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Himley Hall Adventure Park - !PICTURE UPDATE!


Giga Poster
Hi! :--D

I'm new to building parks on RCT3, but I thought I give it a go :p So here's my park... Himley Hall Adventure Park

I'll cut to the chase as I have a lot of revising to do.

Himley Hall is a national park located in South Staffordshire, UK. My job is to transform this beuty into a family theme park to rival Alton Towers and Drayton Manor (all in the same area). I'm aiming for realism and as its my first park I won't use any CS. I'm also known for doing awful buildings :lol:

Bombard me with feedback :p Thank you CF!
Left, on to the images...

You are going to hate me for this :roll:
Wild Mouse, a Reverchon spinning clone located nearby the entrance. A cheap thrilling/nauseating family ride :lol:




This is Predator; a brand new Intamin design. Its basically a Zacspin combined with a half-pipe. This will prove popular with the thrill seekers!




This one is still undeveloped. But a ride I'm most proud of :p
This is a very compact Intamin Gyro-drop; only reaching a height of 140 feet. However the drop cannot be fully seen until you reach the end of the queue, where you will travel down steps and find the actual tower height span is 170 feet! Still compact but a good trick! Enthusiasts will find it tame however.






Here are some random shots of other rides and scenery.







And finally some overview shots of the park so far.




I spy with my little eye something beginning with I :wink:
Nice park. You have made great use of the prehistoric buildings and scenery. I like your buildings at the moment, I can't see anything wrong with them.
I'm also known for doing awful buildings
You need more confidence in yourself. They're better than my buildings!
The little hill on the transport train (can't remember what it's called) is un-realistic and the queue for wild mouse is way to long, you could theme it or make it smaller. Also, you might want to start terraforming (is this the right word?) as it all looks flat at the moment.
Other than stated above, everything is fine (imo). The park is looking neat and you havn't over-done-it with the agriculture.
Well done, you have done much better than me and you're new to park building!
Can't wait to see more!
Thanks for all of the comments so far :p And yes it's an Intamin, but look closely you'll see which coaster I got inspiration from :--D

#pmbo said:
Nice park. You have made great use of the prehistoric buildings and scenery. I like your buildings at the moment, I can't see anything wrong with them.
I'm also known for doing awful buildings
You need more confidence in yourself. They're better than my buildings!
The little hill on the transport train (can't remember what it's called) is un-realistic and the queue for wild mouse is way to long, you could theme it or make it smaller. Also, you might want to start terraforming (is this the right word?) as it all looks flat at the moment.
Other than stated above, everything is fine (imo). The park is looking neat and you havn't over-done-it with the agriculture.
Well done, you have done much better than me and you're new to park building!
Can't wait to see more!

Thanks pmbo :--D Huge feedback here I'm going to take it in carefully :)

The hill on the transport ride (Dino-Trail, this is a kiddy ride where you adventure around Dinosaurs etc); do you mean the bunny hop or the large rock? I included the "bunny-hop" to add a little variety to the ride, its nothing special :lol: If it is actually that unrealistic I will remove it ok :)

I'm keeping the long(ish) queue line as I had a quick test the other day by opening the park for a while, and Wild Mouse was significantly busy.

I'll start Terra-forming after I finish Macabre Mine (Land with Gyro-drop), I'm planning the East side of the park to be slightly more hilly, where the canyon themed land will be, so will the Intamin. In the North beyond the Mine is a haunted land where I will form a large lake with a possible B&M along it :?

Thats my plans so far. I was pretty worried about the agriculture thing :lol: But Himley is a place with many tree's in real life anyway, so I'll try and keep it up this way :--D

Thanks a million for the feedback! [-o<
UC said:
Not sure I see the point with the Ball coaster thing. Does it actually flip...?

I like the mouse. Nice realistic, yet creative, layout.

Theming is good, from what I see.

Newer coasters...meh. Unfortunately, I see this park going the way of most others around here - a nice, small, realistic park that just gets pounded into oblivion with the same B&M and Intamin coasters that everyone gets obsessed with sooner or later.

Good start, but by the looks of that new Intamin addition, I'm not holding my breath for it to remain unique much longer.

Yeah, it flips and I thought it might be a new disorientating concept, and it's not OTT so hey! :--D

Thanks about the mouse, its a real clone, and there's tons around here :lol:

If unique is what people want on here; then I'll try my best to make it as unique as possible without getting to "Thrillville" OTT standards :p I'll still keep it realistic though.

Thanks UC :)
Hey all. Just a reminder that this park isn't dead yet :lol:

I've been really busy over christmas so I didn't get too much time to work on Himley, but progress has been made. I've been fixing oddities such as trees appearing through buildings, and been theming the Macabre mine area. Quake! has now got a queue, all combined with theming too. I've been working really hard to make it look the way it is. Most of the time I spent experimenting new coasters for the park, I've been creating 100's of designs, some pretty unique ones too.

