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I Love W00t 26/27th Sept


Strata Poster
I start by saying that I have no photos. Sorry. I'm, sure someone'll post some later though

Sat morning, Ed and I woke up at 6 to head off for our first stop of the day - Ian's house. This was a bit of a challenge considering we'd been out on the booze with Jake and a mate from work the night before. We arrived at Ian's with 10 mins to spare. After a short wait, everyone was there so we piled into 2 car's - Ian's hire car and the "Car of Rah". The crossing was spent trying to do various crosswords in The Sun as a group effort... then feeling really ashamed when we failed.

Once we got on the island, our first stop was the little coaster at Sandown. I'd not looked it up before arriving, so had no idea what to expect. It was described throughout the weeeknd as a "Go Gator Deluxe" and that's probably a fair description. We didn't need to have 10 laps on it though. Eugh.

Next stop was Blackgang Chine. We started off with the water slides (as they were about to close) then went for the coaster. It actually looks quite exciting when you see it. Sadly, when you actually get on, it isn't. There's one overbanked turn that's very steep that was quite cool and a bit unusual... but apart from that - Meh. We then spent the next couple of the hours in the park doing what can only be described as immense faffing. The most whored 'ride' of the day was the slides in snakes and ladders - particularly number 4. It's awesome! Or, it was until Rich broke Rach by pushing her down it a bit too hard. The other highlight was trying to see how many CFers we could get into a tube slide at once. There were 2 slides, so we had to try them both :D It was an utterly silly thing to do, but bloody funny all the same.

After Blackgang, we headed west to the Needles. We got the cable car down and had CFs first ever beach party :) We even had cake courtesy of Rach and her birthday! We whiled away a bit of time with stone skimming before heading back up the cliffs and heading to the campsite.

When we arrived, the campsite was crap, so we decided to go for our reserve choice. We arrived to a near empty field (with a play park!), found somewhere to pitch, then were greeted by the owner who was very friendly and pleasant - even to us lot! After heading into Ryde for some food, it was back to our newly erected palaces (or slums, in Brad's case!) where the carnage began. All I will say is that throwing up in a hedge is not a fun game! hehehe

This morning, we all eventually dragged ourselves out of bed, packed the tents up and headed for Robin Hill. No credits here, but they do have an awesome toboggan run (similar to the one at Oakwood), so was worth the visit. There was much faffing including letting Stone Cold loose on the giant wind chime, and playing "I Spy" whilst all collapsed in a heap on the grass. Oh, and chucking conkers at eachother is always good for a laugh.

It was then time to head back to the mainland. We just scraped our way onto the earlier boat which would make the afternoon less stressful. After popping back to Ian's to collect the Vadge wagon, we headed for Pompey. I'd seen a pic of the coaster previously, but didn't appreciate just how big it is until seeing it ni the flesh. However, it is the most pointless coaster I've ever been on. It's essentially just 2 massive helixes with a couple of bumps inbetween. Ah well, it's another one to tick off the list I guess.

As I've already done Hayling Island (and by this point, had 32p left) I decided it was a good idea to head home. I'm sure the others will let you know how they got on while they were there.

So yeah, all in all it was a fantastic weekend. Its trips like this that really prove there's more to CF than coasters. They were almost an incidental past of the trip, and not nearly as important as the faffing and general sillyness. Cheers to Ian for driving me around, and to Rach for being fantastically organised. Thanks to you all for making it a really fun weekend. And remember... "Get on up, when you're down, baby...." :D
^FIVE!!! :D:D:D

Sounds like it was an awesome time. I went to the Isle of w00t when I was 10, and I took an obese kid on that toboggan run so I could go faster. :lol:
Twas a fun weekend indeed. My head however is not enjoying being awake.

Thanks to Rach (any anyone else) who was involved in organising the trip. Ian and Rich for lifts etc. Rich's driving will never fail to amuse me. :D

Rah Rah Rah Rah Rah!
Thankyou to Vadge for hosting me up on the friday night, Rach for organising to the extreme, Ian and the iPhone, Rah and the Car of Rah, and Brad & Peter for just being funny.

