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Mystery Sign/Plaque at Thorpe Park (Google Street View)

TP Rich

Hyper Poster
Well, I was browsing Google Street View when I came across this sign or plaque near Rumba Rapids at Thorpe Park. I've never noticed it before, neither in real life or on Street View.


A close up of the sign

Now, the only words I can pick out from this photograph are "its completion" at the bottom of the plaque. Not sure whether it has anything to do with Rumba Rapids or Nemesis Inferno. But I'd just be really interested to find out what this sign says.


A broader view of the sign's location

If anybody knows what the sign says, or would like to have a crack at trying to read it, I'd be interested to find out.
Oowah! The amount of times I've been to Thorpe and I have not once noticed that! :?
I know! I usually think of myself as an observant person, but I've never laid eyes on this before. It's little things like this that really confuse me, lol! In fact, I never noticed the 'London Eye' sign in Ranger County (next to Calypso BBQ) until somebody posted a photograph of it on another forum. Although I do know the location of the Princess Diana memorial next to the Loggers Leap entrance.
I can't remember whether it is just a plaque with its opening details but I think so...
Thanks, Mark. That would fit with the words 'its completion' as well as 'March' followed by a year at the bottom. I'll try and remember to check this out on opening weekend.
^ Remind me. If you're at the live I'll check it with you. Don't think it's that important though as the area around it looks quite forgotten about.
I wasn't going to bother with Thorpe for the opening of Swarm, but now I've changed my mind!
Normally these plaques are put up as a two-way advertising thing. "Such and such a ride opened by 'popstar/politician/whoever' in 19xx" so I had a look around and the only other thing of any consequence that happened with the ride was that a young kid fell out of a boat and lost his ear in opening year. Somehow I don't think they would be publicising that too much lol.
I can't find anything about a celeb opening it or anything...
I think I've just cracked another two words on the plaque. Above the word 'completion', it seems to say 'but sadly'. :? Hmm...

EDIT: Think I've cracked a few more words! The last few words seem to say 'but sadly died before its completion'. I may be wrong, but it sure looks like this to me. Really intrigued now!
I've read this sign a few times, I know what it is. :)

It's a dedication to a construction worker who died during the building of Thorpe's rapids. It's unclear if he died in an accident on-site or just coincidentally during construction.

Can't remember the exact wording, but that's what it says.
STC said:
I've read this sign a few times, I know what it is. :)

It's a dedication to a construction worker who died during the building of Thorpe's rapids. It's unclear if he died in an accident on-site or just coincidentally during construction.

Can't remember the exact wording, but that's what it says.

Sorry to ruin your fun. :p

That and the Princess Diana Memorial Plaque have become a bit of a staple of TTF meets at Thorpe, with the running joke that anyone killed while building the Slumber Crapids is a death in vain. :p
No... it's just that STC's previous post knocked me off balance and now I've no idea if what he said was true.
Yes it is true, why would I randomly lie about this? :?

I read it every time I go to Thorpe, it's a interesting little curio. :)