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Mack Maniac Create Looping Go-Karts.


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This may be one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. Mack Maniac (who are not Mack Rides) have developed a go kart system that can loop and corkscrew.



What so far has only been possible in video games now becomes reality: MackManiac is the first to offer the possibility to not only use your E-Kart for conventional races, but also to actively drive it through loops and corkscrews, overcoming spectacular moves with up to 6 G-Forces. Up to now this experience has only been possible by riding a common rollercoaster in which you are strapped into and which is remotely operated.

Only the bravest and most adventurous will overcome this challenge as any hesitation or fear will lead to failure. But do not worry as should your incentive leave you the Kart will be safely guided back out.

At special intersections you have the choice to follow our accelaration paths leading to our attractions. One ore more of these intersections may be implemented into into any conventional racing course. While actively driving through loops, corkscrews or other attractions your kart is safely guided on both sides. Further, there is an electronically controlled barrier installed at the beginning of each acceleration path leading to the actual attraction, which ensures that only one kart is driving through the attraction at a time.

The entire underlying technology has already been registered for patent approval.

Theme parks, kart course operators or showman who are interested now have the possibility to visit us and to experience MackManiac live at our premises in Nuremberg, Germany. Kindly contact us to register.
MackManiac attractions are exclusively permitted by use of the MackManiac e-kart only. All Karts used for driving through a MackManiac attraction are especially modified in regards to electronical and sensorical components in order to guarantee a safe experience and to ensure limited speed accelerations.

Last but not least all karts are equipped with special security belts which ensure safe and tight fit during your ride.
Official Site - http://www.madmack.de/2018/01/10/2/

It essentially uses a guide rail which secures the car in and electric contacts which then power the E cars up to the minimum needed speed to make the loop. So you aren't really driving yourself in these sections. They are used in addition to a normal track I guess kind of like a short cut section and the section closes off when a car enters so only one car is allowed in at a time.

I hope they at least put more effort into the design than they did their logo though

Are they definitely not related to Mack Rides? They advertise the roller coaster restaurant on their site and I thought the Macks had a hand in those?

This seems suuuuuuper cool and I think I want it in my life more than ShWickerman at moment
Did anyone happen to find the video on their site..... Where they want anyone to drive their own personal car onto a coaster car... that locks your automobile into place... and launches it down a coaster track... with vertical loop. because, uh, that seems like a really good idea! (nope)

although the car + sky ride / ski lift thing seems... realistic?
Are they definitely not related to Mack Rides? They advertise the roller coaster restaurant on their site and I thought the Macks had a hand in those?
The inventor is Michael Mack, but not THE Michael Mack known from Mack Media, which is especially confusing because they are responsible for the rollercoaster restaurant that is at Europa Park.
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Would be new to me that there is more than one Michael Mack. The articles I read always said "Micheal Mack, manager of Europa Park" and he is involved in Mack Media as well.
Uhm. Dafuq. That's an exact, recolored copy with different text.
I don't know what to say, that's just so unprofessional.
^I only saw the first image, I didn't see the Skyrush logo next to it. Either I mustn't have clicked on it, or just totally forgot about it.
I didn't see the original Skyrush logo either. The second photo wasn't visible on my phone. Full photos sometimes aren't, you have to click to maximise them.
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