Had such a good time :D
Shall post more when I can upload photos, my laptop is having major issues with Vista again and keeps crashing every 5 minutes so getting it to do anything atm is a challenge.
I just want to say a MASSIVE thanks to Ian, Nic, Stone Cold, Ed, Brad and Peter for the best birthday I've ever had! You guys are truly awesome!

As you've all probably gathered, I had a absolutely fantastic time! I want to do it all over again now! The Isle of w00t is so lovely!

I'm sorting my 420 photos from the weekend out and there will be a PTR sometime in the week or maybe later. :)
OK Phototime. I fixed my laptop myself!! So proud, and no it wasn't a turn it off and on job. ;)

I started off staying in Brighton on the friday night with Vadge (THANKS) to avoid a horrendously early morning start on the saturday. We went drinking, no suprise there.

with Jake!


leaving the pub, quite quite drunk there was a cool bridge

and a takeaway with a MOUNTAIN of cans.

the next morning we set off in the vadgemobile to ians house.

where was this again?

After a delightful ferry crossword extravaganza we went to...

For that fab coaster in the corner. We got 10 laps cause we're special that way.
The birthday girl, boyband and RAH went on the slides.

After getting the CREDIT we went to "insert ethnic minority"gang Chine. There was a rollercoaster here too but it was rubbish so I didn't take a photo of it.


Richard decided that arse first is clearly the best way of riding them

We found cowboy land and decided that animal whorage was in order.



Quite a lovely park

These things taste like sugar water :D

We then went to the beach to eat cake and frolic on the sand/pebbles. And to get there... Chairlift credit!

The birthday girl!





We gambled a bit on the trip..


I didn't take any pictures on sunday due to lazyness/feeling slightly ill. :)
I've decided to do this in stages as you know what I'm like when it comes to trip reports! So there is very likely going to be some double posting here.

This first stage will be everything up until the entrance to Blackgang.

Ok so I was awake at 3am and I couldn't for the life of me get back to sleep. Eventually half 4 appeared and I crawled bleary eyed out of my bed and began to get ready for what can only be described as a very long journey.

I had booked a taxi the night before at 5:30 to get me to New Street before 6am for the train. 5:30 came and went, so my mum phoned the taxi company who informed us that there were no drivers in at the moment. In a panic, we phoned another taxi company and they got one to us in 2 minutes.
By this time it was nearly quarter to 6 and I desperately needed to be at the station. I lobbed my stuff in the back of the taxi, said bye to mum and the taxi driver drove like a mad man to get me to the station in time.

Since I've got home, I found out that the other taxi that I booked was on the way by the time I had got in the taxi that took me there. Mum cancelled that as it was urgent I got there. I hate being late, I always like to be at my destination at least 10 minutes before.

I got there at 5:55 meaning I had 9 minutes to get to the platform! Bloody fantastic, I could breathe again! I got on the train and endured 2 and a half hours of train times.

That passed rather quickly, I witnessed a gorgeous sunrise over Oxford which was good as I could then see out the bloody window! 2 and a half hours later, I arrived at Southampton Airport and lugged my luggage over the foot bridge and over to the main entrance. I consumed a packet of crisps as my belly was talking to me, before giving up standing up and hiding in the waiting room.

Knowing that Ian and the convoy would be there around 9, I left the waiting room at around 5 to, and literally as I threw my bags onto the floor, they came!

Hurrah, lonely times had ended! I amused myself in the back of the car by reading (or rather glancing) through the Sun. We soon arrived at the docks around 45 minutes earlier than the ferry, so we went to try and find offers in the shop and to use the facilities.

As the ferry docked, we made our way back to the cars and prepared ourselves for the hour crossing to get over to the island.

We were soon on, parked and sitting on the top deck ready for the crossing. It was my first ferry and I was a bit apprehensive as I didn't know whether I was sea sick (I'm not phew).
I didn't realise the ferry had actually moved at first, but I was all excited when I realised it had.




So we were off to the Isle of w00t! At last after nearly 2 months of waiting for it, it was here. All excited like a kid at christmas, I went on a exploration mission around the top deck of the ferry.






So after my first exploration mission of the ferry, I sat back down and amused myself with the boats that were traveling on the Solent. Lots and lots of photos were taken here. (Around 150 in the first hour) While everyone else amused themselves with the puzzles in that days Sun.






