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Has A Ride Ever Got To You?


Mega Poster
I'm sorry if this has already been made into a thread/topic but I am interested to know if there was ever a ride which has made you literally so terrified you get the motionless adrenaline feeling. The feeling of being literally so scared you can feel every droplet of sweat. Everything around you drowns out and nothing but the ride is racing through your head. That kind of fear... I have only ever felt like that on Griffon but afterwards I was fine. But I want to know if any of the CF members have actually thought twice about riding something.. whether it be over media attention or just sheer fear looking at something. This applies to coasters, german fair rides, flat rides, spin rides and anything with power haha...
I was ****ting myself on my first go on Ice Blast at BPB and I think I was almost in tears because I was that scared but I was only 9. :lol: But yeah when I came off it I loved it but I was really was thinking twice about it.
Well for me Oblivion :--D Man during that queue I was so damm scared you couldn't imagine! :shock: But after coming off it I wanted to ride it again and again and again....lol. Stealth also had me pretty shooken up but again same situation as it was with Oblivion, once you've ridden it once, you don't want to stop! :--D

Oh and really random but I really enjoyed Rita and whenever I see this Ad I get Goosebumps :--D

Demon Drop. Theres just sumthin' about it!

Any 'drop' ride get's me. Every time. Coasters im fine.
When I first went on Oblivion, before I was really into rides, the whole vertical bit just completly freaked me out. Now I'm fine on anything!
When I was young, it was EVERY coaster.

Now a days, nothing really scares me coaster-wise. The occasional huge ass ride usually gets me tingling in anticipation. :)
I was really worried about Expedition GeForce and Katun, not about the experience, but about them being open :lol: Other than that, my first time on a looping coaster, Twin Looper, I was forced into my restraint by my parents as I was crying (come on I was 5) but I loved it and went straight back on afterwards. Other than that, no.
Hello,I am New to this Coaster Fan Website.
:--D Although I've Only ridden Two Coasters In My Life,I was Tempted to ride Space Mountain over and Over Again.

The Other Coaster Ride Was Basicly boring.
Oh God, let me start with the coasters I have cried on. Keep in mind, I was younger (minus Dragster), so don't make fun:

Double Loop
Rock n' Roller Coaster
Journey to Atlantis
Dragon Fire
Mighty Canadian Minebuster
Thunder Run (again, I was like, 4)

Here are rides which made me super nervous, besides the ones I cried on:

Millennium Force
Kingda Ka
Any drop tower, really
Thunderhawk (I was like, nine)

And there are more I'm sure..
The Giant Huss Frisbees. I don't know what the issue is but I just hate them. Could have something to do with the fear of boats that I have as well. Get me on any coaster in the world, but I get terrified when I ride the boat from the parking lot to Magic Kingdom at Disney World. I am a large wimp, correct? :--D
I don't really get scared, just like an overwhelming sense of excitement.

It last happened to me on Colossos at Heide Park, I just really couldn't wait to get on it. You read the reviews, you seen the pictures and now you are here about to board it! I just get really excited :lol:

Its always on coasters that I have looked at a lot and just dream about riding one day, like KK, El Toro, Griffon, TTD, Exp Geforce, The Voyage etc....
The rides I was scared of was Stealth and Oblivion because of they're height alone really because my tallest ride before them two was Collossus and I think I was majorly scared of heights at the time........ Now I love riding them and all coasters and the only thing that scares me is drop rides.... E.g I am more scared on Detonator then I am on Stealth!
Hurakan Condor freaked me out. Probably just the sheer height of it and the music in the queue did a bit too.
Also The Hulk scared me when i was younger. I dunno why though.
For me its any drop tower as I am scared of heights.

Oblivian, Skeikra, PMBO, Stealth.

After I went on the coasters I was ok, but drop towers still get me every time.
^Same here I’m terrified of heights. My first times on PMBO and on Manhattan Express were my worst. I just started to panic once I saw the height and drops. Also with PMBO you feel so exposed up that high especially with everything else so flat compared to the lift hill. I just felt like I was about to fall out and that caused me to panic.
I still get a kind of nervous feeling when going up Oblivions lift hill.
Also Apocalypse, the fact you have no idea when its going to drop, and theres a big camera waiting to catch you looking like a tool, is all very off putting!
^I couldn't agree more about Oblivion.

I found that with ShieKra I wasn't half as intimidated on my first ride. Infact, I'm probably more intimidated riding Oblivion now than I was on that first ride on ShieKra.

I also used to find Nemesis really scary. The way that it sounds so loud and impressive when you first see it used to scare the **** out of me. Now however, I just love the noise it makes. :lol:
For me it isn't so much the ride that gets to me. It's more the atmosphere arund the ride, especially when they play the sort of music that makes you a bit scared.
For me it isn't so much the ride that gets to me. It's more the atmosphere arund the ride, especially when they play the sort of music that makes you a bit scared.

Do you mean like Oblivion with the Life/Death theme? Because that is awsome :--D and also the themeing and music etc. gets too me aswell, that's why I can't wait for Dylan! :--D (a strong horror theme).