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Milk (Downaload Nao page 4)


Strata Poster

Don't ask about the name. Milk is a Intamins Mega Coaster at 211ft, and will have no inversions. The ride came form boredem (as most of my rides do) and I am deremined to finish this one. At the moment i only have the first drop and an airtimes hill but im making progress.

The only screen I have At this point. The colors will stay but have dark blue supports.

More Layout, what you see my not stay, since it's really spread out. I'm sorta in a pickle since it's very fast for it's height (inbetween 70-80mph at a height of only 211ft). So this layout is not perminant.



a godd example of why im not happy with this layout ATM is the turn and hill above, the turn pulls -2 lats and the hill -4gs. If I cannot fix these Gs it will be scrapped altogether.
Turns an easy fix. Widen it out to be the same radii as the hills exit, and then bank accordingly. The second hill should be the same as the first hill. That spike looks rediculous :p
Good news, I slept over the layout and came up with a better idea. To Xpress's dissappointment it's not drop, turn, brakes. Screens of what I now:


Prelift and lift, with supports.


The drop, one of the best i've ever made :)


This turn will lead into a diagnol airtime hill under the first

Please give feedback!
That last picture is so sexy. :lol:

This is better than what you had before. Also, are you going to terraform underneath that high station?
No I will be not, and since theres a foot of snow on the gorund and no where to go i've been building fast, 2 new airtime hills.


This one has not been tested so I do not expect it to look like this for long.


These hills however

the taller one goes as follows, -1.1, -0.4, +0.0, -0.4 front and reverse for back seat. and the smaller one peaks at -1.3.
More screens and more layout:





I do have 2 more form the top of the lfit on both sides showing off the layout, but imageshack decided BMP files are no longer accepted. So enjoy. and please leave feedback :).
Xpress said:
They take bmp still. To prove, here is screeny, and image file in .bmp format, hosted :)


I am aware, but everythime i tred to upload the other 2 pics it wopuld say that it was not supported.

^thanks a lot :)
This still looks great and still loving the layout. That over banked turn going over the lift hill is awesome!
A good mix of airtime with a few twists. Really nice layout.

I just dont like the track colour at the moment, but my opinion will probably change when the dark blue supports are up.
In my opinion, I would say yes.

Where it levels out, it looks to be only banked at about 15 degrees, but combine that with the speed and the flow of it, the lats should be okay.
Slash said:
Jer said:

Are the lats ok on that?

thanks for poinitng that out actually, I went into the sim slowed it down and noticed a red spike, thanks a lot.

Also, the ride is short, i'm running out of exciting ideas :(.
Excuse the double for a lyout and train update. I'm making the Cartexture as we speak, it's mainly going to be Milk on the front in a grungy sort of font, and By jer in the same font on the back, maybe diffrent color seat fronts.

The screens are going backwards from when I took them :)







Trains before the texture, the colors will stay.