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Ideas for games


Roller Poster
Sorry for being a bit off topic, but the reason to make this post here was I didn't an option to make a new post.
This is my 1post worth for what I think could be implemented in game and which could make it more fun.

1. The first is to make an actual visual cue for sound effects in game - for example you've broken into a house and there is a zombie in the next room but you dont know that (yet). When you approach the door to the next room and wait for a second you suddenly hear a creak of a footstep telling you that something is inside. therefore you now know that something is in that room.

Now this is shown by having a little graphic that actively says CREAK in white letters float up and disappear and maybe a small sound wave that comes from where the sound came from showing how loud the sound was (a gun shot for instance would have a huge BANG graphic and a very big red sound wave going out which would of course attract zombies). The best example I have for this is the game XIII which had a similar system. I feel that it could make the game a little more fun, enhance the gameplay and allow more careful players the chance to survive longer (which is what its all about).

2. Gunfights - too many times I've been involved in a gun fight whereby I am instantly shot in the face and killed. Now I have no problem with being shot in the face and killed as this does happen in real life (well not to me but you see my point) but gun fights seem to be a case of whoever shoots first wins (which is kind of realistic) but there seems to be no chance for an enemy character to miss. If you shoot first you win, if they shoot first they win.

Now obviously whoever shoots first has a BIG advantage, no denying that. And if your guy walks out of a door into a shotgun blast at close range then YES he should die but maybe a system whereby your guy can actually get into a shooting match with someone. An actual gunfight would be terrifying and in the advent of Zombie apocalypse potentially disastrous (quite rightly) so I have no probs with the instant death aspect of shootouts - although the idea of getting crippled and having to crawl away from zombies sounds fun.

So what I am proposing is to make gunfights a bit more fighty - my idea for this is kinda based on the Company of Heroes system where you have a cover system (yellow shield and green shield) that protects your guys from harm. This way you can have a gunfight and yet its still dangerous and risky to do so. Also if you factor in my first suggestion with visible audio cues then gun fights with Large BANGS going off and it could be quite manic and fun.

Now just for those who will nitpick this thread I am a gamer and just a gamer. I know more about advanced nuclear physics than I know about computer coding or how hard it would be to implement these into a game. In fact I can barely type but I think these could make the game seem a lot more fun.

Still Love the game though
You won't get many replies, there's not that many gamers on here...


The first idea, meh, it could be cool in a certain game (like XIII was cool), but, I wouldn't want to see that in every game... It'd get old, fast, and it'd only work in sort of a more comic book, not realistic setting. Maybe like Zombieland as a game. BUT. I don't need another bloody zombie game.

The second idea I don't really get since no game known to man since Halo came out plays like you describe...

Don't really get the point of this thread though, so, don't be surprised if it dies a rapid death.
Might as well throw in my own two cents on the matter.

1.) This idea is horrible with a visual cue on screen. Plus, it has been done to an extent in the Left 4 Dead series as you hear zombies in the distance.

2.) Ummm.....what? Do you get a new FPS and immediately throw it onto the most difficult setting? Adding in any sort of shield for your character generally annoys the piss out of me (Halo) as it makes it less life-like.

Switching between the hideouts'...
*Insert 4,000,000,000 page essay of a game I want to make going into boring detail of game mechanics, characters, art design and more mindnumbing *****
For point 2, I've always wanted to do an action adventure type of game where the heroes are like movie heroes. Okay, they pretty much are because in most games you can take a lot of damage before you die, but to add in a kind of "luck system".

To be honest, I've always wanted to design a Jurassic Park game, where you can play as either "the heroes", "professional army", or one of a selection of groups of dinosaurs.

As part of the army, it's a standard squad based FPS. For the dinosaurs you'd have a squad based raptor group; a group of compsognathus whose strength is in numbers who swarm over victims and have essentially masses of health as you're just reducing numbers; then a T-Rex who is massively powerful, but only works on motion sensing (a bit like those magic eye paintings) but uses the visual clues (as you mention in point 1) where it has words or symbols depicting scents to help you find prey. Finally the heroes are really in a survival horror situation with minimal weapons who need to use a mix of puzzle solving, running and the "luck" system.

This system is essentially like as you describe in point two in terms of chances of things missing. So a soldier shooting at you has a high chance of missing. A dinosaur chasing you may stumble and fall, or YOU may stumble and fall meaning the T-Rex jaws pass over you instead of munching on you. Luck is always on the side of the heroes to let them get out of tricky situations.

Now imagine all of that in a multi-side, multi-player game. The heroes run from the dinos, who are hunting the heroes and soldiers, who are hunting the dinos and looking for the heroes.
Your survival portion of the Jurassic Park game is happening. The 360 is getting several chapters in which you are on the island during the first one, and it helps explains what happens to the many open ends from said movie (shaving cream full of Dino DNA in the mud is where you start I believe).

