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Kumali (For and against)



Lots of people love Kumali, but, for some unkon reason, some people hate it.

So please reply and tell me why you either love or hate.

I love it. I went on it when I was 11 and found it absolutely exhilarating.[/quote]
It's a Vekoma SLC, everyone hates them 'cos they are boring, forceless, nearly all of them are clones and they are rough as hell.
^Not everyone hates them, and they're not all rough as hell.

As for Kumali, I haven't ridden it, but I have ridden the coaster it was cloned from and the very similar coaster that followed it. I didn't hate them, but didn't really like them either. The layout is just boring. To be honest, the standard SLC model is a lot better when it comes to the layout.
I didn't mind Kumali, it was my first SLC, the only thing I found uncomfortable were the restraints which I found to be far too close to my head. Gave a feeling of claustrophobia that made the ride less enjoyable. Other than that I didn't see anything wrong with it.
I thought it was really rough, had a rubbish layout and the only good bit of it was really the first drop. I only got to ride it once but once was enough.

Saying that, it wasn't as bad as Infusion.
I've now rode 6 SLC's and I honestly rate Kumali the best.

Thats not saying much though, considering it is an SLC!

The layout is boring, apart from the first drop which is like OMFG! Sensational first drop, and it was really smooth when I rode it on it's opening day.

Not been to Fl sicne, so I dont know hows its changed.

Its kinda 'meh', but still the best SLC ive rode. Its like a B&M compared to Infusion.
I only liked the drop and that was it. The rest of the journey was just rough so I couldn't enjoy it.
I didn't like Kumali, because in a word, it's boring. Boring layout, crap trains, boring theming. Even an hour of ERT couldn't elevate my opinion of it.
It's just very average, it doesn't have anything that makes it particularly stand above the rest.

Lacklusture theme, rough inversions and a very dull end.

It's not a bad ride, but not exactly great.
If I was 11, I'd think it was pretty good. I'm not, and don't.

I don't think any coaster is actually bad. I'd rather be riding ANY coaster, than no coaster at all.

It's just a bit nothingy really (in the grand scale of my experience). The first drop is good (I do like the first drops on SLCs), but it pales in comparison to the one on JO, and simply matches the one on Infusion.

The layout is okay. Some nice forces on the loop and a little on the cobra roll, but again, nothing outstanding - the inversions on Infusion are just as good, but more plentiful). The pacing is poor as the ride just kind of peters out at the end... It's a wishy washy finish to a mediocre ride.

It's fine for what it is, a good space filler and good attraction for Flamingoland. It's the right coaster in the right place at the right price. From my point of view it's meh, but that doesn't actually make it bad...
Its okay for what it is. Better than other older SLC's I've been on, but there is only so much they can do with a dull layout.

Not as rough as the older models I've been on.
I think it's okay, fun swooping drop, and the inversions are okay, the helix is fun too, but it can be rough plus it seems a bit short and unimaginative.
It's a reasonable ride. It starts off extremely well, with a fantastic first drop and good forces up until the cobra roll. After that, the layout leaves a lot to be desired, but it's a fairly decent ride.

Unfortunately, it's a ride that started out smooth and has already developed the famed Vekoma roughness. It's a bit uncomfortable to ride already, so I hate to think what it'll be like in a few years.

furie said:
The first drop is good (I do like the first drops on SLCs), but it pales in comparison to the one on JO, and simply matches the one on Infusion.
Personally, I think Infusion's first drop pales in comparison. Probably because I like the turn following the drop on Kumali. I love the sustained force pushing you down into the seat as you fly round that corner, just feet from the ground. Infusion just can't match that, IMO.

I'll agree that the standard SLC layout is probably better in most other respects, though.
well its the only vekoma slc i have ever been on but i loved it :)
I like it.

It's cute, I like the music and at the back it's decent.

Not the best ever, but it's definately not the worst.
Rode it the other day, and it's gotten a bit crap in just 3 years. It was pretty smooth when it opened, but now it's like any other average SLC.

I've been on much worse, but it didn't run well on Sunday.
I rode it a couple of weeks ago and despite my expectations of it being terrible..it was pretty average! The first drop is really good, especially sat in the front. At the back my head was bumping around all over the place. It carries alot of speed into that first loop though (not that that's really a negative), and the cobra roll did seem pretty tight to me.

One thing that REALLY annoyed me was them having two trains but not using them both despite the long queue, I understand it's not as simple as just plonking the other one on, but you would have thought that they would have planned ahead for the Easter holiday rush!

In comparison to the parks other coasters it certainly wins, but compared to a B&M invert .. well, I don't even need to say it!
Personally, I like it; its very photogenic, and anyone who saw what the park looked like in the mid nineties, will understand that while not the greatest coaster in the world, it represents the rebirth of Flamingoland.