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I hate it because it's popular.

Going against the populist grain...

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From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Do you find you hate something because it's popular?

Take my personal example for an, err, example.

I can't stand Harry Potter, simply because it is so popular. Everybody bangs on about it. It's even worse when adults do.

"Oh look, I've got the ADULT version of Harry Potter. I'm so cool!".

No, you're not cool, you've bought a child's book with a different cover. An adult version would involve..I'm not going to finish that sentence, family site and all that.

I have tried to read the book and I did fall asleep during the first film, so it's not like I haven't tried. I just don't like it. My mind can't switch off into a realm of wizards and sexy jailbait...because it's too popular.

So, are you guilty of this? Do you hate something/have slagged something off just because it's popular? Perhaps a roller coaster, a film, a book, an event...anything you can think of.
'tis the way I roll for nearly everything tbh.

Football is a big one. Its actually a pile of slushy dog turds, though rediculously common to be among the common persons main interests, alongside getting pissed and their cock size. Therefore I have hatered for it because its too common if that makes sense.
I don't hate things because they're popular, but I hate something MORE if it's popular. (If you know what I mean.)

Example for me being Britain's Got Talent which I dislike anyway because it's dull, really repetitive and predictable and because it has Simon Cowell in it. What makes me hate it more is when everyone raves about it, you can't get away from it and when I tell people I dislike it, I'm seen as a social reject. :roll:

Using another example is my dislike of Nemesis. I don't get it so much on CoasterForce but it really pisses me off when fanboys can't comprehend the fact that there are people who are in a minority who don't like it and it actually makes me dislike the ride even more.

I also hate Simon Cowell, Twilight, Pendulum, New York and soap operas for similar reasons.
Not really. I only hate certain things because they're stupid. IE, Twilight, Avatar, etc.

I don't hate things because they're popular, I hate people that like things because they are popular.
Smithy said:
I don't hate things because they're popular, I hate people that like things because they are popular.
Couldn't have said it better.
Smithy said:
I don't hate things because they're popular, I hate people that like things because they are popular.

I second this. If something's popular and appealing, sure I'll give it a go and I'll either like it, or not like it. Simple as that.
I don't hate anything because it's popular, but, if it's popular and I hate it, I'll be more vocal about it.
SnooSnoo said:
When I saw this thread, I immediately thought of you Ben. You should be proud.

You weren't the only one... :lol:

Yeah, I dislike things more because I do, popularity has nothing to do with it...
It depends. I hate Twilight and Silly Bands, but there are other popular things that I enjoy. I NEVER like something just because it's popular, though.
I generally don't tend to dislike things just because they're popular. My music tastes are generally semi popular but not complete mainstream and most other things tend to fall like that. Like Smithy, I don't just like things because they are popular. If something is popular, I might give it a go, but I'm not going to force myself to watch/do/listen to something just because everybody else does.
Smithy said:
I don't hate things because they're popular, I hate people that like things because they are popular.


Unless people keep gabbing on and on about it. Then I'll start to dislike the thing other than the people.
I use to, but I look past it now, I just try to like or do things that are different, for example; Last summer, eveyone was wearing trilbies and scarfs, and wore different things, then this summer them trends have passed so I can wear scarfs and triblies again lol!
I tend to just like what I like. There are some really popular things that I don't like, for example Nemesis, and there are some really popular things that I like, for example, as Ian mentioned, Harry Potter. At the moment the only things I can think of that I don't like that are really popular are people such as Beyonce and Madonna, but I don't think it's because they're popular, I think it's because they just grate me!

It's quite a human reaction to deny something on the grounds of popularity, but ultimately we will all please ourselves by indulging in the things we truly love, whether they're popular or not, and regardless of what other people think of them. So we'll all be happy at the end of the day, and the rest is just for show! :)
Hurray for the return of Kir :)

To expand on his point a little. We like the things we like. Sometimes we discover them "for ourselves", sometimes it needs to become "popular" before it reaches our attention.

Something which has value/appeal to a lot of people "probably" will also appeal to you too, but it's not a given. It would be a dull place if we all liked the same thing.

The biggest issue is when people step beyond "I like" and into "I'm obsessed with..." If something is popular, and people like it, then fine. Talk about it with others and let the machine churn.

It's when you see people acting out of character (or acting in a way not generally socially acceptable) over something popular - that's when you reach "hate it because it's popular" territory.

Not understanding or not giving a stuff about a popular thing is fine, as long as you're not made to feel a pariah for not liking it. Nobody wants a bunch of crazy obsessives telling them they're weird or plain wrong for not liking something. The reaction then will be to dislike something more - not only are you made to feel uncomfortable for disliking it, but you actually, genuinely don't like the "buzz" about it. So instead of thinking "it's alright, but nothing special", you will then think much harsher of it just because everyone is trying to force you to like it.

I hope that makes sense? :)

Me, I don't hate things, just people :p
Careful guys, on some forums you get slaughtered for liking whatever you like and not what everyone else likes! Just a word of warning.

There are some things which get so popular it makes me dislike them, when before I was meh. This is only because it's constantly in your face with all it's faults blaring at you.