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Intriguing theming


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Has the theming of a coaster/ride ever inspired you to do research into the topic on which its based?

So for example, did Kraken make you want to find out more about the legendary sea creatures? Did Th13teen make you google 'Wraith'?

I ask because of Anubis at Plopsaland. when I first went last June, I was intrigued by the theming, so googled the original Dutch show, and watched an episode just to see what it was all about. I had no idea what they were on about so gave up, but I was still curious. An English re-make of the series has just been released, and is currently being shown on Nickelodeon in the UK. I started watching it to finally find out what was going on, and got totally hooked on it! Thing is though, if I hadn't been on the coaster, I wouldn't have given a **** about the series, and probably never would've watched it.

Have you got a similar story to tell, or is it just me being a sad idiot who loves kids TV?!
Nope, its not just you...

After riding Colossus (TP) I did some research, mainly because I wanted to find out if there was anything historical that could lend itself to giving the ride a decent theme...

I love my history anyways and the Colossus of rhodes was a part of Greek history. Considering the decor of the lost City I thought it was a possible link.

Depending on how well themed it is, or what it is themed to, I would research it further. In all honesty, not much in the UK has a theme that I would look into...
The one that jumps to mind is Vol D'Icare at Parc Asteix.

I remember sitting in the strange station admiring the wings on the side of the trains. At the top of the lift hill is a massive sun which seemed really out of place.

When I wrote the guide for it in 2006, I realised that the ride was themed to the Flight of Icarus. That's when the wings and the sun made sense. I then spent about quarter of an hour researching Icarus to see if I could work out any more of the ride's theme.

The guide I wrote is here: http://www.coasterforce.com/index.php?categoryid=406

I also watched a few episodes of Peppa Pig when Paultons announced PPW, so I've done high brow Greek mythology and sad idiot kids tv :wink:
Minotaur's Lair (duel sort of ride, but better effects :D ) at Terra Mitica. After I'd visited, I started looking up all the different monsters that lurked in the lair.
Also looked into the Amityville horror strangely once, to see if they could ever do a halloween themed ride or walkthrough in Amity Cove near Tidal Wave.
Vahalla made me look it up on wiki a while a go wanting to find out more. Also I Looked up Poseidon's Fury
Haha, Anubis obsession really did reach a new low/high last week.

I suppose you could say I did a tiny bit of research into the theming of a few Disney rides after riding them just to understand the story more (see: Frontierland in Paris).

I suppose I could say I've done a bit of research into pretty much every theme at Plopsaland, weird Belgian kids tv is weird was my conclusion lol.

I don't think I've done research on any other attractions though.
I have done more research about the rides 'made up' theme rather than a real theme like a greek god or whatever, if that makes sense..?

For instance I wanted to find out more about the Hollywood Tower Hotel itself and the story behind it. I also wanted the find out the whole Haunted Manor story and who the girl in the wedding dress was. I researched quite alot about the theme for Space Mountain De la Terre à la Lune aswell.

I find Disney rides seem to have the best and most interesting themes behind them as there is more to find out about the story behind the area and the rides.
I think it's really interesting when a ride has a story/theming with connection to real life history or myths. I'd rather have thath than themes that are made up. Great examples of this are Dragon Khan, Katun and Fluch von Novgorod. I've actually made some research on all of those rides, it's very interesting and easy to get hooked looking for more information!

I've seen all of the SAW movies as well if that counts?? :lol:
Yeah, I do agree that some theming has caused me to sit back, think about it, then when I get home, research into it. The major one is probably Hurakan at Port Aventura. A lot more thought when into that ride building then people think. The actual facade of it has Mayan meaning and philosophy (The good/bad way of life etc) and not just put there to 'look like it'.
Yeah definitely. I didn't know a hex was a curse, I just wondered why they'd used the number six prefix to name it!

I've certainly looked up Valhalla and wraiths as well.
Apparently the Chained Oak is completely destroyed now as the storms earlier this year just blew it over. Shame really but I'm glad I've actually been to see the real thing a couple of times while it was still standing.

Also that link about the legend is plagued with spelling and wording errors. :p
During there night there just so happened to be a storm and yes, a tree from the great oak tree fell and yes, a relative of the Earl died.
And a tree from the oak tree fell? :p
Thank you for pointing them out, Roller Coaster Oliver, I shall correct them ASAP.

I've also made the "hidden" directions to the tree public. Screw that unwritten rule of not publicly detailing it. If people are interested in knowing where it is, then let them find it I say. It's great that people are enthusiastic about researching deeper into rides and shiz.
Charlie and the Chocolate factory ride at Alton Towers

I had never read the book or watched the film (I had the film, but never watched it)
When I went on the ride it seemed quite wierd as I didnt know much about it, it was still a good ride, I just didnt get it so much.

When i got home I decided to watch the film, and it was really good!
I then went down to the local library and got the book. The book was also fantastic.
Now that I've read the book I've been back to Alton Towers many times and the ride seems so much better!

So if you're going to Alton Towers and planning to go on charlie and the chocolate factory, read the book first!

Or to avoid disappointment, read the book and forget the ride exists.