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Perfect Ride Length


Mega Poster
What would be the perfect ride length (in time) for a roller coaster? For me, a 5 min hyper would be fab! So, what are your opinions, what would be a good ride length for you? Also, what type of coaster, as a 5min standup coaster would be hell...
^You would get really bored on a 5 min hyper. I also don't know if that would be possible, not sure if a hyper could carry enough speed to get through a course that long.

It's entirely dependant on the ride type. Some coasters last 20 seconds, but are still thrilling, others you want a large variety of elements so they need to be longer.
Yes, but it wouldn't be full of airtime because eventually it would run out of energy and the end of the ride would be really dull.
A happy medium is perfect. Not too short so you feel like you've wasted your time queueing but not so long it drags on.
Needs to be slightly under the perfect length so it leaves you wanting more and riding over and over again.
There is no perfect ride length that can be applied to any ride...

It's more about what the ride does in it's layout that makes the difference, it works for both short (Oblivion) and long (Beast)... In between is good to, but quite honestly, length means nothing unless you do something with it...
^agreed but generally UK's rides like Nemesis are short and intense and as long as a ride keeps it intensity and thrills then Im a happy chap
The longer the better, even if it is lift hills - IE) The Ultimate.

Valhalla is also a favourite of mine, partly because of its length.
The Michael Jackson Thrill Ride is a favourite of mine partly beacause of it's length and duration! In general I would like to say that coasters are a bit short.. When I turned into an enthusiast and started looking for roller coasters around the world I got dissapointed when I realized that it doesn't exist any really long coasters that I'd expected :(

But whit that said, I still think that I would get bored with a 5 min hyper :P that would be a little bit too much!
Before I become an enthusiast, I had two measurements for theme park enjoyment.

1. The number of rides in relation to the entrance price. (A £ a ride)
2. The number of minutes queueing up in relation to the duration of the the ride.

Nowadays, I take a more focused view and ride enjoyment is down to other factors, such as ride type, the sort of thrill I'm expecting and the the fun factor.

For example, a top scan is ok, but I wouldn't want any longer than 90 seconds on one. On Apple coasters. I'm happy to do one circuit but I get pissed off by the third or forth.

A rides length should reflect the enjoyment factor alone, but I'd expect a minimum of 90seconds for most.
Depends how good the coaster is.
Say if it's like Boulder Dash, Phoenix or a B&M Hyper, then the perfect ride lenth would be until whenever I get tired of it. If it's like Iron Wolf or something, then just walking into and out of the train would have been the perfect length for me to get the credit! :P
The length and design of Dragon Khan is perfectly proportional to the thrill you needfor a 2 hour queue, Dragon khan is just long enough to make you go 'wow' at the end nearly everytime, once again John does us proud. Dragon Khan is not very long in comparison to other coasters but the mesh of the coaster coming together, just goes on, for what feels like an eternity!
^Was John even involved with Dragon Khan? But I agree with you, not only Dragon Khan but other B&M coasters of it's size. To me they're the perfect length to get enough out of a coaster, however leaving you stable and wanting more rather than walking off and heading straight to the toilet.

But yeah, thats the blueprint for me. It's personally all to do with height and mass ; the taller a rollercoaster, the longer I expect the ride (unless it's a launh/dive machine), so there is no definate perfect length, only alternating dependant on the rollercoaster I suppose... :?

P.S. I've never queued any longer than 1 hour for Dragon Khan, and that was on a busy day with a full queue, I've seen the signs say 1h 15' however. The capacity is a work of wonder. B&M's :happyhippy:
I think Dragon Khan has a fantastic ride length, it's around 3 minutes I think?

It's got just the right length for a fun, fast paced coaster. To be totally honest, it depends what the coaster actually DOES, say, a really long accelerator coaster would be so BORING, where as a long, sustained, fun packed mine train coaster is great..
It really does depend on the style of the ride. If it's a highly intense ride, a relatively short lengths is probably preferable (e.g. I305, which is perfect the way it is, but is so intense that if it were much longer it would start to become uncomfortable).

Two coasters that I feel are a perfect length for their style are the Voyage at Holiday World and Kumba at BGT.