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Photos of Taylor


Staff member
So I finally got to meet Taylor yesterday at my favourite park. Brad came along too, which was obviously a benefit to the whole Taylor thing ;)

Like a lot of people, I've often wondered if the whole "dizzy cow" thing is just an act. So I thought it would be interesting to meet her and find out for real.

I'll let the photos tell the story as we trek around Alton with Taylor!

Brad and Tay arrived by horse drawn train into Uttoxeter and I was there to meet them. It was so exciting, getting to meet Brad again. We hopped into the Strawberry scented mobile-of_furie and headed for Alton Towers. We pointed out the rides to Taylor as we passed them coming from Alton village. "There's Rita and 13, now we're passing Oblivion" etc.

Apparently all she could see was trees and my direction of "the red tree, just left of the red tree... Though they could be green or brown" didn't help her; heathen.

The park was absolutely heaving and we ended up parking on the fields beyond the hotel. Long way to push the still mildly crippled SSIL_Furie.

We eventually got to the monorail though, ready for a very busy park day.


"Did you know Minor_Furie that this monorail was first part of Canada's world fair and was transported over in 1986. It took 47 shipping containers and four weeks to make the crossing. Installation was over seven months and the rail uses approximately the same amount of power to run each day as ten tower blocks? Bomb!"

With SSIL_Furie being on the park system, we got ourselves Spacca Bands (tm). This was probably a good thing, as otherwise we were going to maybe rack up a ride count of one. The park was busting at the seams like the world's largest muffin top.

I don't like doing Alton as a "credz" park. It deserves more respect, but sadly on days like this, it really is about getting as much done as you can in the time you have. At least Brad and Taylor (with Hixee) are going to try and have a more chilled day today.

Sonic then up first!


"To be honest Minor_Furie, while I respect your opinion that Sonic 3 is the better game, I find that (even considering this is an anthropomorphic based game) the sheer fact you have an echidna working together with a fox and hedgehog completely unbelievable. Firstly you have two mammals from mild to cold climates who descended from pre-pangea ancestor mixing it up with a warm climate marsupial from a post-pangea neo-ancestral source. Are we really supposed to believe these would mix? Hence, Sonic 2 is easily the more convincing, ergo the more enjoyable game of the series. Durrrrr!"

Quick dash to a decent ride next; Oblivion. We built the tension as per always by watching the trains go down the hole. Woosh, scream, boom. I love it, really do :)


"While only dropping at 87 degrees, the tilt back on the seats actually brings the angle you'll be at on the front row to only 85 degrees. If you are unfortunate enough to be sitting on the back row, you'll find that the angle on the drop is actually more like a pretty pathetic 82 degrees. This is of course necessary due to the stress factors involved as shown by the bilateral equation R=F7/3(4xt^2). Like"


"With a spike of 4.3G after the -.02 G on the drop, I find the ride quite satisfactory. Shizzle"

Over to Dark Forest then for the bland, yet overly popular part of the park. I would have taken photos, but it's all a bit bland... 13 and Rita really don't do anything for me (but the public love it).

Charlie and the rubbish ride next just for amusement, because I'm cruel!

Oddly, at this point I got a call from Andy (MouseAT). It was just a lot of screaming. I called him back and and he denied any knowledge of calling me :lol: Very odd, his phone called me to issue screams.

Heading on then for some Duel action, rebranded as Skelvin's haunted whatnot. I like seeing Duel back to something like the Haunted House used to be, but I always find it shows the stark contrast between the original and the badly remade Duel.

Of course, we have to head over to Forbidden Valley from here. Time for us to get some Nemesis action and the second decent coaster at Alton :)


"Wow! Look at that! The cross compression bolt in the T-section over the back-Y is a type 79-a. Usually in the that configuration you would find a compound bolt (type 45-f) with a flared flange to spread the Z motion impact pressure. OMG!"

While we were waiting for Nemesis, we saw MouseAT in the single rider queue and he waited for us to get off the ride. He WAS in the park then when he called me. How weird :lol: Had a good long chat with him while the others moved on to air next.

I rode this with UC two weeks back, so I was happy to sit it out :)

Moving on again as time is getting on by this point, Runaway Mine Train credit tick and off to the last coaster of the day! Beastie! Yeah, I'm certainly not riding that rubbish!


"The Pinfari Super Dragon is Pinfari's most popular model. In the 23 years since production started they have installed 34 of these coasters across the world which has netted them a profit of roughly £3.45 million. 12 of the models have the additional tunnel which is hand stitched at the factory just outside of Rome. It takes four workers a week to produce the tunnel section. Eh?"

Time for the others to get a last night ride on Oblivion while I trek all the way back to get the car (took about half an hour to get there :( ). Taylor gave us all a bit of a run down on the Towers though before I left.