Oh and did I say there is a new Vekoma (but what design?) rollercoaster in the un-expired world (Pre-historic themed are). Did i tell you it is interacting with Quake!'s theming... :p

I'll upload some new pics soon, so sit tight.
I actually like the fact that you made a spinning mouse clone as it adds to the realism as it is very likely these days that parks have them, plus it's a good ride for families! Liking the buildings, plus all of the trees add to the effect of a nice looking park :--D
Jools said:
I actually like the fact that you made a spinning mouse clone as it adds to the realism as it is very likely these days that parks have them, plus it's a good ride for families! Liking the buildings, plus all of the trees add to the effect of a nice looking park :--D

Thanks for the comment Jools :--D

I'm really focusing on realism for this park. It is based in England after all :lol:

I'm putting in the perspective of being one of the leading parks in the UK, competing against Alton Towers, Thorpe and Blackpool etc. So the theming won't go to the extent of Disney. But I am making good use of it so the park looks as realistic and picturesque as possible. It's my first park on RCT3 after all, maybe next time I will make a European park in competition with PortAventura and Disneyland Paris, this gives for a more adventurous use of theming techniques.

I really thought members would con Wild Mouse for being an un-imaginative excuse to build a dull ride. I do dislike these things in all respects but at least I've gave it some theming, and it attracts huge crowds often.

Keep updated I may have pictures put on in the next several days :)
I know it's been a decade since I last posted some pictures, so I thought it's best to keep the topic alive and give you a good update; not massive however. :lol:

"Unknown" Vekoma rollerskater
Right then. As you heard a few posts back the park has recieved a new product from Vekoma to be constructed in the "un-expired world", area of the park. Motorbike coaster? Suspended looping coaster? Woodie?. Well not quite. The new Vekoma coaster is...


Any guesses? It's a Vekoma roller-skater! I bet you're all thinking wow at this moment :lol: But admittadly it is the best of it's kind, and there are a fair few of these out there. Thankfully it's a completely custom model, so it differs from others quite a lot. I was partly inspired by Tami-tami at PortAventura for this as I needed a smallish rollercoaster to fit the space between the Un-expired world and Quake!. Also if you have any suggestions for a name please don't be afraid to plow down some replies.


From this picture you can see it bonds and interacts with the scenery pretty well, and features many helixes and banked turns that usual models of this kind contain. It is a lot more forceful than the usual Roller-skater too, so it can proove well for older riders; but it truly is aimed towards the younger audience.


This picture is taken from the peak of the climb. The drop is straight unlike the majority of the models out there, and judging by this picture you can see it's not completely finished. Theres a lot of work to do with the theming and queueline. You can see its twisting sexual nature effectively here.


This is taken as you just enter the land, so you can sorta get an idea of the scale of the area, as it stretches most of it.


This is my personal favourite part of the ride. It's one of those moments where you go "what the **** is here?", like on Big thunder mountain with the tunnels. It could be a 90 degree drop...


You decide...


From here you get a rather clear image of what the layout looks like. As you can see, the rollercoaster scales around Quake! Its still very undeveloped around that area so remember that it's unfinished.

"Quake!" Intamin MINI-GYRO tower
I've been spending a lot of time on Quake! Mainly as it's one of the parks most unique and major attraction. Quite a bit has been done since the last update: the building surrounding the tower has more windows added to it; a castle has been built at it's side for the short indoor section on the Rollerskater; the queueline is now themed; Macabre mine has also had a fair deal of DIY. Anyway onto some pictures :p


There is a little bit of lake nearby Macabre's mini-mall and the Greeting street's circus. Also some tree's and other horticultural crap.


It's getting a bit busy with all the buildings here. If you look to the right of Quake! you'll see the peak of the castle structure; and to the left is the Rollerskater.


Theming found at the entrance to the queueline. Its themed around a futuristic mine, with a lot of violent robots etc. The tower itself is themed as a tool used to mine effectively and in large portions, also needs the energy of man-kind so thats where the passengers come in. This is also why the tower is slightly underground, as underneath the building surrounding it is the mine, and it causes a quake to split the rocks, hence the name Quake! Off the technicalities now :lol:


More theming...


Side on view where the new castle is built.


The Quake! shop as you exit the ride.


Thats all from this update folks. I hoped this has impressed you "sort of". Do remember this is my first park in the making, and any suggestion for naming the Rollerskater just post them here.

Thanks :--D
The intamin is based on maverick, you can just tell.

I like it a lot. Too bad i haven't got the patience to make an RCT park.

Congrats. Now do as UC said and make a good coaster out of a rare type :--D
Hmm first thing I'm going to say is that your park is having a bit of an identity crisis. The castle looks really out of place against the mine theme. I'd suggest sticking with the mine theme because the castle looks really blocky and you have used the western scenery really well!

Futuristic and mine don't really mix in my opinion. The problem you have is that in the future, they probably wouldn't make those style of buildings anymore, so I reckon you should make it look a bit more futuristic, or scrap it into just a western theme. It's an original and a good idea but I reckon you haven't pulled it off brilliantly.

