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Parc Asterix July 2012


Giga Poster
This is a written trip report of parc asterix because i am not much of a photographer and there have a quite a few PTR's of Parc Asterix so you probably don't need to see any more pictures of the park.

Prior to the trip i made the risky decision of purchasing the Premium pass which included: parking, entrance fee, lunch, 2 ride photos, access the shows and UNLIMITED! goes on 6 of the rides. It was very expensive and i was worried that the park would end up being quiet.

It was definitely not quiet and i have never been more thankful for fast passes. the park was absolutely heaving and all the major rides queues were far outside the entrance, Oziris's queue was actually outside the Egypt themed area, CRAZY!!! I was probably one of the luckiest people in the park and i did not take it for granted as without the fast passes i doubt i would have gone on 4 rides in the day and would of got extremely depressed and bored of waiting in massive queues all day. I actully only rode 4 different rides at the park (Oziris, Tonnerre de Zeus, Menhir Express and Le Grande Splash) as i have ridden the other major rides on previous visits and found to either be boring or just bad. Here are my comments on the rides:

Oziris: I was really looking forward to this ride as the layout looked unique and exciting and i had very high expectations of the ride. Most of my rides were in the back because from experience of riding other inverts the back tends to be better for what i like. The first drop has great airtime and is just awesome (Nearly as good as Katun's Drop), The dive loop was intense as you really gut pulled over it and the vertical loop was one of the best too. The dive under the water was cool but after that the ride seemed pretty dull except for sudden moment of airtime on the drop before the zero g roll, but the rest of the last part reminded me a bit of silver bullet. However that was the only criticism of the ride and the first part of the ride kicks major ass. 9.5/10

Tonnerre de Zeus: Last year i was blown away by this ride with its airtime, speed and craziness and the ride became my top woodie. However, i was very disappointed with my first two rides as i felt the ride really fizzled out towards the end and lacked the relentless speed it had the year before. My other two rides later in the day were better but it still didn't match the standards that it set from the previous year. Disappointing, but still and pretty awesome ride. 9/10

Menhir Express: This is an amazing water ride and my second favourite operating log flume after Ripsaw Falls and i have ridden about 30 log flumes so this is a pretty impressive ride. I love the the two drops especially the rarely found coaster drop. You do get quite wet but for me thats a plus because i find water rides where you don't get that wet a bit boring. The main thing that i makes this log flumes so different is the bits before and after the first drop where on most log flumes you just flow through a gentle channel, on Menhir Express there are rapids and tunnels with fountains in, it maybe a bit bumpy but it much better than just gently flowing through the water. Overall this log flume is great fun and addictive. 9/10

Le Grande Splash:As this ride was not on the fast pass i had to wait in the queue to get my only ride which was probably one of the shortest in the park the whole day (30 minutes). The ride has two smallish drops that are spread out over a long ride. There is a long dead section of the ride that parc asterix has added water bombs and fountains to make it more interesting which is good. Its a pretty decent water ride that is much better than the one drop spillwaters but i prefer Tutuki splash and Fuga da atlantide. 8/10

Rides that i have ridden on previous trips

Gouderix: Painfull. 3.5/10
Trace Du Hora: Horrible (I hate mack bobsleighs). 3.5/10
SOS Numberos: Small coaster. 3/10
Ronde de Rondins: Even smaller coaster. 2/10
Romus et Rapidus: Pretty dull rapids. 5/10

Thats my TR of actually a pretty awesome day at Asterix.
Ronde des Rondins was ace! may have been my second fave coaster at the park!! :D

(I was quite disappointed in zeus - the second CCI that's let me down this year!)