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Mac or PC?

Which do you use?

  • Mac

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • PC

    Votes: 12 63.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters


Hyper Poster
Yeah I know, hardly original :p

PC for me. I was a big Apple fan before, but had to switch back to the Windows platform when my old Macs died (couldn't afford to replace them).

Windows 7 is pretty good actually.
PC for computers, but, Apple do have a monopoly on my life for music players, phones and, if I had one, tablet PCs. And this is only down to two things: 1. Money. 2. If I had a thousand plus to spend on a computer I'd get something like an Alienware so I can play games on it.

Seriously, the iPhone is the best thing ever invented. Ever. It represents the entire pinnacle of human achievement.

The iPod/iPhone are seriously awesome devices and I don't think I'd ever really consider another type of device for an mp3 player. I don't really want an iPhone as I think they're awfully expensive and whilst they are pretty epic (not quite as good as Ben makes out) I just can't justify the price!

For computers though, it's PC any day of the week. Sure Macs look nice and they're safe and all that, but they're hideously overpriced. You end up with a mid-range Mac for £1000, whereas you'd get one hell of a PC for the same money. I honestly don't see the point. Plus, there can be a lot of hassle with software for Macs so... no thanks.

I think they're overpriced fashion items with no real function.
I don't mind using PC's, I don't begrudge them as it's the only way I can play games since Mac's are often over-looked for many games. Makes you wonder why they don't hybrid the games like Football Manager and make them compatible for PC and Mac.

I use a Mac because in photography it's the industry standard machine, if I went to Printspace it's all Mac, my university was all Mac equipped. If you want to be a photographers assistant you are expected to know how to use a Mac. So it's a matter of convenience to me in my career.
Always used PCs.. partly for the more reasonable price, but also because it's what I'm accustomed to and they've always worked fine for me, giving me no reason to have to change over to a Mac.

On the other hand, I also have an iPad and I've had two iPods, and they're wonderful.
PC. I have no problem with Macs besides the fact they are MASSIVELY overpriced. I wouldn't mind getting one if I had the insane amount of money to blow.
^ If I had an "insanely amount of money to blow" I would still get a PC, since it gives you more options...

But yeah, a PC all the way, don't even own an iPod since sound quality and battery-life in an mp3 player is more important to me than looks. I do on the other hand own an iBook, but only due to the reason that it had the best performance at the time and also had 10% off since I was a student at the time, on the other hand if I were to buy a new note-/netbook of some sort then it would be one with Linux...
Snoo said:
PC. I have no problem with Macs besides the fact they are MASSIVELY overpriced. I wouldn't mind getting one if I had the insane amount of money to blow.

Having used an a Mac on a couple of occasions and being an iPhone fanboy, I love the Apple interface. Couldn't give a rat's arse about the inability to upgrade or do this and that on it as it can still do what I want it to.
Like most people have said, I don't own a mac as they are very expensive. However, I do use my friends a lot, and also the ones at university, and I do love using them. But for me, it would be pointless to have one.
I bought my Macbook when entering college four years ago and have never looked back.

Both Mac OS X and Windows 7 are great, meaning no matter the choice consumers win. So it's personal preference.

I <3 Mac OS's intuitiveness and navigation. I simply get more work done quickly and more efficiently on Macs. I am also a fan of Apple producing both hardware and software, so you don't have weird third party companies working their obsolete designs and software into the mix.

For me, PCs are good, but Macs are better.
PC all the way. :--D Can't justify getting a Mac, they're for too expensive. :shock: Maybe I'll get a Mac when I'm a millionaire. Yeah right :roll:
PC. I can see the benefits of Macs, but they don't justify the excessive price tags.

I have to use Macs for my work next year at uni, which is one of the benefits of them as I'll be doing Film and Video Production. However, most of what I have to do on a Mac I can do perfectly well on a PC.

I do admire Mac monitors, however. They are delightfully, amazingly nice...but very over-priced...
I'm primarily a PC user. From my experience so far, MacOS is quite nice to use, but has some flaws, and I can't see a Mac replacing my PC as my main machine.

That said, I love the Macbook pro hardware, and use one as my DJ laptop. Between the quality of the screen and the touchpad it kicks the ass of every other laptop I've ever used. There's nowhere near enough USB ports on the the thing though.

I also have to manage around 120 Macs at work, and just spent seven months integrating them into our Windows network. It's been an exercise in pain. Microsoft have good tools for managing client computers. Apple? Not so much. Hell, the tools they provide don't even work properly without a load of clunky hacks. Ugh.
We have 3 Macs at work all of which I got onto the network straight away, all worked with AD and our printing environment.

The worst thing you can do is install extra software when it is not needed, they already have Exchange software installed.

Anyway today I installed Windows7 on Marks laptop and 8 hours later its still not finished. The upgrade needed to format the hard disk as Windows for some reason did not allow a simple upgrade route with it.

I have carried out 3 Mac OS upgrades all of which cost £20 each and were done within an hour with no need to reinstall anything, everything just worked.

Also if you were to sit down and spec a PC part for part with a mac with the same quality part you will find that they are no over priced at all.

Tbh both have there benefits just trying to think of one Windows has right now lol.
^I'm not real computer expert, but you'll have to explain how I couldn't buy a better spec. laptop than an Macbook for $999 and a better spec. PC for $1199. I just can't see it's true...
It's really in terms of quality Hixee. You can get a much better basic spec PC for the same price as a Mac, but that doesn't always indicate better quality. It really is like comparing a top of the range Ford Focus with a basic model BMW. You get much more in with the Focus, but it just isn't the same as the BMW :)

I think a lot of the issues with Macs come with lack of experience. If you spend a lot of time day in day out on them, then you learn all about their idiosyncrasies. I know MouseAT is very technically competent though and on a wide range of hardware/infrastructure so I don't know how well that stands up to be honest. I know every support call I've ever attended on a Mac I've never been able to solve the issue (always networking). It's simply that I don't know what the fix is. I know what the problem is and how I would fix it on a PC, but I don't know where the tools are to do it on a Mac, or even if they're available at all (I find Apple have a "it always works, so we don't need to have any obvious way of fixing issues, because we don't ever have problems" attitude - which makes trouble shooting and fixing issues a chore due to a company wide denial that anything could possibly go wrong :lol: ).