I really like Blackpool, and have defended it quite a bit in the past. It was a school trip, but the park was just a **** ing joke. We went last year and it was great, but this time it was just awful.
1. Wasted over half an hour while the staff in the coach park faffed about deciding where to put us, only to move us again. All this with 50 sugared-up Year 7 kids on board needing the toilet. They wouldn't even just let us off and into the park to leave the drivers to sort the coaches out. **** ing joke. Really badly organised.
2. Insanely busy with other school trips, which obviously isn't the fault of the park. However, ride operations were terrible and staff generally rude.
3. Loads of kids just blatantly queue jumping IN FRONT OF STAFF who are watching the queues and who did NOTHING about it. Even when we pointed it out, they just shrugged their shoulders and couldn't give two s**ts. It was to the point where I was having a go at a group of little Scouse bastards in the PMBO queue and my head of department had to be separated from some 14 year old scrubber so that she didn't slap the little bitch. Again, all this going on in front of staff who did **** all.
4. An hour to get food in Burger King. AN HOUR! And it wasn't all that busy. Again with little scrotes trying to skip the lines and staff doing **** all. The staff were just s**te at EVERYTHING. Yeah, I know it's not the park's outlet, but it's all part of the "experience" so surely they should be monitoring it to some extent. It will reflect more on them than it will on Burger King.
Clearly, a day with a lot of school trips isn't going to be pleasant, but you'd think that given the number of them they get every year they'd have their **** together. We've all told the bint who organised it, who didn't bother coming herself, that unless it's done a week or two earlier next time, none of us are going again.