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New logo for Paultons

Eurgh! I hate it... It means I'll have to do another Paultons Park banner for the site ;) :lol:

Looks very modern and swish :)
I don't know what to think of it. It seems to modern and like Thorpe's logo which doesn't really suit the park. The old logo was simple and worked well.
I guess it'll have to do though as I Haven't seen it in colour yet or on a leaflet or at the park.
I'd like to see a coloured one first. The old one looked very basic but I'm not really a fan of all these fancy 3d ones which parks seem to be opting for at the moment.
:eek: That is actually really similar. I was seriously expecting it to say Thorpe Park on it. It's kind of a strange logo for such a small park, but I suppose if they're trying to change their image, the logo certainly works for it.

I know it's kinda off topic, but I couldnt see a point making a new thread about it, but it seems Oakwood has also changed their logo as far as I know.
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_DicMS8vVFZw/S ... -on-wh.jpg
That oakwood one doesnt look like the real deal.... The first screw doesnt invert properly :p and its all mashed up behind the W... Fan jobby me thinks... but who knows
I don't think its fake, because they seem to use it on their blog website, their facebook, and twitter. I might be wrong, but it seems official.
I don't like it that much tbh, too much like Thorpe's (as already stated).

I liked the understated old one!

Oh well, on with the times etc.
Looks like something cheap and nasty that someone would come up with on Microsoft Office; or even Merlin :roll:
Too much like Thorpe's... it's been said...

It just looks tacky.
It's been said about a thousand times but....

It looks like Thorpes
With a little bit of the new chessington logo thrown in
gavin said:
richy_t said:
be prepared for a lot better quality colour version of the logo to appear very soon!

Awesome! I can't wait!

The wait is over, Mr Jones!


Chap at Paultons emailed it to me earlier and I have slightly changed my mind about it.

I explained that the old arch logo is something that I grew up with and will always associate with my childhood and the park itself.

The point is that the old logo is fine for me and my generation but a new snazzier logo will be more attractive to a younger generation.

Good point.

Anyway, there's the logo. I like the old one (hurrah for being an old fart) but I appreciate the need for a new look now and then.

Still resembles Thorpe though :wink:
Better than Cedar Fair dropping their logo on almost every park they own.
It looks alot better in colour now. Really funky and modern. Although it feels the logo is more modern than the park though if you get what I mean.