Meanwhile, Boyband and Peter were becoming slightly bored of me taking lots and lots of photos of boats and water.



Meanwhile in Land-of-Rach




IKEA for Ian!



And Ian is happy that he has seen the IKEA ferry, so happy infact that he dribbles down his front. (Ok that was not what happened)


And meanwhile, back in Land-of-Rach







You'll be pleased to here that that is the last picture from the Ferry until the return.

So once we had docked in East Cowes, our first stop was Sanham for the Mine Train (which now is not a mine train). So off we went, lots of slow driving happened on the island so 20 miles took us around half an hour.

Half an hour later, we arrived at Sandown for the coaster. It looked rather dead when we arrived, but when the few staff at the park actually knew someone was going to ride their coaster, they let us on.


This Go Gator Deluxe was very rattly and lots of boob time happened. We got 10 laps of the bloody thing where 1 would've been quite sufficient. Once we had been rattled to death by the mine train, we had a few tokens left which meant 3 of us could do the slides.

Those 3 people were Boy band (Brad) Rah (Stone Cold) and me (cheers). Me and Boy band sensibly didn't sit next to Rah knowing that his main intention would be to try and push us off. And it was, but it failed.

Feeling slightly satisfied with the first stop on the Isle of w00t and the first cred, we headed back to the car and convoyed to Blackgang. Our convoy consisted of nothing more than eating crisps. (How exciting)

So what will happen when we get to Blackgang? Will the car in front stop at the paying thing and looked puzzled as to why the 'person' in the box isn't talking or giving him a ticket?

Installment 2 shall come tomorrow and shall feature everything between Blackgang and the evening. There will not be very much on the actual night cause A, I can't remember much of it and B, it isn't CoasterForcey.
Saturday started off really well and we arrived at the ferry port in glorious Southampton in plenty of time.

Being cheapskates, we checked EVERY paper and info pack for any vouchers. We found just one - for the rides at Sandown.

Ferry crossing passed quite quickly with perving on the female hockey team, Sun crossword, watching Vadge's boobs wobble and looking out for the Ikea ferry. Rach was evidently thrilled during her first ever boat trip - I've noticed that she speaks faster and high-pitched when excited.


We docked and drove off to Sandown.

Stone Cold did his maths thing and worked out how many tokens we would need and how much it would cost with the voucher.

Once tokened up, everybody apart from me rode the "Go-Gator Deluxe." I rode it last year when I did my annual piss up with my local mates. They had painted it this year, when I rode it it was brown. Or though to furie, it would be the same colour.


After 10 circuits, there were three tokens left over. Stone Cold, Rach and Brad did the astroslide.

Minced about for a few photos and then drove to Blackgang Chine.

Once we got there we posed for photos with the camp smuggler and cannons before going on WaterForce - the waterslide (except Vadge). We all did the "plughole" slide - an enclosed one. Nothing else to say really.

Then we did Cliffhanger - two circuits. Again, nothing special. We didn't bother with the Lifeboat museum.

Now both of the two main attractions were done, this is where Blackgang got good. The park is full of walkthoughs and childish stuff - ideal for us.

After discussing what our favourite chimney pot type was, we did the hedge maze. We were all tall enough to see over the top of it - even Ed! We entered via the exit [/gay joke] and exited via the entrance.

We did the dinosaur, butterfly and bug walks next.

Then the Crocked House.

Then we played on the swings and the magical music factory.

There is a parrot nearby that repeats everything you say to it. Of course, Stone Cold shouted "rah rah rah" into it for comedy value. We must have spent a good ten minutes doing this.

The we did the Rumpus Mansion walk-through - an animatronic story about goblins and the like.

Snakes & Ladders were next. We didn't play the game properly, just whored the slides. They are really quick! We spend ages on them having many goes. Ace fun.

The Fairy Castle was next. Again, a walk-through castle.

Our final stop (via the slides again) was Frontierland - a life-size wild west area. We climbed on horses, went into a saloon, a bar and a bank.

Stone Cold and Rach took loads of pics - I hope they make them to here! (I know Rach's will, it's Cold who's the lazy bastard.)

