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Flat ride tournament

What rollermonkey said.

It just isn't really going to work. There are so many flat rides out there, and so many of them are just a repeat of the same model.

The problem is that you can't have say, every Huss Enterprise listed. The Enterprise at Lightwater Valley runs faster and on a longer cycle than the Enterprise at Thorpe Park. So you either have to list every single Enterprise everyone has been on, or try to distinguish between notable ones and bland ones before you even start the tournament.

So just with the Enterprise model, you're looking at sifting through hundreds before you start.

On top of that, there are very few people who really care to be honest. I enjoy flat rides, and a few stand out as being "good examples of their type". Mostly though, they're just forgotten. In creating the park guides for CF, you realise just how many flat rides parks contain, and how utterly unremarkable so many of them are.

I pass by so many sets of bumper cars/dodgems, pirates ships (of a massive variation of manufacturers and sizes), Orbiters, Wave Swingers/Chair'o'Planes (of a massive variation of manufacturers and sizes), etc, etc, etc.

Just thinking about the number of flat rides I've bee on in my life makes my head spin. I could spend a day going through every single park I've ever been too; trying to remember which flats I've been on and which I haven't, which ones stood out, which ones were bland and I doubt I'd have finished come midnight.

I think there may be a "favourite flat rides" topic about (if there isn't one from the last year or so, feel free to make one) and that's best suited to this kind of thing. You just couldn't create a tournament out of it.
Feel free if you like, but...

a) don't expect many people to take part because of all the reasons I stated
b) you'll still be trying to put together just my list into a bracket in 2014 ;)

For every coaster I've been on, I've done 4 or 5 times as many flat rides. So that's got to be hitting 800 - 1,000 rides. Imagine people well travelled!!!

I'll start on my "UK Midlands" ones today, you may have a list in two days. Two-Three weeks to compile my UK list. Then I'll start on Europe, then the US.

Then I'll get depressed because nobody will care anyway because people don't really about flats unless they're incredibly exceptional.

You're welcome to start though if you really want to.
I can't even remember half of the flat rides I've been on, and you expect me to list them?
Why don't you let the parks tourney happen and see how that goes. Let's spread some of the "tournaments" around a little?

P.S. This would be a long list. You may be better getting together with some (4-6?) flat ride lovers to create a top 64 list based on what you guys feel.

Also, I am pretty sure Freddy Kreuger ASKED if we would be interested in doing a tournament. You are TELLING us to do something. Generally people on the internet hate to be told to do anything.
Ethan said:
Lofty said:
Another one of these **** topics, just what CF needed.

<3 Mark I actually love you.

To be fair, different people get different things from these topics. Some people love them, others just don't understand them. I'm completely ambivalent, but will support somebody if they want to produce one for the multitude who enjoy them.

I get annoyed by the Music Recommendations thread which is full of people showing how quirky their musical taste are, but each to their own and all that :)

insanecoastervids said:
Guys what's wrong with it just say what flat rides you've been on it will happen.

I'm working on it, but 1,000 rides to sort through takes a long time. You may have it by Christmas, possibly early in the new year. I'm not sure who's going to go through them though. See the issue is...

bmac said:
I can't even remember half of the flat rides I've been on, and you expect me to list them?

It's sheer scale. And you can't...

rtotheizzo17 said:
You may be better getting together with some (4-6?) flat ride lovers to create a top 64 list based on what you guys feel.

Because each flat ride of the same type can be utterly different depending on how it's run by a park, or the theming around it. Talocan in Phantasialand is a very different beast to Ripsaw at Alton, but they're the same model. Go to a fairground and the ride you'll get will be utterly different to either.

It's not like with coasters where "All Megalites are great, all Boomerangs are mediocre at best". Coaster have a much wider range of different types too. There are three operating Enterprises in the UK (I think it's three, it may be more). Yet there are no "large scale coasters" which are clones.

How do you pick 64 flats? Which of the 8 operating KMG Afterburners in the UK gets the vote? The one at Thorpe is awful, but the one at Flamingoland is fantastic. Brean's is even better and Coney Beach's sublime. Yet most people will have only been on Thorpe's so it's hardly fair to have that as an exemplar of an Afterburner.

To miss Coney Beach's Afterburner from a flat ride tournament would be like missing T-Express from a coaster tournament because it's far away and few people have been on it. Yet it would get overlooked as "just another Afterburner - meh".

So just working on my flat ride count, it's incredibly complex as to which rides I would put in to a "top 64". Often there would be multiple versions of the same flat in different locations. If you multiply that by the two other people who would be interested, it's still a nightmare and masses of work for four people to take part in.

Can we have a dark ride tournament as well please? ;) :P
^Thats for you flat ride lovers to figure out. I personally don't give a **** which ride that spins you in circles while rotating 180 degrees is the best, because as you pointed out there are THOUSANDS of them that are identical.

I will agree that the dark ride tournament would be the way to go (although I imagine it would be Disney/UO dominated), but with a park tournament just starting, and a coaster tournament ending what two months ago? I figured to no throw fuel on the fire.
Yeah, let's face it, the King Kong ride at Bobbejaanland would win hands down. How fab does this look?






It's just a shame that it's as thrilling as being chauffeured in a Nissan Micra by an 80 year old granny who has just passed her driving test. It looks a lot better than it rides. An offride video will be coming to the CF YT channel at some point.

If you're going to do this kind of tournament, I'd suggest choosing about 15 of the most popular flat ride models - drop tower, top scan, gyro drop, star flyer, enterprise etc - and then get members to nominate their favourite park example of each ride. Once all 15 rounds are done, then you could have a mass poll to determine the best flat ride. However you look at it, it's a lot of work but narrowing it a little will make it easier.

You could even have a miscellaneous section so I can enter King Kong and then watch it win supreme. It's fab.
^But you really can't have a flat ride tournament without any German fair rides or leaving out singular park rides like Vertigo at Tivoli Gardens or Sledge Hammer at Canada's Wonderland. Plus if you go by the minimum requirement of four CFers who have to have ridden a ride (as was done with the Best Park Tournament) then it would leave out most of the great German fair flat rides as well as your beloved King Kong ride.
I agree with furie and others who think that the Favorite Flat Ride topic is enough for this category.
The German fairground rides shown on youtube are absolutely off the **** chain, I wish amusement parks could run their flats like they do.