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Most Memorable Ride Moment


Mega Poster
In a moment of sadness I thought about what I can honestly considor one of the most surreal views of my life. This occured on the lovely Rush. Basically, just as I was experiencing the pop of airtime you get on the high swing on swing A, I looked back to see the sun setting behind Stealth, the whole park just lighting up and the black sky above turning to a warm pink towards stealth. Fantastic view and such a peaceful, yet odd moment.

So, what else has anyone else experienced that is especially memorable or so surreal? (specific moments, not an entire ride)
In before TTD/Kingda Ka launch.

Which is really memorable and pants sh*tting mind you.
I have a few:

First go on Stealth, I came back so pumped up, the biggest rush I've ever felt in my life.

On Gwazi with my dad, down the first drop he put his hands up and caught a hat, which turned out had flown off the guy in the front row's head. =D

On ToT in Florida with my aunt, who isn't really into rides. Going up the lift she just cuddled up to my uncle and said in the most scared voice I've ever heard on a grown woman 'Oh Andrew!' (my uncle)

Again on ToT, literally as we were about to drop the guy who I was on it with's mobile rang and he answered it so casually, 'Hello?' followed by 'AAAAAAARRRGGGHH'. When we got off the woman who had rang him said it sounded like we were being murdered.

Ahh memories......
First time launching on Top Thrill Dragster; nothing could've prepared me for that one!

Next would be the ejector hill on Toro, or cresting Millie's first lift for the first time.
For me it's the launch on Atlantis Adventure, simply because I didn't know it had one.

My first ride was pre-enthusiast, and I had no idea what was coming. Whenever I've been to Lotte World with friends who haven't been before, I've never told them it was about to happen, and they always crap themselves. It's nowhere near as fast as other launches, but I still think it's one of the most impressive, and if you don't know it's coming, it really does take your breath away.
TTD front row at sunset!!

MF first drop + night-time + 3 times in a row!!

Maverick + night-time + rain, insane!!
This conversation on The Flume, Alton Towers, someone answered their phone:
"Hello, where are you?"
"Im on The Flume!"
"OH ****!!!"

And Oblivion, front row during Scarefest, being held over the drop, seeing the blue/grey smoke pooring into the centre looking amazing in the darkness.
Easy the final runs on Eagle Fortress during the night ERT last year, all lights were turned of, you can't get any better then that...
First go on Stealth + front row + launch, totally blew me away! I just wasn't expecting it to be that fast. :)

I may have a few more but can't think right now.

2000th post. :)
First time i went on Stealth in the pouring rain, quite an experience like lots of little pins hitting your face all at once. I really enjoyed it!

Also my first go on Superman Escape at WBMW in Australia. The day my best mate and I went it rained most of the day and I was worried I wouldn't get on it because there was a sign up saying it didn't operate in the rain.

Fortunately mid afternoon the weather cleared up and Superman opened, and I was extremely glad it did as it's been my number one coaster ever since :D
Stampida. I remember the lift hill, then I woke up back at the station. Must have been so smooth i fell asleep or something :p

Hurakan Condor actually :lol:
It was my first tower drop ride I've been on, I went on my own because everyone chickened out, and it was like 330 feet so it was fairly big for a first.

When I first sat in the seat and I was unsure whether to put the OTSR's down, then a ride op put them down for me I was like oh ****! I get chills thinking about it...

The ride itself was fairly tame, free-fall was like 3-5 seconds so it wasn't too bad :)
Probably the simultaneous groan from the queueline after a SAW: The Ride car ground to a halt on the MCBR.

Oh and the shock of Xcelerator being so damn amazing compared to it's UK sibling!
It had to be our (the wife, the kid & I) first time on Volcano without knowing what to expect. It was a moonless, pitch black night & launching out into total darkness was amazing. All you could see was the lights of the park flashing by under your feet. Then came that second launch straight up into the night sky! OMG! I'll likely never experience anything like that again as I know too much about coasters before I ride them now days.
Kumba 2006. We had been on Congo River Rapids, so got a bit wet...well, dripping wet. Later we went on Kumba. And the water must have stretched my strapless top...because halfway round the track I looked down and realised I was just wearing my teeny bikini top! :oops: I spent the rest of the ride desperatly trying to pull my top up to save my blushes!
My friend and I renamed Kumba 'The undressing rollercoaster' after that. ;-)
1 - the inline twist on saw
2 - trapper slider at fort fun in germany - absolutely chucked it down on the lift hill, never had such a fun coaster ride tho!