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Overrated and Underrated Coasters


Giga Poster
I often find with coasters that i usually get what i expect or they're a little disappointing or they're there slightly better than expected but nothing major. But sometimes i do come across a coaster that was completely different from i expected in a good or bad way and often the case is a what i expect to be a really good coaster is not that good or a coaster i expect to be average turns out pretty awesome. So what are your top 5 most overrated coasters and top 5 most underrated coasters. Here are mine:

Top 5 most overrated coasters (1 being the most overrated)
1. The Incredible Hulk
2. The Big One
3. California Screamin
4. Lisebergbanan
5. Oblivion

Other overrated coasters: Revenge of the Mummy, Vampire (CWOA), Kumba, Poseidon, Dragon Khan, Speed: No Limits, Swarm, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Top 5 most underrated coasters (1 being the most underrrated)
1. Die Heisse Farht
2. Wild Mouse (BPP)
3. Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit
4. Winjas Fear & Force
5. Riddler's Revenge

Other underrated coasters: Silver Star, Colorado Adventure, Apocalypse (SFMM), Space Mountain (MK), DC: Hungarian Horntail, Air, Pakal
You found Kumba overrated? That thing is like the epitome of B&Ms heydey where it was just all force, all the time. I can kind of bite if you rode it within the last few years though, it has gotten a little rough according to buddies.

Disagree 100% with H:RRR being underrated. Maurer Shone failed all the way around with that project from the layout to the experience itself. I have never been on a ride that rattled me so much from beginning to end like RRR did. The layout is boring and the brake runs ruin the momentum of the ride just when I thought it would actually be getting good. It really says something with how bad the ride is when Universal threatened to sue Maurer Shone and also tried to contract new trains from other manufacturers, which all backed out from it (B&M, Intamin, Mack, S&S).

I agree with Hulk being overrated, and can understand why people think RotM is overrated (it's more of a dark ride with a coaster section). Hulk is just such an odd concept, I like that it launches straight into an inversion, but the layout one you go past the cobra roll is just drawn out and predictable. After the first corkscrew, which is a really bad transition imo, the ride is so mellow that it's hard to believe there's another inversion thrown in there. You just skip around doing a bunch of diving turns to eat up time and space.

1. Hollywood: Rip, Ride, Rockit
2. Batman: the Dark Knight Coaster
3. Incredible Hulk
4. Millennium Force
5. Kingda Ka + Top Thrill Dragster

Honorable Mentions: Volcano

1. Storm Runner (this thing gets gripe for being too short)
2. Great White @ Morey's Piers
3. Grizzly @ Kings Dominion
4. Twister @ Knoebels
5. Wild Mouse @ Hersheypark

Honorable Mentions: I need to get to more parks...
bmac said:
You found Kumba overrated? That thing is like the epitome of B&Ms heydey where it was just all force, all the time. I can kind of bite if you rode it within the last few years though, it has gotten a little rough according to buddies.

When i first rode Kumba in 2010 i thought the ride was pretty good but not amazing. However, when i rode Kumba last year i was unimpressed and surprised by how rough the ride has got in just one year, and this spoiled my enjoyment of the ride a little. I am sure apart from recent years Kumba was a great coaster and was worthy of the hype a lot of people give it, but in my experiences i think it didn't live up to the hype. I'd give it 8/10

bmac said:
Disagree 100% with H:RRR being underrated. Maurer Shone failed all the way around with that project from the layout to the experience itself. I have never been on a ride that rattled me so much from beginning to end like RRR did. The layout is boring and the brake runs ruin the momentum of the ride just when I thought it would actually be getting good.

