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Least favorite element?


Roller Poster
What is your least favorite element on a coaster?

I never really enjoyed helixes. Apart from the helix on The Beast, I just can't get into them. I never saw that's so great about them.
Then you haven't been on a B&M invert I reckon?

But for me it's brake runs. Would that count?

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A big, sweeping turn. Not a helix, just a giant turn. It could've easily been an overbank, but nope. The extra resources were probably way too much.
The snake dive on Storm Runner. I don't know if its just Intamin's inability to make OTSRs that don't suck the excitement out of any inversion. But I just found this one particuarly painful and gross. Glad there's only one.
Lofty said:
Hate in-line twists, with a passion. It's the ONLY part of Helix I really dislike.
I dislike in-line twists in general, but I like Macks.
Helix and specifically Blue Fire's are a totally different feeling to the others, which have a lot of hang.
Pretzel loops 4 ever and 4 always.

Seriously though, definitely pretzel loops. In the past three days I have come to the conclusion I hate flying coasters. The only one I've liked is Air and that is because it doesn't do a lot. Any time I'm in the flying position and there's any amount of force I feel like my heart is casually going to fail, so yeah, definitely pretzel loops.
I guess I'll continue with in-line twist. They just never seem to really flow well with a coaster for me. The only one I can think of that I liked a lot was on Dare Devil Dive (best part of that coaster for me).
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Pretzel loops 4 ever and 4 always.

Seriously though, definitely pretzel loops. In the past three days I have come to the conclusion I hate flying coasters. The only one I've liked is Air and that is because it doesn't do a lot. Any time I'm in the flying position and there's any amount of force I feel like my heart is casually going to fail, so yeah, definitely pretzel loops.
That and the fact that I don't like the casket/BDSM equipment restraints on any existing model has me in complete agreement. Hate flying coasters with a passion over here.

For me I'd have to give it to high-speed turns that stay heavily banked too long. I can deal with them on Skyrush because they're worked into the zero-g transitions, but on that vile waste of engineering known as I305 or equally despised Batman clones where they just have these really big turn angles to pound you with positive force I quickly become uninterested with the ride.

Seriously, positive force-based rides are useless as is and with those turns they're doing force without even anything interesting involved.
I can appreciate not liking flying coasters - those are some definite positive g-forces. It's something I really enjoy... in moderation. I probably wouldn't like Tatsu as much if it were repetitively ridden.

My least favorite elements are those traveled backwards, such as on a Boomerang. I always find it too disorienting, and on hotter days might need a quick breather after riding. Inverted Boomerangs are a particular worst.
I know it's not really an 'element' as such but let's face it, MCBR's are usually the biggest party poopers on any coaster. That's why Superman at Parque Warner flows so well imo.
I've never really got the appeal of a Cobra Roll. Maybe its because i've never found a good one, but everyone i've ridden has just felt a bit flat. Shame really, because they do look great, and they're quite an imposing feature to have.
I hate cobra rolls that don't fully level out in the middle, like the one on Kumali.
Cobra Rolls - no manufacturer so far got it really smooth. Even on Intamin and B&M there are bad transitions with slight to bad headbanging - and then come Vekoma Cobra Rolls...

Second place goes to the Arrow Batwing element...
Forgot to mention: roll overs as well. I've only ever experienced them on Vekoma SLCs. And they're tolerable at best, absolutely awful at worst (looking at you, SFNE's Mind Eraser)