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I have a question about Six Flags MM


Roller Poster
I can here over the summer and was able to ride every ride but full throttle and x2. While riding Goliath for the second time, I blacked out. After that I felt a bit nauseous. And wasn’t able to ride x2 or full throttle, so does anyone think I missed out or should have stayed and just walked it off? I’m just wondering.
I think X2 is one of the most intense coaster experiences out there - so I think you probably made the right call.
I had to call it a day after Flight of Fear earlier in the year: I hadn't done my research and expected something fairly sedate.

It happens sometimes - it's also easy to dehydrate etc. during a long park day which can hugely affect your tolerance
i definitely stayed hydrated, it’s just the nausea prevented me from eating to much, and I didn’t get the best sleep the night before
Goliath is pretty notorious for that final helix--"the centrifuge"--and most people do at least gray out regularly.

While the GP really seems to like FT, if you're a fanatic, you probably didn't miss too much. It's just too short to be of much consequence. Not that it's bad... I do enjoy it for what it is... but I also don't think it's worth the fairly long lines it usually gets (mostly due to slow capacity).

X2, love it or hate it, is a unique beast. It is a shame you missed it, but I do concur with most of this board... if you're not feeling well, it still isn't/wasn't worth it.

I know I've sometimes missed rides I wanted to go on due to health/weather/time constraints. It's no fun, but it happens.