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Happy Valley Beijing | Music Roller Coaster | B&M Hyper Coaster


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Its getting late in the year and as is now becoming tradition a Yellow B&M is going up in Asia. Unfortunately @Hixee this time its going to be really tough to find any images taken from a snow covered ski slope. :(

Thought we had a thread for this but it appears it was for the Junior Invert that opened last year. Thought about restarting that but it seems pointless since this is a new coaster and a new area.

Happy Valley Beijing is expanding again and this time adding a new B&M hyper coaster. They seem to be redoing the whole Shangri-La with a new Intamin built rapids ride also being added.


Concept art is a bit shall we say vague.... No lets say crap... the concept art is crap.

Track for the B&M is now on site with yellow track and a kind of burnt red support colour.
T1.jpg T2.jpg
Source: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5303058306?pn=2

The Intamin rapids ride looks quite interesting too with a large section apparently up on a building.
T3.jpg T4.jpg
Again all pictures from Roller Coaster Dream and more can be found here. https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5303058306?pn=2

Stats wise the ride is a bit of a mystery at the moment but the name suggests the use of B&M's musical trains seen on Hollywood Dream at Universal Osaka. I personally am not expecting something huge but again more along the lines of Hollywood Dream but thats guess work on my part really.

Anyway with track now on site Vertical construction shouldnt be far away.
Aargh I'll be in Beijing in April so will be following this one very closely. I have so far been telling myself that April is too soon and this update seems to support that - looks like it has yet to go vertical :-/
Hyperion went from going vertical to opening in 29 weeks. I'm going to Happy Valley Beijing in 26 weeks; or 27 weeks from this coaster going vertical.

It's going to be a nailbiting 26 weeks for me!
Hyperion went from going vertical to opening in 29 weeks. I'm going to Happy Valley Beijing in 26 weeks; or 27 weeks from this coaster going vertical.

It's going to be a nailbiting 26 weeks for me!
Fingers crossed; anything can happen! Hyperion is massive, so if this is a smaller B&M hyper like Mako, then I could potentially see it opening sooner than 29 weeks!
For reference, I just had a look in the Mako thread from when that was being built, and that ride went vertical on 9th November 2015, started testing on 14th April 2016 and opened on 10th June 2016, with soft openings from 2nd June 2016. Which is around 30 weeks and 4 days from vertical, or 29 weeks and 3 daysif you go to the soft opening. Which for this ride would mean that it should open between 2nd May 2019 and 10th May 2019 if it has a similar construction and testing schedule to Mako, and if it's a similar scale to Mako. But laws might be different in China, and the ride might be smaller than Mako, so there's a chance that it could be open when you're there!
We’re not talking about laws but they just take forever in China.

Comparing their building speed to SeaWorld is absolutely pointless - for one the winters are a bit different in Beijing and also Orlando is not in ****ing China.
Wow, they already have most of a station building.

I've been curious about this ride for a while now, especially with the rumors that it'll be like Hollywood Dream. I'm looking forward to seeing it take shape and how it interacts with its surroundings!
Updated it, i added a new piece and redid the brake turn. Sadly i have no screenshots because the Screenshot Uploader took a **** faster than i can say "**** you".