I know what you mean about the rattling because if it was smoother it would be a 10/10 for me, but, in rows 1,2 & 5 you get a smoother ride. I disagree with you about the layout because it is so unique and different from any other coaster and whereas it dose'nt have any airtime hills it does have moments of airtime coming in and out of the break runs. Overall this is my favourite coaster at Universal Orlando and well worthy of a 9/10 IMO.
This has been done to death, but since I've ridden some new coasters the list will look a bit different:

Most overrated:
1) EGF - Slow, barely any airtime and generally dull..
2) Balder - Supposed to be an airtime machine, but everytime I ride it I wonder where the airtime has gone?
3) Storm Runner - Supposed to be one of the best rocket coasters but it's just too rough and has some awkward transitions.
4) Nemesis - Good ride but nowhere near the best inverts imho.
5) Boulder Dash - It's good but not that good (although it was "running bad" when I rode it, so my opinion could change).

Most underrated:
1) Kingda Ka - Rough yes, but what an incredible rush!!
2) Fahrenheit - Don't hear much of this ride but it was an amazing mix of possitives, negatives and twists and turns, and all in such compact space :shock:
3) Stampida - Really fun ride, the people who call it rough apparently haven't bee on american woodies! :P
3) Furius Baco - Best launch in the world and love the wingrider trains!
4) Rita/Desert Race - Very fun: fast, forefull and airtime! A little bit short though..
Andrus you're like the opposite of me because i thought EGF was full of extreme airtime and hardly dull at all which makes it my favourite coaster. Whereas i would put Furius Baco because after the launch i feel that the good part of the ride is over and Stampida because i found unbearably rough and i have ridden ghostrider this year which i could tolerate unlike stampida. I also felt balder had some of the strongest and most amount of airtime of any coaster that i have ridden plus Nemesis is my second favourite invert. Interesting how widely peoples opinions can vary on coasters.
Millennium Force
Raging Bull
Maverick- even w/o the roughness i still don't think it would be as good as people make it sound

Batman Clones
Lightning Racer
Wicked Twister
Blue Streak
Wildcat (CP)
^Maverick- even w/o the roughness i still don't think it would be as good as people make it sound (Quote is not currently behaving :? )

This makes you sound like you haven't been on it. (It's fantastic, BTW.)

The problem is EVERYONE, including me of course, overrates rides. (Don't lie, you do it.) That's why I try to keep expectations relatively low before I get on.

Anyway: Wild Eagle and Stormrunner are the only two rides that didn't live up to my expectations.
SLC's, B&M Flyers (never been on a Vekoma one), Hershey's Wildcat, Fahrenhiet, and Intamin Impulses all need more love.
I'll create a list later when I have time to sit and think.. but off the top of my head, first coaster for underrated is Cornball Express. That ride doesn't get a lot of praise outside of the few of us that have been on it but it is a FANTASTIC experience that I adored.
Off the top of my head the one I can think of is Coaster at Playland PNE, I never really hear that much about it but OMFG this thing has some insane airtime and that coupled with the lap bars a good 20 cm above your thighs with no seat belt makes it one of the craziest rides I have been on.
Bottom_Feeder_13 said:
Off the top of my head the one I can think of is Coaster at Playland PNE, I never really hear that much about it but OMFG this thing has some insane airtime and that coupled with the lap bars a good 20 cm above your thighs with no seat belt makes it one of the craziest rides I have been on.

I've heard praise for it, too. The grandfather Millennium Flyers are also still doing good, too!
How many times has this topic been done now?

Anyway, not to beat a dead horse, (OK, totally beating a dead horse) but Hydra is underrated. So is Green Lantern (formerly Chang). Yeah it's a stand-up and it's not amazing, but I rather enjoyed it.

Overrated? I guess I'd say Steel Force, Dueling Dragons, and Great Bear are the ones I can most easily name offhand.
I'll agree with i305 but I need a trip to Connecticut in order to confirm or deny the other one :B
Space Mountain
Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket
Revenge of th Mummy

Big thunder mountain rail road
I only recently in the last couple of years got back into going on coasters due to my kids getting older & interested in them so i don't have enough to make 5 of each but here's mine :lol:

Rita - The speed thing was cool but after that i felt they could have done with something else?
Big One - As above the first drop was cool but after that...
Wild Mouse(BPP) - I know people like it but I'm not a big fan of getting bashed & bruised.

