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Pleasure Beach Bling Sold

*Insert generic fountain joke here*

If true, wonder what it will be actually replaced with... It was a weird ride tbh with an even weirder name...
^ It was very popular though. And modern, compared to the rest of the PB.

Very odd this, if it is true.
Moved to from General Discussions.

Sold to Pleasureland? As in Southport?

Isn't that not even a park anymore? I was sure it was being operated more like a travelling fair, with individual ride owners setting up shop.
To me, Bling achieves the apparently unachievable and makes BPB even more tacky. Good ride or not, it's image does the park a disservice, and if they've got any sort of reasonable fee for it, then good riddance.

But Bling's pretty much my main reason to go to Blackpool... That makes me cry inside.
What? This sucks? Bling's dead good.

Getting rid of it because it looks too 'fairground' esque? That's what Blackpool is, and it's one of my favourite rides there!

Makes no sense. They're not replacing it, because they've got Nicklodeon Land and jazz, so why!
Remember they are likely to get best part of a million for it, so in the scheme of things, if it goes helps the park spend more on getting Nick Land right, then in the long term that is no bad thing.

The GP would notice if a big rollercoater or iconic older ride left, topscans are possibly more carny ride, than themepark staple. Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I see it as a bad or ugly ride, just one that doesn't best fit the park, in much the same way that Spin Doctor didn't.
Well I won't miss it. But it does beg the question... why?

Could it be that, at a park with so many roller coasters, these kind of rides get a little ignored by the public? And so they aren't terribly cost effective? I always got the impression they were popular, but I guess if they have poor capacity it's hard to tell.

Not like it's taking up a space where something else could be introduced, so I'm hardly glad it's going, despite the fact that I never ride the awful machine.
There are plenty of things that could go where Bling is. There's quite a bit of unused space next to it (currently being taken up by god awful trampolines).

The ride has a terrible capacity and is pretty **** compared to the Mondial Topscan. Good riddance!
I'd rather them get rid of that than Nickelodeon Streak (lol at the name). Still very sad to see yet another ride close... whats actually still open!?!
I think the actual news is that Bling has been sold to a travelling fair's company. I am not too sure who it is but Zierer mentioned in ParkWorld that there would be a travelling Star Shape in the Uk next year. This announcement doesn't take a genius to work out about that!
^Billy Danter is buying/has bought a Starshape to travel. Norman has bought Bling from what I gather.

Not exactly a big loss, the thing has barely been open this year. Surprised someone has actually bought it as it doesn't seem to be in great shape.
^So does that mean we could have TWO?!?!?

I will find the travelling one next year. And I will ride it. And it will be good.
Mackem Lad said:
^Billy Danter is buying/has bought a Starshape to travel.

Abie Danter, it's a new machine and going to be called 'Air' and feature a new unique lighting system, on which nobody really has any details!
Joey said:
Well I won't miss it. But it does beg the question... why?

Could it be that, at a park with so many roller coasters, these kind of rides get a little ignored by the public?

With how popular the PB is nowadays, everything has a long queue. This still puzzles me in a way, but obviousls this is PBB, and they just LOVE to remove rides (Spin Doctor, Turtle Chase, The Whip, Circus Clown, Caterpillar, Vikingar, Black Hole, Space Invader and Space bowl, to name a few).

This ain't going to change me visits much as I rarely went on it, but it just seems odd to me.
Another Ride Of theres has gone there aswell
On Pleasurelands Winter weekends

Recognise This?

Yup It's Magic Mountains Track renamed Polar express.
http://www.southportforums.com/forums/s ... d=50446307 Link to there winter weekends

Anyway It's A shame to see Bling go and Not be replaced By anything.[/u]