So then we left Blackgang Chine. It is a park aimed at kids. There was certainly not enough there to keep us entertained for long. Sure, we had a great time faffing about, but it's not a place for adults. We had our fun but it was short-lived. Ideal for young families - I'd strongly recommend it - but teens+, nah, get the credit, have a walk around and then bugger off.

We headed over to Alum Bay on the west coast to do the Needles Chairlift.

The chairlift was pleasant. Gorgeous weather helped! We then chilled out on the beach eating cake and skimming stones.

We also spent time in the arcades on the 2p machines and I played the fruit machines. Didn't win :(

We headed to the other side of the island (an hours drive) and found our campsite. The owners had buggered off early and we (well, me in particular) didn't like the look of the "late arrivals pitch" so we went to the reserve one.

The campsite was quieter than our first choice so we opted for that one. Plus time/sunset was against us.

We pitched up well before dark and then headed to Ryde for some food. Slowest service EVER in KFC.

Then back to the campsite for booze and laughter. I can't remember everything that happened that evening but it was non-stop enjoyment.
"I'm going for a fiss in a peild!"
"I have never had sex with a dildo!"
"David Dimbleby."
"I'm ok. I'm in the recovery position."
"Yes, I have some Vaseline!"
"Donald Duck."
"Get on up, when you're down..."
"Calling Tom Hardwick."
"Peter leg rubbing."
"Minnie Mouse!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Eventually we all crashed out.

Next morning started with hangovers, a trip to Tesco and McDonalds, and the drive to Robin Hill Country Park.

We sat in Robin Hill's car park with Queen's Flash up loud singing alternative lyrics before Stone Cold did his maths thing and we paid to enter the park.

We did the T.I.M.E. simulator. Nice seats, crap film. Then the world's most anti-climatic obstacle course.

Noisy wind chimes were next.

Then we did the toboggan. The toboggan is the only attraction worth doing imo. We only rode it once. Brad looked terrified when I caught up with him on the final corner! Of course, I didn't brake at all :)

"Rah" echos and wet arses were next on the astroslide. Then we did the other crappy obstacle course. Again, Robin Hill is a park aimed at families and nature lovers. We spent more time lying on the grass in the sunshine playing I Spy than riding anything.

A quick drink and sugar break and then we left for East Cowes to get the ferry back.

I was vandalised as I slept on the ferry. Hopefully photos will follow!

Back in Southampton, we headed back to my house, Vadge got her car and then we headed to Portsmouth.

All bar me did the coaster at Clarance Pier before we headed off to Hayling Island sans Vadge.

Hayling Island was a credit whore mission, coupled with a fish & chips dinner.

After that we said our over-dramictic byes and went our separate ways.

I appreciate that this report is quite brief, but we did so much during those 40-odd hours, I couldn't fit it in. The parks on this trip were totally overshadowed by the sheer merriment and cheesiness of us seven being on the Island. 99% of the antics happened outside of the parks.

The whole trip was utterly amazing and I'd go as far as saying that it was the best CF trip I've ever experienced. Everything fell together nicely, time flew by, great weather - non-stop fun and laughter. There's not a single thing I'd change!
Aw that looks like a good time! But holy crap I would never have gone on such a chairlift! Yay for getting credits as well, and Isle of Wight, from what I have seen in pictures, looks like a really fun place.. What a way to spend your birthday, you lucky girl you :P .
Ian said:
The whole trip was utterly amazing and I'd go as far as saying that it was the best CF trip I've ever experienced. Everything fell together nicely, time flew by, great weather - non-stop fun and laughter. There's not a single thing I'd change!
That just actually made me "awwwww!" out loud... but it perfectly sums up how I also felt about the trip. It was altogether awesome. Yay! :)

Oh, and just spotted an error in my recovery position plan. I evidently was off my tits
:lol: and what was the one we kept repeating?
Ian said:
Rach was evidently thrilled during her first ever boat trip - I've noticed that she speaks faster and high-pitched when excited.
Would that make me even harder to understand as well? :lol:
I was actually really excited!

Ian said:
The whole trip was utterly amazing and I'd go as far as saying that it was the best CF trip I've ever experienced. Everything fell together nicely, time flew by, great weather - non-stop fun and laughter. There's not a single thing I'd change!
That makes me very happy! I'm very glad you enjoyed it as much as me :)
I'm glad everything fell together fantastically!

