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New B&M Hyper - "Atlantis" 210FT.

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Blah.. New Coaster, From Me.... called "Atlantis" standing 210ft. Averaging around 77mph.. all over water. :D
Sounds good!
Love to see the pictures
I can't wait to see the Intensity rating on this!

(50th Post :))
Pictures soon, my RCT3 isn't working to smooth as of late. :\ but, i'll post them asap.
**Update 11/16/09

Coaster Layout Finished, Test Results, waiting.... (at school atm, :p)

But pictures coming as soon as i get home.... (if i figure out where they're saved. :D)

Steelworx isn't acting right... everytime i load the "Buildings" Icon, the program "Shutsdown" gotta, figure that out...

But, either than that, building the pathways... and, water is in place, except for, the helix part... but, anyway, progress is coming along, even though i'm still on schoolwork! :p
**11/23/09 Update

Pictures up by Wednesday, But Here's The Test Results...

Lift Hill: 215.35ft. (Pre-Drop ;])
Highest Drop: 202.23ft
Top Speed: 76.45mph
Drops: 15
Intensity Rating: High
Nausea Rating: Medium
Length: 6,723ft. (Not so sure on that...)

But, Track Layout is & "L" Shaped... B&M Hypercoaster... over water, but not so sure.. about the Steelworx.. :D i'm having SERIOUS trouble with that. but that's about it. but, the Tracks Colors Are, Blue, Light Blue & Grey... If you can visualize that. but, the picture will be up soon, and acutally, i might just start another Coaster on the side. :]
Sounds awesome! You have got me excited about wednesday! By the way if you are having trouble with steelworks use Mobys Steel Jungle, I find it far easier to use as you acctualy construct the supports to the exact dimensions you need! Good luck!
geez, i forgot to post them... uhoh. i'll have them up THIS wednesday, for sure. and, i'll look into that, it seems, way easier to use. because, steelworx has been like giving me some serious trouble. hah.
**Update 12/3/2009

My pictures are acting up.... Tried to post them, but my computers pretty screwed up. :\ anyway, not much progress on "Atlantis" besides the catwalk ^Thank you! And, the supports are getting there. And i decided this coaster is going to be apart of my park,, coming out sometime next year, summer 2010. [: also, you'll see another type of coaster with Atlantis.... An Intamin Rocket Coaster, "Screamin' Rockit!" similar to RnR coaster & Hollywood, Rip, Ride, Rock it.. In Florida. Hopefully it'll turn out okay! But, i'll try to fix that picture problem ASAP! -Ryan Out!
Okay, it's been a while since i've been on CF . :[ sorry, but anyway i have to restart this coaster over since i got a Dell supercomputer . But,, everything will be the same . . . Except it will be 7,000+ feet long ,, and ,, have a 210ft lift hill && 245 drop off the lift . Still will be b&m ,, but i cant post pictures because,, well . :\ i have to use my iTouch . Grr . Haha . But yeahh ,, i'm back finally ! :]
I doubt it's coming.. especially with nothing of screenshots from the beginning. Let this one die. ;)
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