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"Green Lantern" B&M Stand Up for SFGAdv


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
A friend of mine took this photo at Six Flags Great America. Could this be where Chang ends up?
Jools said:
Be wierd to have both Iron Wolf and Chang imo.

When you think about it, it really doesn't matter...but yes it is still a little odd that they would choose SFGAm to re-locate Chang to (if that is where Chang is going).
How big is the "fun"struction site? As Chang is masssssive.

Maybe they're considering ditching, or selling on Iron Wolf, it is rather old now.

Also Six Flags tend to advertise their big coasters as fun, as opposed to intimidating monsters.
They say that for a lot of things.. and I honestly doubt they will be keeping Iron Wolf around once Chang is up and running.
^Oh snap!

On a serious note, I've heard that pieces to this ride are all over the place. I've heard that there are some pieces at SFGAm, some at SFKK, and some even in a random lot.
Screamscape said:
According to our sources, with Chang not set to open at SFGAm until 2011, they were in no hurry to transport the entire ride at the Chicago area right away, so they were taking the slow and steady approach. In other words, the pieces found in Kentucky just haven’t been shipped yet. Don’t believe in the theories that the pieces were brought back due to an unknown court order or something… that didn’t happen. These pieces should vanish soon enough as well.
UC said:
I'm still waiting for that ridiculous "it's being converted to floorless!" rumor to show up again.

For the record, I don't believe it's possible, because I'm fairly certain the train heights on stand-up and floorless B&M trains are different, which means the heartlining for a ride designed for one would be thrown off with the other's trains on it.

I'm far more confident that Marcus's assessment is the more accurate one...and it isn't like SF hasn't shown us they're okay with putting two nearly identical ride types in the same park (La Ronde and the SLC/BTR).

They *COULD* in theory, re-design the Floorless trains so they're sat higher surely? They won't in ANY way, and I'm not suggesting for a SECOND this is what they are going to do, but, surely they COULD, in THEORY?
^ I'm sure they COULD, but then it would probably ruin the idea of having your feet close to the track.
^I thought the main idea with a floorless was that your feet were dangeling free like an invert but with an unobstructed view?
andrus said:
^I thought the main idea with a floorless was that your feet were dangeling free like an invert but with an unobstructed view?

Yeah...the whole floorless concept really doesn't work. You will only get that unobstructed "free" feeling in the front seat; everything else is just like a standard sit-down coaster imo.

Anyway, whatever they would have to do with the heartlining of the trains, floorless/sit-down trains would ride amazing on a layout like Chang (and most stand-up coasters).
Six Flags Great America to get Chang?

http://www.screamscape.com/html/six_fla ... merica.htm

According to the local Gurnee meeting hotline system the hearing issue from Six Flags taking place on May 26th is to approve the variance for a new roller coaster up to 150.17 feet tall that will be located in the “Space Port area”. Essentially this matches Chang, which was listed on RCDB as 154 feet tall, but may have been padded at that point in time for SFKK for marketing purposes as it was a follow-up to Mantis which is listed as being 145 ft. What is also interesting is the long in the tooth rumor claiming that Chang will be converted into a Floorless coaster, and hand over it’s old trains to run on Iron Wolf is still alive and kicking. Months ago a source of mine said it wasn’t going to happen… but it does still make more sense than putting two stand-up coasters into the same park. Plus if they went the Floorless route, I wouldn’t be surprised if they took some inspiration from the conversion of SFGAdv’s Medusa into Bizarro and got a train with an audio system this time around.

dont know if this was discussed before, but enjoy otherwise