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Orphan Rocker


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Hey All
Just seen that the Coaster Gallery guy has been to Scenic World In Austalisa recently and taken some awesome new photos of one of the worlds most interesting and bizzare coasters


If you dont know the story of the orphan rocker then just read the comments on the pictures....

Maybe Oneday it will actually open.
I've NEVER understood this ride.
Has a train actually ever even been around it? Has anyone seen a train go around it? :?

I've read a few stories about it in the past, like how the trains were supposed to swing from side to side and test dummies have fallen out whilst testing, but they all seem a bit far-fetched.

Most of the transitions look impossible, and it will never open, no matter what anyone says.
I was there in February and was not expecting to see it in person :p . I was quite surprised when getting on the train ride to see the station beside me and go 'oh isn't that Orphan Rocker' :p .

It sure looks interesting but the transitions look terrible and I doubt it has much speed to it, there is a big flat section going over the car park. It sure would be cool to see it run though. It's a shame they don't replace it with another coaster though as it'd be quite awesome.

There's also a few cable cars and a 60* steep train ride down the mountain which was quite interesting :p .

It has ran with people in it. It's definitely one of the more interesting coasters out there.
Personally, I don't really care if the ride ever opens. Yes, it is a tad interesting, but that's about it. There is no way that ride could deliver a good experience.
That was a publicity shot. I don't think it's ever made it round one circuit. After seeing it in person the ride is really dodgy.. Like seriously it should never have been built! Scenic World is pretty cool. From a geologists point of view the Blue Mountains are fascinating, and I could give a lecture on the history of the place but that would be rather boring for 99% of you.. :lol:

Oh and the Indiana Jones 60 degrees railway down the side of a cliff is insane!

The cars were still there last April.


Apologies for the large photo. I'll sort it out later.
According to the designer/builder/engineer/owner of Scenic World, then all these "myths" about stuff falling out and cars derailing is false, and that they have successfully tested the ride 500+ times, some of the times with riders.

But you never know it could be him trying to cover up mistakes that have been made...

If they ever get this thing opened then I would love to ride it. It can't be much worse then a really bad SLC or Space 2000 :D
I've seen it in person too. I asked my dad what it was and he said it was a monorail.

Clearly is gonna cost them too much to finish it or even remove it, hence why it's just sat there rotting.

If it was safe and worked like the owner says, it would be open or at least would have been at some point. It's never truly been open to the public. Discomfort my arse. When something is so uncomfortable it can't be run, that's called unsafe.
LOL that picture, how the hell would a car get down that double down thing?!

It's an interesting coaster, but like people said, it will never open.