"What's amazing is the way that Pugin managed to take the neo-gothic styling and apply it in such a fashion as to give the impression of pre-Raphaelite building style. The cross section archway keystones hold a secret of Georgian obsession though and this mix of styles come together in a holistic fashion which both amazes and confounds. Boo ya!"

And so, it was time to leave. It was a rushed day and not Alton at its best sadly. I still think Taylor was impressed to a degree though. Certainly had an excellent day though and it was fantastic to meet an intellectual superior in Taylor (unlike that dullard UC a couple of weeks back ;) ).

Final shot then. While the premise of this topic was "photos of Taylor" and it should only contain such, I think this last photo really actually sums up everything nicely. This was taken on the outside of the Charlie building and I think is the perfect way to end this topic.

"What a load of old rot!"
Well that PTR was a bit different! I was there yesterday as well, think I walked past you guys a couple of times. It was very busy yesterday, the queue boards said Sonic Spinball hit 100 minutes at one point. We managed to get quite a bit done still though, all major coasters in the dark except Air amongst other things during the day, and Terror of the Towers was awesome! May do a full report yet if I can be bothered.
Well, there's no point in constantly following the norm now is there? :)

We didn't have long on park to be honest. We didn't arrive until about 2:15-2:30 and last ride had to be about 6:30. So really around 4 to 4.5 hours. Bit of a 'mare, but we got it done. Would have liked to stay later and get more Nemesis in the dark in.

Glad you had a good day though Brookes - next time jump in my way and say hello? :)
Ew.. Taylor is riding something I haven't.

But.. I STILL HAVE BOULDER DASH!! Take that in the butt and smoke it Tay! :D
furie said:
Well, there's no point in constantly following the norm now is there? :)

We didn't have long on park to be honest. We didn't arrive until about 2:15-2:30 and last ride had to be about 6:30. So really around 4 to 4.5 hours. Bit of a 'mare, but we got it done. Would have liked to stay later and get more Nemesis in the dark in.

Glad you had a good day though Brookes - next time jump in my way and say hello? :)

No not at all, I liked the twist on this one like all your reports.

And we were in there pretty much all day and basically went on water rides, halloween stuff and flats in the day and did the coasters in the dark. Nemesis was running ridiculously quick and we managed to get back row. Was insanely busy though. And how "Thirteen After Dark" is four pumpkins is beyond me.

And thanks, and will do, I didn't notice until last minute yesterday.
^ Brad's being a **** ;)

Glad you liked Nemesis, as that has made Ben sit in a corner and cry...I hope.

I'm disappointed you liked Air, however *shakes head in shame*.
I'll have my pictures up soon!

All I can say is that I had a great time with Taylor and Brad at Alton, even if it was very busy!

Just thought I'd put up three of my photos from the day. Sadly only one has Taylor and Brad in it, but I just like the other two.

Firstly, a nice sexy picture of Nemesis:

Taylor and Brad gave me a pose by the turnaround too:

Finally, one of Rita that came out really nicely:

Maybe more to come later, don't know yet...
I like your photos Hixee.

The Rita one is nice but would be better if the whole train was in focus and not just the back end, but still a nice photo.

And the Nemesis one is the shizniz for real.
^I think it was the trees! You should see how many failed ones I've got! :p

Glad you like the others though.
Oooh nice pix there Hix.


Bit dissappointed with all these "Pictures of Taylor" tho' - not one so far has been out of focus, shot into a mirror and with the flash going off.
^The topic is only young...

...and Taylor isn't back home yet. :lol:
Ah what a horrible picture of me! But the one of Nemesis is amaaaazing!

So yeah Nemmy made it to number six, Oblivion in the top fifteen somewhere. Had a great second day with Hix even though it was a bit short.. Glad we got the fasttracks though otherwise we would have gone on like, one thing :p .
SnooSnoo said:
Ew.. Taylor is riding something I haven't.

So's Brad; I wouldn't worry ;)

Ben said:
Yes, the Lord only knows what I'll do without Taylor to validate my every opinion from now on...

I don't know, but I'll bet you love her when she agrees with you... Hang on...

Ben said:
Thirteen- UGH. CRAP.


Yep, that didn't take long :p

UC said:
Yes, the Lord only knows what I'll do without Taylor to validate my every opinion from now on...

Look to me perhaps?

It's quite amusing how her opinion was pretty much identical to yours actually, so perhaps she is...

UC said:
At least I post when I'm not being felt up by someone who's forcing me to use their CF account.

The lies - we both know it wasn't me who wrote that last Alton trip report with you in it, and I resent the denial of our intimacy! :p

Hixee - Love the two photos, both excellent :)

Dave, is this better?


Taylor is front row, second one in.

Pain the backside, as I spent ages practising to get a good shot of them too.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 6595_n.jpg

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 0530_n.jpg

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 6818_n.jpg

(linked as we don't need to see three more Oblivion drop photos unless you are a real Oblivion goon).

Then there's this one of Brad and myself... It's almost Taylor worthy: