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Most Intense Ride You've Ever Ridden


Hyper Poster
Ever rode something that was ridiculously intense or pushed you beyond your limits? Share your experiences here!

It can be a flat ride or a coaster.

Personally, I haven't rode anything that I would consider to be very intense although Wild Mouse (Blackpool) had some very strong laterals and ejector airtime. I am interested in what some of the more well-traveled members have to say.
Nemesis in the rain at the back is up there.

Dragon Khan at the end of the day towards the back was pretty intense.

I remember Rage riding quite well in the evening too.

They're the three that first come to mind.
Flat ride: Talocan in Phantasialand

Coaster: Black Mamba in Phantasialand (Haven't ridden many intense coasters though). EGF's first drop in the back is pretty intense towards the end of the day.
The two that immediately come to mind is Nemesis in the back right when it's warmed up, and Maverick (although not as enjoyable as Nemesis).
Most intense and sick inducing is Time Machine at Adventure Island.

Never ever riding that again.

Coaster wise probably Nemesis in the rain at the end of the day in the back row. **** brilliant.
cjbrandy said:
Ever rode something that was ridiculously intense or pushed you beyond your limits? Share your experiences here

Those slingshot bungee rides from those travelling gypsy fairs.

This girl Naomi I used to know from college who dressed me up like a french maid and forced me to clean her bathroom. Intense!

Any of those waltzer rides at small rubbish parks when the guys walk around pushing you by hand and allow you to take blue WKD on the ride with you

I also have a massive dislike for those pirate ships that go completely upside down. The one in Busch gardens in particular is ball crushingly excruciating
VERTIGO at Tivoli <3 and the lovely Mondial "Capriolo"

No coaster I've ridden I would truly say is "intense" maybe aggressive/powerful
(and since I seem to have an extremely high tolerance to flats and coasters... sometimes when I see things like this I laugh to myself and think really?)
Rides that take you by surprise can be the worst even though they're not necessarily the scariest.

Rock n' Rollercoaster at Hollywood Studios comes under that category for me. I wasn't expecting a launch as powerful as it was and coupled with it being dark (and so it seemed like it was going to accelerate forever) it seemed pretty intense to me!

Another similar thing would be Manta's (flyer version) pretzel loop.
Intimidator 305 for it's sustained positives resulting in visual distortion.

I'm prone to visual distortion - I've had it on Inferno in the right conditions (interestingly, never Nemesis), I usually get it on Arrow loopers and occasionally elsewhere. It's usually like black or grey spots - like an old fashioned film melting apart?

But on Intimidator it lasts so long that my vision fades to grey/white completely and most riders report the same thing. That said, I don't think it's a particularly high G force, it's just sustained for longer than on any other ride I've ridden.
Intimidator 305 is the only coaster that's come close to making me grey out. I saw spots across my vision as Joey described for like 1 or 2 seconds. Nothing else has ever come close to doing that.

I'd say that Katun, Dragon Khan, Suerman la Atracción de Acero and Nemesis have some of the most sustained Gs I've been on (in terms of duration).
Oh - and of course b and m batman inverts are great for forces.

and in the surprisingly horrible category - a lot of pinfari family coasters! (eg space at MnDs)
The only two coasters I can remember greying out on have been Flight Deck at California's Great America, and on the helix of Goliath at SFMM.