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newbie topic ban

Should newbies to CF be able to create new topics?

  • Yes! They should have the same access as other members

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Perhaps they could only be allowed to do it in trip planning/reports for a while

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! How many more "Hi I'm new" topics will it take before there's action?!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Strata Poster
There should be a ban on newbies to the board creating new topics. Just as there is with them not being able to post links until their 21st post or whatever it is...


There are already limitations on new accounts and preventing them posting a topic would make them feel very unwelcome, especially as a considerable amount of newbies join to ask questions in Q&A or get advice for a project.

As Jools said, they learn from their mistakes as well. (Usually)
^ What he said.

People make mistakes. If they make a lot of dumb topics, we have warnings and if it gets bad, bans.
I think the thing we do desperately need though is something Erl suggested a while ago.
That we need to have some sort of thing where if a member goes to post in a topic that's older than 60 days or something then it comes up with a message reminding them about the necro posting rule and if they feel their post contributes to the topic and if they want to continue to post it.
Would stop lots of new members joining and having a session of them bringing up tonnes of old topics.
Yet you're one of the first people, Ollie, to go "we already have a topic like this".

Necroposting is annoying when there's nothing extra brought to the topic, but I'd rather see an old "Nemesis/Inferno" topic than a new one every two months because of this.

Sometimes though, old topics reappear and something juicy is added. Not often, but it does happen.

I also disagree about n00bs being able to create new topics. Quite often people post simply because they want to find out some information.
Also if you make people wait until they can post a topic until they have say 20 posts, its sometimes means they will post any old rubbish just to get their post count up quickly.

And say for instance a new member with only a few posts suddenly discovered some huge news regarding a new coaster for example, they wouldn't be able to post this straight away.
No, it's a silly idea, and this very thing put me off another forum. I couldn't post for like, seven or nine days or something, and it became kinda frustrating, besides, we do get some good noobies with something good to contribute every once in a while.
They should be able to post like anyone else. Many people join because they have questions to ask, and ifthey can't add a new topic how will they get the answers?
LOL I'd say we get more ridiculous posts/new topics from existing members (myself included!) than we do new members anyway.
I can see your point, but also disagree.

Sometimes people join just to post about something we have all missed. Quiet a few new people have been looking at the forums for sometime just never joined, and they join just to post some new news.

I was one of these people, I looked for about 2 years then posted due to Rage.
marc said:
I was one of these people, I looked for about 2 years then posted due to Rage.

I never post when I'm angry. I close CF down then come back five minutes later when I've calmed down a bit. ;)
What about:
1) You can't be allowed to start a topic before your second post. Any attempts will guide you to the preview page, and the "Introduce yourself to CF"-topic will be linked to. This will solve the problem adressed in the third option.
2) New member starts new topic -> presses "Submit" -> Is taken to "preview", where he's given a message along the lines of "Welcome to CF blablabla... this is your first post, and to keep the forum tidy, we kindly request you to look over your post to see if everything stated is relevant and on-topic, and properly spelled. This will usually give you a warmer welcome, and more serious replies. Please do also check the forum to see if the same thing has been posted before" Or something. Britons are way better at polite messages than me.
3) Limit on how many topic you can start in the same day. Can be lifted for special occassions, and does not affect mods.
4) Ban any topics with the word "Thorpe" in the title.

Give me more time, and I'll will give more ideas. It's late now, and I slept little tonight...
Lots of good ideas the Pokemaniac. Sadly, no matter how many fantastic ideas you have, our forum software still won't let us implement them :)
I voted that they should be able to start new topics. Although now, as I write this post, I'm finding it hard to justify. I was going to say that we can put up with the odd Rita Vs Stealth topic in case they start a good new thread, but I honestly can't remember a good topic started by a newbie. I like the point Emmett made about people posting rubbish in other threads just to get privileges. I don't think we have a major issue with bad newbie threads, any that do crop up soon get politely locked and re-directed to a correct thread. Mine is a vote for not not fiddling with things.
^^I'm disappointed. The first idea would even stop spambots dead in their tracks, and didn't seem too hard to do from the outsider point of view. Just like making an outside vertical loop on a flying coaster seems to newbies...