Wipeout/Coca Cola Rollercoaster - i rode this at the Glasgow Garden Festival & became an instant fan.
Corkscrew(AT) - I've seen on the net that people badmouth this a lot but i was a big fan.
Th13teen - As above, thought it was unique.
The Ultimate(Lightwater Valley) - You would think cause i didn't like getting bashed & bruised on the Wild Mouse that i would hate this but there you go. :)
One over rated one I can think of is one of the first Superman Ultimate Flights (the flyers). They're fun to ride, but really nothing special. However, they always have long lines (at least the one at SFGAm does).

Of course anything new is also over rated. What else is marketing supposed to do though? I was a little disappointed in myself for driving 10 hours just to go to Dollywood for Wild Eagle. To me, it was a very standard ride and nothing special, but the park PR wouldn't let you believe anything other than it's the best coaster ever. I don't see this one staying in the spotlight for very long though, but I think it will probably win the Golden Ticket best new ride of 2012.

For an under rated coaster, I would say Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit. Perhaps it was just the thrill of being able to ride it during the soft open and being there at a time when I was unsure of if it would even open up, but I thought it was an awesome ride. However, it got trashed in early reviews, and few people seem to hold the same or similar opinion to myself.

Another under rated one would be the Boss at SFStL. This was just a great example of a wooden coaster. I don't think I've read any bad reviews about it, but you never really hear too much about it either.
andrus said:
This has been done to death, but since I've ridden some new coasters the list will look a bit different:

Most overrated:
1) EGF - Slow, barely any airtime and generally dull..
2) Balder - Supposed to be an airtime machine, but everytime I ride it I wonder where the airtime has gone?
3) Storm Runner - Supposed to be one of the best rocket coasters but it's just too rough and has some awkward transitions.
4) Nemesis - Good ride but nowhere near the best inverts imho.
5) Boulder Dash - It's good but not that good (although it was "running bad" when I rode it, so my opinion could change).

Most underrated:
1) Kingda Ka - Rough yes, but what an incredible rush!!
2) Fahrenheit - Don't hear much of this ride but it was an amazing mix of possitives, negatives and twists and turns, and all in such compact space :shock:
3) Stampida - Really fun ride, the people who call it rough apparently haven't bee on american woodies! :P
3) Furius Baco - Best launch in the world and love the wingrider trains!
4) Rita/Desert Race - Very fun: fast, forefull and airtime! A little bit short though..

See, that's actually a really interesting list. It kind of highlights the issues with over/under rating. Quite a few are polarised in terms of people's opinions. Furius Baco is massively creamed over by the people who like it; those who don't massively deride it.

Others it depends on personal taste a fair amount. Rita I hate, it just hurts me. Likewise, if launches don't tickle your fancy, you're not going to like a ride like Ka which offers very little else.

Then finally you have the odd ones like EGF, Boulder Dash and Balder. I thought EGF was fantastic and I was really shocked it was so good. Yet earlier in the day it had been just "good". Balder I really struggled to find the airtime and it always disappointed me - except on one run which I found exceptional. Boulder Dash I obviously adored. So there must be differences in some rides over others? Surely? It's so odd - but when you do hit a ride you're expecting to be good and it really doesn't deliver, then yeah, not good.

Personally I don't under or over rate things in my own head. Rides are just rides and you take each one as it comes and enjoy it as much as you can at that moment.

madhjsp said:
Overrated? I guess I'd say Steel Force, Dueling Dragons, and Great Bear are the ones I can most easily name offhand.

Ahem! We've already had this discussion :P
You also have to rule in the fact that some rides are just severely sensitive to the weather, some rides I've been on that really take turns in heat, rain, cold, etc. are El Toro, Nitro, Apollo's, and even Intimidator 305. Some rides run better later on in the day into the evening (Toro, Nitro, Apollo's) and some are good in the morning and the really late evening (Intimidator). Some apparently run better in the rain while others just full on suck once a drop falls, I have yet to ride a ride that acted differently in the rain but buddies of mine are really keen to point out ones like Afterburn and Kraken.