Rollerskater. You don't need to bank the top of the lift hill. I've mentioned about the castle already but if you can integrate the coaster with Quake's theme then that would be good too.

For a first park this is looking fantastic. However now I've seen what you can do, I am expecting some high quality stuff in this park so don't slack and try and keep to the standard you have now or even better, improve it. No pressure. :wink:
Sorry I have been rather busy recently and couldn't get chance to work on my park, however; construction is still continuing.

"Prey" Vekoma Rollerskater

I've taken the advise Rush has given me and I do agree it looks a million times better sticking with Quake!'s theme. Thanks Rush! :p Hope it looks an improvement to you.






"Amazonia" New land in construction!

I've ignored Macabre Mine for the time being and started working on my new land based around a tribal rainforest style surrounding. So here are a few snap's taken so far.

As you can see I've built a common tea-cups ride, however that is part of Greetings Street. In Amazonia I've constructed an Intamin River Rapids ride called Amazonia Adventure; the theming is still incomplete, but you can see the station and the layout in the pictures. It will be improved.





And about the theming in Macabre Mine: I've done this for one reason only; uniqueness. Combining futuristic elements with an old fashioned Mine-like environment is what I intended to do. Macabre meaning: grim and gruesome; the impact of misty worn-down wooden buildings combined with rusty ill-coloured objects does look grim and ugly. Thats why I wanted to do this; if it was real I want people to get chills just from walking around the area.

I hope this makes you understand why it's like this, and it's still very unfinished so I'll work hard to pull this off 100%. :)

Thanks for the advise and support, I am trying my utmost best to build this park, and I have noticed my skills getting better as I continue working, maybe I'll start on a new park afterwards and make it great with the abilities I am learning.

I agree. Quake looks much better and the interaction with the kiddie coaster works better also.

The rapids, well they seem to be having a bit of an identity crisis as well. (I like to re-use my phrases. :wink:) What you have to remember is that you need to make sure that whatever theming the ride has suits the area. You wouldn't find Western architecture in the Amazon in the same way as you wouldn't find a futuristic space station in Chinatown. You could say it's the Rapids version of Rita.

The rapids themselves look pretty good, you could probably get away with using dinosaurs and bugs for theming purposes. What I do want to see is foliage and a lot of it. I am personally a fan of foliage and I think it can make a ride look spectacular without much theming with it. If you can pull a good storyline off with it as well it would make it good too.

I'm all up for originality however make sure you know the difference between originality and farfetched.

Overall, a bit of work to be done but there's good improvement and I'm glad you're using my advice. :) Just remember it's your park and you don't have to listen to everything I say. :wink:
Rush said:
The rapids, well they seem to be having a bit of an identity crisis as well. (I like to re-use my phrases. :wink:) What you have to remember is that you need to make sure that whatever theming the ride has suits the area. You wouldn't find Western architecture in the Amazon in the same way as you wouldn't find a futuristic space station in Chinatown. You could say it's the Rapids version of Rita.
In all fairness I was really unsure what to theme the rapids as; because I started on it before I thought of the land theme, but I was lacking thinking time so I just came up with Amazonia. I'm still theming the area heavily on deep forestry and aquatics, that I'm unsure of theming it as a rainforest. I'm now thinking more of a hidden base, similar to the secret weapon theme that is common at Alton Towers. I'm trying to steer away from similarities however, so maybe I'll just theme it as a hidden base discovered and used for test subjects blah blah blah. I'll think of a name soon (Anyone want to help think up a name?)
Rush said:
The rapids themselves look pretty good, you could probably get away with using dinosaurs and bugs for theming purposes. What I do want to see is foliage and a lot of it. I am personally a fan of foliage and I think it can make a ride look spectacular without much theming with it. If you can pull a good storyline off with it as well it would make it good too.
As I'm focusing on realism more so than supernatural, I'm thinking what would a major park in this country would actually have. I've used a few animatronics, thats because the park owner is rich enough to produce that sort of theming, but being in the UK they are massive expenses. Being as my park is little more fiction than reality I could get away with a dinosaur or two, making Himley Hall one of Europes best themed parks among PortAventura and Alton etc.

I also favour foliage when it comes to RCT, if you trek back and have a look at some other pictures taken, you can see I use a lot of it, but just about enough to look nice. So I won't let you down on when nature is in concern, I'll try my best on that. The storyline is a toughy but I can try, nothing hurts trying I suppose, If you look on the picture showing the entire layout you can see there is a drop after you meander out of the station at the beginning of the ride; that drop is going to be covered with a similar building used for the queue.
Rush said:
Overall, a bit of work to be done but there's good improvement and I'm glad you're using my advice. :) Just remember it's your park and you don't have to listen to everything I say. :wink:
There is a lot of work to be done :lol: I've only just started! Your advice is really helpful and I'll have to continue using it if you're offering, without it my park would start falling apart and that Amazonia would have started to look like Texas.

Thanks for all the help Rush :--D

EDIT: New name for Amazonia - Area Agriculture?