Switching between the hideouts'...
My only general complaint about FPSs is that the weapons are nowhere like realistic.
General explosives, for instance, are always nerfed. Hand grenades in real life are incredibly lethal, to the point that using them indoors is pure stupidity.
Rocket launchers in real life, on the other hand, are extremely ineffective against personnel, as the shockwave is mostly directed straight forward, or the explosive is meant to propel a penetrator into the target. Great for blasting holes in walls or armour, not so good to attack clusters of enemies. Using a rocket launcher with your back against a wall is a hilariously stupid thing to do. Anybody standing behind you is likely to be roasted as well. Then there's the thing with the weight and availability of extra ammo.
.50-cal sniper rifles. Oh boy, what to say. In real life, it is quite possible to use them while standing up. You're not as likely to hit anything in the vicinity of your target as having to put your shoulder joint back in place afterwards, never mind going deaf from the sound, but it's still possible.
Assault rifled are portrayed as "sniping auto-fire weapons". Sure thing, your first bullet might hit the intended target. The second will hit about a metre above the target for every 30.48 metres you are away from it, and the third about a metre above the target for every ten metres you are away from it. The rest are likely to go straight up. They also fire about fifteen shots per second, in other words emptying a thirty-round magazine in two seconds.
Which brings me on to machine guns. Twenty shots per second, please, and hefty recoil making it impossible to aim if you fire more than five shots in a row. Gatling weapons are portrayed even more erroneously, both the thing with "spin-up time" (they are driven by a powerful electric motor), and the rate of fire. They are also wildly inaccurate in real life. There's a reason why soldiers are trained to fire "clips" of three to five shots in a row with machine guns, and Gatling guns are only meant to "supress" the enemy.
Pistols have an effective range of about fifteen metres. Half that if you are wielding it single-handed.
A good silencer for a handgun might render it operable without extensive ear protection. At best.

Also, where is all the artillery? A 155mm shell will kill mostly anything within 75 metres of its detonation. Splinters and flying shrapnel will tear off body parts up to 150 metres away. Within 400 metres, the explosion will knock out infantry. Even in wartime, those aren't to be used at targets closer than 500 metres to friendly forces. In peacetime, the safety zone is 1000 metres. Incredibly effective, in other words, but FPSs seem to lack it all the time. Even mortars, which are quite devastating for ground forces, seem to be all but forgotten despite their huge role in modern warfare.
^That would be what's called suspension of disbelief for entertainment's sake, or something.

Of course modern warfare isn't ACTUALLY like Battlefield/Modern Warfare... It's more about sitting around, doing some training and then maybe one explosion will go off. Maybe more like Hurt Locker. And anyone that suggests things need to be more like Hurt Locker need to go suck off a car's tailpipe.

Extreme realism in games would kill them. Do I think one man would be able to chainsaw bayonette his way through all those aliens? Clearly not, one of them would tear his head off whilst he's giving it to their friend, but, that's no fun. Real life is tedious, it's dull... You play games to get away from that Poke!
The other thing is, you're playing as a "professional soldier". A highly trained expert. While they may still be wildly inaccurate, they're putting you into the position of somebody different. The way that reads above, it's like nobody has ever been killed in a war because weapons are so massively poor at doing their job ;)

So yeah, it's not true to life, but it's putting you in the position of an absolute expert and there's absolutely the whole suspension of disbelief thing.
i would love to see the return of the old "play as the bad guy" games - there was a particular one a few years ago called Ghost Master (you were given a team of monsters/ghosts and had to scare the heck out of everyone in the building) which was very fun and quite satisfying :)
I prefer my games to be incredibly hard and have little loli's flying around shooting bullets everywhere.

I like Touhou ok?
coasterboy said:
i would love to see the return of the old "play as the bad guy" games - there was a particular one a few years ago called Ghost Master (you were given a team of monsters/ghosts and had to scare the heck out of everyone in the building) which was very fun and quite satisfying :)

Did someone say "play as the bad guy"?



(*offer only applies to pre-Fable Molyneux)


I actually agree. I'm a bit of a dick at times, and I LOVE games where the objective is basically to be spiteful and evil and crush all the good humans, but, it never seems to exist. So I just have to play games like Red Dead Redemption where I get to tie women up on train tracks and twirl my moustache like I'm chanelling Dick Dastardly.
I would actually make wild love to my copy of dungeon keeper if I could find it.

And about your first post... I only just read it.

1. Why? Why tell the player what they're going up against. Having cue's like that only work from a stylistic point of view. When put into a survival horror game it makes it actually **** stupid. It'll remove everything that the game is trying to do unless you do it in a way that the player had to learn to associate a sound with an enemy, silent hill's radio for example, that just lets you know there is an enemy near but you don't know where or what direction joined with the fact it's pitch black, the noise is unsettling and enemies are best avoided in that game. Applying a system to let you know everything before had to everygame is stupid.

2 The only thing I can get from this is you're getting pissy from dieing. Man up and deal with it. Despite being a main complaint from many, down right retarded, players, realism isn't a main draw to a game. This should only apply to simulators like the flight sim type things. Games are a means to escape. If you want know what it feels like to be a soldier then join the **** army and stop being a spacker and scream it's not realistic when someone no scopes you in cod.

My personal thoughts on the games industry? It's fine, all these cut and past, grey and brown FPS games that seem to coming out alot isn't a new thing. It's happened before with both fighting games and platformers, deal with it. I've got piles of games and if your complaining there isn't enough variety then you obviously aren't **** looking or taking into consideration of other consoles.

Meh, probably went off in my own world and spelt everything wrong, doesn't help I did this on my phone either...