

I think thorpe really do need to invest the money they make into improvements for the parking, because yeah, there are some flaws (that's what you get when you cut corners, i.e. gravel)
Sounds reasonable that they will...they do at Alton (double the price to park at the entrance) so it's hardly surprising.

Not that I think they should.
PLUS, I think a lot of people have forgotten, that Thorpe have been running a priority parking scheme for a while now, where you pay more to park in a dedicated car park that is close to the entrance.
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