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Favourite type of water ride

Favourite type of water ride...

  • Rapids

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Shoot-the-chute

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Log flume

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Water coaster

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Dingy slides

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scenic adventure rides

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Splash battle

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Another exciting topic from me, specifically designed for the best members to post in detail and an easy +1 post topic for the lazy, crap members.

Water rides are types that seem to get forgotten about in day-to-day discussions on these forums. Just wondered what, collectively, our favourite type of water ride is.

Please do not include normal rides that include water, such as Billy's Whizzer at CWoA which is a chair swing with water jets..it's not a water ride!

Rapids/River rafts


Log Flumes

Water coasters

Dingy slides

"Scenic" adventure rides

Splash Battles

Other, please specify (Such as Nautic jets and err, um...)

What's your fave and why?
Rapids even though I dont really like water rides.

My reason is simply due to the fact its different every single time, even if you have been on the rapids 100 times you never get the same experience.

The boats move at different speeds, some times you get wet some times you do not. Plus you end up sometimes with complete strangers and you end up chatting and laughing with them.

So in a way they never get boring and all the time you are thinking will this get me wet or not and how wet.
^ EWW to that green pond.

I like them all for different reasons, I mean, when it comes to just wanting to soak off and be cool, chute-the-chute rides are awesome, albeit a bit anti-climactic. But, when it comes to just wanting to have a good laugh, I think rapids win that one, since you can cool off pretty well depending on where you're sitting, and you can laugh at the people who get hit by the waterfalls :lol: .
Ian said:
"Scenic" adventure rides

That. And that exact ride is why. I love something that adds onto something you've already got. It adds a story, lots of themeing and a great soundtrack to a ride that would just be crap without it to create something amazing.

Rapids are only good when done well. Phantasialand rapids are the best I've EVER been on and put all the other parks to shame.
Log Flumes are boring unless they're well themed as you just bob along until you get to the drop and there's usually not much to look at.

Mostly because I love the drop and the giant splash, even if I don't get wet.

Well, I'd like a relatively long experience with my water ride so that's Dinghy Slides, Shoot-the-Chutes and Nautic Jets out.

I haven't done a Splash Battle but they look like a lot of fun and can't wait to try one out.

I haven't done many Scenic Adventure Rides although I've loved them all, Jurassic Park is IMMENSE.

Log Flumes are usually great although I do find queering up to someone slightly uncomfortable which is why I really like Florida's Splash Mountain.

Water Coasters are okay, only done Journey to Atlantis although it didn't stand out for me other than the surprise coaster section at the end.

That leaves the Rapids which in a large group and in groups of friendly people are amazing and great fun. Not so nice when you're piled in with some dodgy characters. As Marc said, the experience is usually different every time which is an added bonus.

Rapids are my favourite then.
"Scenic adventure rides" option for me.

Valhalla is great fun because of the themeing and effects.

Anything that fully takes you away from "being on a ride in the real world" to "being on a crazy adventure" is the way water rides should be done and they are normally the most exciting.
My favourite would be no specific type of water ride, but any ride that includes some kind of interaction with the other park members, like wave surfer, splash battle, logger's leap has installed cannons but you must pay for them.
I would really like to ride the splash coaster thing in america with the tank of water dropping on other guests heads.

Other than this, the rapids rides can be awesome if the water drops are themed well, or if they actually have rapids splashes, however, thorpe park has no splashes from the boat hitting the waves, and some of the squirty things are just annoying because they aren't themed, or special or anything, so it ruins the ride. So rapids are the most fun, only if they are done right.

For thrills, it's either the mack watercoaster, because it's a coaster, or the ones like perilous plunge and hydro.

Getting wet would be either thorpe's tidal wave or hydro, although these are not quite so fun getting wet unless it's a really hot day, because they give you one splash and then it's over.

Scenery and potential to be themed would probably be the nice cruise of a log flume... Apart from valhalla, which is awesome, as long as the fx work...