Right now for part 2 Blackgang - end of day.

So we pulled into the car park of Blackgang Chine behind a car that did stop at the 'person' in the pay booth. This 'person' isn't actually a person, it's just a dummy. They do like you to pay 20p towards parking, naturally, this was not paid cause of us all being stingy bastards. So we parked on a hill and rolled out the car.

The first thing you notice is the stunning view. What a location for a theme park! And the other thing that you notice as you walk down to the entrance is the gigantic giant thing in front. Naturally, we all stopped for photo opportunities.







So after photos were taken, it was time to head into the park. Rah done the maths so we all got reduced tickets by about 40p!
Once the maths was done and we were in, I couldn't help stopping for photos of the view!


Needles in the distance which we shall visit shortly


Our first ride at Blackgang was the Water Slides. We all opted for the dark plughole one where we didn't even get a splash of water on us. As we were right by it, we went on Cliffhanger next for the cred.

I decided to sit at the front, cause I really loved the view from the park and wanted the optimum place to view it from! And my god was it lovely!
The ride itself was actually surprisingly fun. I enjoyed the turns and the drops.


Once Cliffhanger was done, we went through the Whale. The whale was fun to take photos of. It was mildly moist.


So once that was done, we had a pee break and then made our way around the park faffing at various things. The first thing to faff on was the Maze. Naturally with us all being goons, we went in the exit rather than the entrance and came out the entrance.
We were all tall enough to see around the maze, but it didn't stop me walking into a few dead ends here and there.

My memory seems to have failed me now and as my photos only seem to show lots of view photos, I think it was at this point that we made our way around the dragon/bug thing which had some stunning views over the cliff.






On our walk around the bug and dinosaur thing, we found a echoey thing with a hole in which just screamed out for some fun to be had. Ed was the first person to try and squeeze through. His first attempt was however hindered by the fact a women was trying to put her son through the hole the opposite way to which Ed was going.
We all LOLed a lot and then commenced with the re-birthing session.



Brad was the next (and last) person to attempt to get through the hole. He was pulled through by Peter and Stone Cold.


Lots more walking took place and lots more photo opportunities of us making fools of ourselves.




After that lot of faffing, we moved on through some really dodgy walk-thrus and once those were done, we found a kiddies play park that took some abuse.
Due to the location of said play park being right on the edge of the cliff, more view photos were taken.





Once I'd finished climbing on fence posts and telescopes, I took photos of us playing on the play park.








This was the location of the play park and also the location of myself when climbing on the fences to take the last batch of view photos.


More kiddies play stuff was found next and much abuse of these took place.



Once we had finished on the kiddie play thing, we made our way into a music thing were we stepped on various lights and made 'music'. This 'music' was actually just a lot of noise.
Once that was done, we found a parrot which repeated what you said. Naturally, we were amused with this for a good 10 minutes shouting inappropriate things at it and Stone Cold rahing at it!
This really amused me and I was pissing myself laughing for a good 10 minutes after!

Once that faffage was over, we noticed an obstacle course with slides. Once we had all got across the obstacle course, we all pilled into the slides squashing each other, touching things on people that aren't supposed to be touched and supporting each others weight. Stone Cold got photographic evidence of this which happened twice.
Both times I nearly ended up suffocating to death and being squashed up against the side of the slide.

This killed us, so we stopped for drinks and ice creams. Ice creams that nearly ended up down our throats whole! :lol:

Once that was consumed, we made our way to the Cowboy land via Snakes and Ladders which has to be one of the best inventions EVER.
The stairs were an absolute killer to keep climbing up, but we all done the 4 different slides a fair few times!
Number 3 was the firm favorite amongst the group and by the end of the 20 odd minutes we spent there, we were being pushed down the slides at a considerable speed and being injured in the process!

Once we had all caught our breath, we minced around the Fairy Castle for Ed and then made our way to Cowboy town. Lots and lots of photo opportunities happened here. And most of them taken by Stone Cold where it is very unlikely that they will be seen before xmas.
We had a group photo on the horse which is the main photo that I really want to see (and frame)

Here's a load of photos of us mincing around Cowboy town.







And to end the afternoon at Blackgang, I took yet more photos of the stunning view! I was very impressed with the location of this park, it is extraordinary that a theme park is in such a perfect location!




