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NL Tutorial - Smoother hand building


Mega Poster
Here are a better explanation on how you use the iSmooth and Split-Split techniques to smooth out pumps and bankings when hand building rides. These two techniques together with "Ctrl-g" is a great way to make great coasters in NoLimits.

iSmooth is a very simple technique to get the best node handle length for each segment (both node handles should have the exact same length), this is the best way to smooth out pumping on rides. It works by using the "Make Straight" option for the segments which will automatically put the right lengths on the node handles. The name for this technique comes from the quick key for the "Make Straight" option, which is 'i'.
The only recommendations I have for it to work as good as possible are that the segments you want to smooth all have a pretty similar length and also not being too long. Keeping them in the 5-15 meter bracket is a good starting point, tighter elements needs shorter segments where as big stuff don't so vary the lengths accordingly. The other recommendation is either to have a straight segment on the end of the section or not use this technique on the last segment in the section since it will screw up the last node.
The last one is to build the ride way above the ground level, since if one node handle were to hit the 0 level then it will be moved and not retain the right handle length any more, once the ride is done then you can move it all to whatever height you want.

How to use iSmooth
You select the first segment of the section you want to smooth and press the 'i' key, then just select the next segment and repeat until you have gone through the whole section.
NOTE: you must only select one segment at a time, selecting two in a row will move the middle node to a location in between the other nodes.
Once you have used the 'i' for every segment in the section it will look really wonky, but now you just select all segments and use the "Ctrl+g" option to smooth the whole section with the right node handle length.


Original state


Selected the first segment I want to smooth and pressed the 'i' key


Repeated the procedure a couple of times


Gone through all the segments one at a time, selected the segment and pressed the 'i' key


Select all segments and use the built in smoother "Ctrl+g"


All done

This is a way to smooth out bankings so that they will be more gradual and not as twitchy as many hand built rides tend to be. It must be used in conjunction with iSmooth since you need to have the right node handle lengths to get the best segment splits. This technique is also pretty simple to do but needs a lot more work than iSmooth and is a bit tricky to understand.
The down sides to this is that the bankings will be reduced somewhat which will change the lateral g's but unless you are someone that crave for 0 g laterals then it's not a problem (most real coasters hovers between +-1 g in the lateral direction so if you are in this bracket you are completely fine and anyone that complaints don't really know about forces on rides).
To put it simply then you use the split segment option to create a node in between other nodes that works as place holder for the current banking, then you remove the original nodes and then split the segments again to get them back with a much smoother banked state.
You could just split each segment once to do this, but to get the best out of it then I suggest splitting every segment in 4 before removing the original nodes, this will help to retain the most of the original banking.
Split-Split works best on twisty sections, it's not needed on straight hills for instance.
When using this technique on rolls/corkscrews etc. you might get strange sections with weird banking (the point where you go from positive to negative banking (or vice versa), just select that node and add 180° of banking on it (positive or negative doesn't matter in most cases). On other inversions like loops you also get wonky bankings these are harder to deal with since there isn't a standard number to just add , it's more a bit of trial and error, try to change the bankings of the new nodes so it looks similar to before and it should be fine. Just remember this and it will be fine.
For the best result then you should also use "circle building" in preferably 2 dimensions since the "circles" help you to retain the shape of the ride since the ride will change when doing this technique.

How to use Split-Split
First bank the track until you are happy with the lateral forces.
Do an iSmooth, to get the right node handle lengths.
Select the first segment in the section and then split it in 4 sections, by using the 'y' key (first press it twice and then select the longer of the new section and then press it again). Continue to do this until all segments in the section are in small pieces.
Then remove the original nodes (except the first and last).
Add them again by splitting the longer sections, 'y' key again.
Move the new nodes around so that the heart-line fit's with the circles (if you use circle building).
Finish it off by deleting all the "place holder" nodes, and then do iSmooth on the section.


Select the first section (added a track-support connector so to show where the original nodes are)


Split twice with the 'y' key, then select the longer of the new segments


Split again, and repeat


All splits are done


Select the original nodes


Delete, "Del" key


Split the new long segments to get the new nodes to keep


Select all the place holders


And delete them to get the finished section with smooth bankings, finish off tweaking the nodes to get the right shape if you use circles and iSmooth

Happy building!!
Thanks. I'll sticky this for reference.
Thank you for posting! You did a much better job explaining than I would've done. This is also the first time I've heard of split-split. I will be sure to try it out in the future.

Also, one more tip for iSmooth, although somebody will have to confirm this. It seems like changing the banking of a turn or element does not affect the handle length. It comes down to personal preference, but you may want to iSmooth first, then fine tune your banking, as there will be no pumps and it'll be easier to get an accurate reading on your lateral G's. Plus if you're really anal, it does not take long to re-iSmooth the section of track again.