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Last Corkscrew Ride!


Roller Poster
Was anybody on the last PUBLIC ride of the Corkscrew? I was on the very back of it, in a white T-shirt with a black corkscrew shadow, (My mum had one too!) There was a quite a fuss in the cue and we spent 20 minutes counting 24 people? Was quite a laugh and I hope you bought a picture!
There was about 6 CFers on the last public ride (me included!), excluding the competition winners train.

You should have said hello. We were only about 4 people from the end of the queue, and all had matching t-shirts with CF written on the back. :P
Peter said:
There was about 6 CFers on the last public ride (me included!), excluding the competition winners train.
And me! :--D

Was really a fun queue, with all the "No, you go first" style faff.

I think I was at the front of car 4 on the left. Ben bought an ORP, I can't remember if anyone else did though.

Felt really amazing to do it, and it didn't hurt that much :P
Just got some screenshots of CF on the BBC news and Furie Mark and Ian getting interviewed so will post that once I've cropped them. :)
Ollie said:
Just got some screenshots of CF on the BBC news and Furie Mark and Ian getting interviewed so will post that once I've cropped them. :)
I can post the ones I took live once I've got round to finding a USB cable :)

I actually miss Corkscrew now! :shock:
Right. Some shots are in order. :P

Furie getting interviewed:

Mark getting interviewed:

Ian getting interviewed:

And Russell getting interviewed with some familiar CF faces in the background:
Lol, that queue was so close to being a fail.

I was the one going "JUST MOVE" :P.

Was awesome though!
Tbh, I was the load kid at the front, jumping and screaming, you may have seen me run down the cue line shouting.
I was on the last public train too, with my Mum and my brother. We were on the...2nd car I think? Maybe the 3rd. We kept counting the heads to make sure we all got on our own train ha!

Thanks to the guy in the hat who allowed us all on as well! Since the train before us only had about 5 people on it, but he let us have our own train so we all got on the last one. Sorted!

What an absolutley incredible day.
I must have been infront of you Coaster mac, am quite tall and was wearing a black coat. I was shouting Corky corky corky during the ride like a fool, but I dont care lol.

The ride will be missed.

I've currently read over 70 people's tales of their last ride on the last public run of the Corkscrew...

I think they added both trains together for that final time ;)
I was on the last public train, before the competition winners. Yeah, I remember the guys infront counting to make sure there were no more than 24, were 6 of us CF'ers who got on, even if Ben wanted to make clear he was a TPR fan boy opening his coat to show his TPR T shirt. Good last memories of my last ride on Corkscrew, thanks Alton Towers.
Us 6 CFers were definatly on the last public ride before the competition winners. Thats me, stealth.thorpe, Ben, Myk, Will and his brother (Who I think was also called Peter?) There were only like 5 people behind us:


The people in red jackets are AT staff, stopping anyone joining the queue by jumping fences e.t.c

Was great how once the queue closed, no body moved down the queue line. We stood there arguing who should go first for 5 mins, before we realised that there was less than 24 people, and we'd all get on last train anyway. :lol:
Me, my brother and my Mum were on the last train too, as I also remember the argueing and the constant counting of heads to ensure that the numbers were less than 24 and there hadn't been a miss-count!

So that's already 9 people of the last 22 accounted for. therefore just under a half of the last ever public train were CFers/CF associates! Awsome!
Well its time to be newbie... whats TPR? I'm glad everyone was so happy that day, I miss the corkscrew.

[TPR is Theme Park Review, Robb Alvey's site - Rob]

Thank you mystery post editor!
These are not my images, they belong to newbie CFer 80schild but as he's unable to post images just yet, I'm posting on his behalf.


The queue line closes and the last riders walk through.


The car before ours only had four riders.



Waiting for the last public train.



Last ride over. We had to wait five minutes in the rain for the comp
winners to board ahead of us.


The last 'real' riders.


The final car of the day.
Ah mint, thats me in the hood, Directly behind and left of the girl in the white coat. You might have seen me. Me and my mum got T-shirts printed! (First picture)