It is strongly advised that you now go and get a drink and some popcorn as there is still a lot more to come from part 2!

So after Blackgang, we made our way back to the cars after having a look in the tat shop.
We got back into the cars and headed for The Needles.

(I would like to apologise if this wasn't to everyones cup of tea, it is something that I was really interested in doing thanks to the view!)

The Needles are three distinctively shaped chalk rocks that issue from the sea and you get the most stunning view from the chairlift which was our main intention on going there.

These first two photos are from the drive over. We took the coastal road to the Needles which gave great views over the sea!



Once we got there, we paid the car parking charge and gave Stone Cold the maths to do again. Thanks to Brad for offering to pay the full price rather than the £3 reduced price!
With me knowing that this wasn't to everyone's cup of tea, I took down my birthday cake so we could have something to do at the bottom.

I gooned up on the way down. And these next photos are from the chair lift.










Once we got to the bottom, we perched ourselves on a rock while I sorted out the cake.
We had a happy birthday song to me (which made me very red) and we all consumed cake before being beckoned to the water to chuck stones in and take many more photos of the stunning view.














We then relaxed for a bit on the stones before heading back up to the top on the chair lift.










Then it was time to head back up the top of the cliff and make our way to the campsite before darkness fell.











Once we had all got off the chair lift, we faffed with 2p machines in the arcades before heading back to the car and heading for the campsite.

On the way over to the other side of the Island, Ian lobbed a CD Peter found in the pocket on the back of the drivers seat out the window, which happily Stone Cold ran over cause it was shockingly bad!

We stopped for alcohols at Morrisons in Newport before continuing our journey over towards the East side of the Island. There was some lovely views over the Solent towards Portsmouth from the roads we were driving on.

Once we arrived at the original campsite, we noticed that the staff had buggered off early and not really wanting to camp on the late arrivals pitch due to lack of privacy, we headed for Carpenters Farm which was the back up campsite.

Just the week before we went, I had a recommendation from a mate at college that this place was ok, so we took this recommendation and headed over.
No one was in reception there either, but it did say pitch up and we'll see you in the morning. That we did! This campsite looked a lot more secure than the late arrivals pitch at Whitecliff, so we pitched up!

There were like 5 other tents on the campsite, so we pitched as best as we could to avoid noise nuisance. Quite a walk from the toilets, but not too far from the play park, which was used while slightly drunk.

Once we had pitched, we jumped back into the cars and headed for Ryde to grab some food! Brad and Stone Cold went to Subway, while the rest of us put up with the crap service in the KFC there.

Once we had ate our foods, we headed back to the cars and headed back to the campsite ready for a few drinks and some sleep.
My memory goes here.

Of what I remember from that night, we arrived back at the campsite after I was nodding off in the back of the car, got various jackets and torches out of the car and sat down to drink.

After about an hour or so, some of us decided to go and investigate the play park. My only memory from here is being pushed stupidly high on the swings by a tipsy Stone Cold.

I suddenly became very sleepy and anti social after this, not to mention how cold and shivery I suddenly became. So I hibernated in the car for 50 minutes before my bladder woke me up and required a walk to the toilets.

Once I had evaporated out of the car, my last memory is witnessing Brad becoming drunk along with everyone else in a game of drink while you think and spin the bottle while being huddled underneath Stone Cold's sleeping bag.

After about 20 minutes, my body didn't fancy standing up anymore, so went into the tent of Vadge where I remained for the rest of the night. No sleep happened until around midnight, when I got rudely awoken by someone shouting about their ankle.

That's all I really remember from the campsite apart from Vadge telling everyone to be quiet and then being even louder herself.

And that is it for part 2! It's only taken ages to type up!
Part 3 tomorrow!
Rach your entire trip report is making me laugh until my face hurts!!! :D

Vadge telling everyone to be quiet and then being even louder herself.

^ THAT sums up the entire evening of camping hahahah.
"Caution: This route takes you through other countries that drive on the other side of the road..."
All these reports are just ace. I can't stop laughing at all the little catch phrases and stuff when reading them - so much happened that weekend!

Definatly one of the better CF weekends away. When's the next CF camping, drinks and beach times? :)