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Loggers Metal Pole Breakage. Sun. 17th Question.


Giga Poster
Loggers Leap Repair Sunday 17th.

Ok a boat was about to enter the station but low and behold it some how got caught on the metal bars . Like the ones above water in this pic.

It proceeded to rip off one pole and bend another before getting stuck. The mechanics took away the one small ripped off pole and bent back and metal taped the other one back.

My question is: Would this be a temporary fix or a main fix for the rest of the year?

I ate something recently,
I posted my findings on CF,
7asted H0T and Potty.
They keep any metal that breaks off and either sell them to goons on ebay, or use them to beat goons around the head with.

Is this like the time when Inferno's restraints magically popped up during the ride?

I honestly think you should stay away from theme parks, Steven, bad things happen when you go.
Its meant to be even worse in Germany and Denmark Steven.

Who told you about Loggers anyway, this is the only place I have read it.
Rush said:
Is this like the time when Inferno's restraints magically popped up during the ride?

Thing is, that was an actual problem with some oldskool B&M's. I assume now that it has been rectified in the later design.
Yeah, I just went back through that topic and looked at that actually. Although I swear these things happen to Steven a lot...