So I dunno, I'm just trying to make this post longer so I don't get told off by Ian, but it's hard to judge the best type of water ride when there is all the aspects to consider of a rollercoaster, plus the water...

I just ticked the other box though, as obviously waterfall, oakwood takes the prize by miles...
^I forgot about Waterfall. I love that ride although it's over super quick so Valhalla is still one of my favourite water rides.

Also after going on the Splash Battle in Alton I've found them great fun. It's really wet and it's got great guest interaction.
Pirates of the Caribbean @ Disneyland Paris has to be the best dark ride I have ever been on so for that reason, Scenic adventure rides is my cup of tea.

I can't understand why Valhalla is rated so high? It's a pile of crap.
tbh, I haven't been on many water rides, so my vote is based on which of the water rides was my favourite and not on general basis of that ride type. So Scenic Adventures as Valhalla = <3
Um, this might be hijacking the topic a little (it's still fairly on topic), but just out of interest, which water ride in the uk has the best guest interaction? At the moment I'm with wave surfer at the moment, becuase the fountain set up means you actually have to have skill in soaking the guests, creating a sort of game. I've seen some where water guns squirt continously but it's just point and squirt, the rides go slowly enough so not much skill is required. Are there any other irdes that actually make the thing feel like a game instead of a little gimmick?
I think my favourite is water coaster overall, I really enjoyed Poseidon and Journey to Atlantis, and Atlantica Supersplash was great too. I really like the combination of coaster sections and water splashes, they're really fun.

My other two favourites are rapids and log flumes, mainly from being to Florida with the great ones they have there. I really like rapids as you don't know which splash is going to get you or who the water is going to land on making it really fun. I like log flumes because they make for pretty lengthy rides, with quite a few drops and winding around which is especially good when it is well themed.

So, water coaster for me.
Hard question as i think most water rides are great fun, even more fun with the addition of great themeing.

But for me it has to be water coaster. I don't know what did it for me with Journey to atlantis but i loved the caoster part, even though its like 5 seconds, it came from nowhere.

I really enjoy good log flumes like Dudley do-right but then again The Flume at Alton is quite shocking.

So, water coaster.
My favourite type of water ride islogflume because they are relaxing then get better as they go along, also they r so original and fun to go on with friends, on ride pic always good lol
My favourite type is the Rapids due to the huge amount of fun and laughs when trying to dodge the splashes and predict which direction you are going to end up in after spinning. I've always had more of a laugh coming off these type of water rides.

I also love the Shoot-the-chute water rides due to the steep drops and huge splash at the end. The whole build up to the big splash is what makes that type of ride I feel.
Mostly because I love the drop and the giant splash, even if I don't get wet.

How do you manage to not get wet on chute-the-chute rides?! Those things have soaked me from head to toe, everytime I've been on one.
I love water rides and my favourite are generally the ones that get you wet the most!

I like rapid rides but I've only done 1 that was soaking wet and just pure fun. Others then were either mildly wet but still fun or just plain dull or boring like Gardaland's.

Shoot the chutes are generally awesome. I loved Tutuki Splash and Tidal Wave, just as you approach the drop and everyone's puts their hands up and gets soaked to the skin, then laugh about it.

Log Flumes are also pretty good especially when ya have a full boat that creates a bigger splash.

I think I will go with Shoot the chutes, at least until I ride some more GOOD rapid rides.

most are a bit meh, but phantyasialand's are great for techy stuff, and that airtime drop, IOA's and parque warners are great fun, and very wet!

Shoot-the-chute/ Water coaster:

gonna lump these together - I ove a good soaking, whether it's themed like valhalla, or plain like hydro

Log flume:

most are 'meh' - but the one at Portaventura was ace - liked it better than tutuki splash

Dingy slides:

fun, and twisty ones get you SOAKED!

Scenic adventure rides:

good, but not wet enough!!

Splash battle:

fun, and the interaction is great

so - shutes it is!