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Pilgrims Plunge

I think it looks a bit on the rubbish side to be honest!

The drop is very "straight". By that I mean, it drops into its steepest angle, and then just heads down at that angle. I don't like that, it means you get airtime, then sit there for a bit speeding up, then hit the bottom. Reminds me of old Arrow drops.

Also, the way it bounces around whilst producing that "splash" (I find it hard to term that measly splish a splash if I'm being honest...)

So, I don't think it'll be as good as Hydro, it's not THAT much taller, it's a lot less steep, and the drop looks like it allows for less airtime. And the splash is lame.

BUT. The lift is awesome.
How steep is that drop? I agree with Ben that the splash doesn't look very big, but the guy posting the report says it's drenching. Although i don't thinbk it'll set the world alight, the lift technology might get around a bit.

As with all water rides, i feel it'll look better with age. Give the concrete time to get dirty and the water to bed into the environment.
I'll stand with what Robb said a few posts below...

To all of you who have made negative comments so far -

Unless your comment starts with something to the tune of "I just rode and here are my thoughts..."

I'm basically ignoring everything you all have to say, and I would reccomend others to do the same.

You can't pass judgement on a ride until you ride it, and I would dismiss all comments from someone who hasn't.

The ride still has that extremely new and fresh look to it, which for some reason, makes it look very weird. It doesn't even look like the wooden fences were stained. Hopefully they plant some trees in the center.

Another thing I noticed is that the guy failed to take a larger shot of the splashdown area and the lift. He also never got a photo of the view, but that's acceptable, since it is a water ride afterall.
I wanted to see a picture of the lift dead on from behind as its so strange. Would love to see a video of how the lift work in reality.
POV (although lacking sound)


Off-Ride (with sound)


I think it looks really fun actually! I love the way it seems to skim across the water really quickly. I reckon that drop and the lift would scare me ****less!
Thank god they have got rid of the over head restraints for this.

The ride does not really interest me tbh, but would do it once.
Inverse said:
How steep is that drop? I agree with Ben that the splash doesn't look very big, but the guy posting the report says it's drenching.

Yeah, it looks like it will just be a lap full of water though, not really a proper "splash". A bit like when you're at the back of Stormforce on the second drop, you get water just dumped on you. Which I hate. I think half the fun with these sort of rides is the spectator element - standing on the bridge and watching the wave come at you, running away... whatever. Because this thing bounces along, smacking from side to side, and then just dumps water on you, that's not fun.
Now watching that I can see why it dosen't have such a big splash, as imagine the horrible slam into the restraints if it hit the water straight away.
Hmm... I think I've seen somewhere that the drop is angled at 45 degrees.

And the words "record machine" immediately come to mind after seeing this. It doesn't look like it does anything apart from breaking a few records. The lift is lush, though, and I actually think we'll see it in use on some of Intamins single-car coasters soon.
I was impressed by the speed of the lift when i watched the videos. It travels quickly and doesn't really hang around after riding on at the bottom or off at the top.
I can't wait to jump on it this summer tbh. While it might not be freaky crazy fantastical, it still looks like a good time.
^ Freaky crazy fantastical. I like, I like!

But actually, the ride doesn't look like all that. It looks like it'll be a good water ride, but I wouldn't say it looks miles ahead of Snake River Falls or any of those type things. The lift would probably scare me though, it's a bit too open for my liking. Lastly, I have to agree with Ben about the straightness of the drop. It looks kinda weird.
At least theyve improved the impact abit from the test video!

That looks deliberate, so you get a facefull of water. Lovely. Shame it didn't go very far... at all...

I want to see that lift in action, sod the drop.