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Favourite theme park sounds


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Yes, I'm aware this is a rather lame topic, but it sprung into my head in Belgium.

It's nothing to do with ride music, more of the "natural" sounds.

I really like the silence as a log flume boat goes over the top of the hill and the increasing rumbling sound it makes as it goes down the drop.

I also like that tinny, rattly sound that Intamin accelerator coasters make when they launch.

Perhaps you like the screaming on top spins when the screams are momentarily shielded when the base is facing toward the crowd? Or maybe crispy clicking sound that the B&M seat belts make on inverted coasters?
Aw. Great yeat dorky topic!

I like when top spins release the air to let the gondola swing freely... *tsssssch* followed by the screams of riders.

Another sound that I really likes is the air sound from S&S rides. That is, towers and Rush. When towers are weighting their gondolas and are ready to shot they make a funny noise.

The classic B&M Roar (especially Nemesis and Dragon Khan).

The noise cars on an Arrow coaster make when they disengage the lift hill. It's a bit like 'clack-clack-clack' and then 'baaaang' LOL A bit random, yeah, but I love it!

I can't think of any other sounds right now :p
^Yeah that sound from the S&S rides I like too. Kind of a pressurising sound.

I love the sounds of anti-roll backs on wooden coasters. The clack clack is great and you can usually hear from far away. Great when you are acutally riding the coaster too.

Also Rev at BPB, the whoosh sound the train makes when being pushed backwards through the loop I especially like as it adds to the ride.
oriolat2 said:
Aw. Great yeat dorky topic!

I like when top spins release the air to let the gondola swing freely... *tsssssch* followed by the screams of riders.

When I saw you'd posted, I predicted exactly that was what you'd say...

I LOVE the old Arrow lift noise. WHHIIRR WHIIIRRR.... *silence*.... BANG. It's amazing.

And the scary noise Vortex at CW's brake run makes as the whole structure moves about 10 foot either way.

Haha, and the noise Revolution makes when it launches... WHIIR... WHIIR... CLATTER BANG BOOM...

I do like a good noise on a ride. The older ones make the best noises.
Ian said:
Perhaps you like the screaming on top spins when the screams are momentarily shielded when the base is facing toward the crowd?

Very good example. I love it when it does that 8)

One of my favourites is the noise that a B&M Inverted makes as the train enters the station. That sort of chucking train sound. They all seem to do it to some extent, although it is some more then others. Nemesis is the best example of it. Montu does it a little but it isn't as loud and staccato as Nemesis. The same goes for a lot of the ones I have ridden.

I also used to love the sound of the engine/motors powering up on Huss Breakdances. Especially as it slowed down slighty before gearing up to full speed. Rodeo at CWoA was the best example of this that I can think of.
I like the sounds of Rush, just sounds to powerful.

Also the sound on some B&M coasters the raw they make.

Also Sam passing wind has become very common in theme parks :) Its a strange sound tbh.
Mark, other B&Ms make that sexy entering the station sound as well.

Khan springs to mind. And Medusa.

It's lovely.

Oooh [/camp], what about on drop towers when you're at the top and you're waiting for that click before it drops. That's a good one.
I dont normally hear that Ian when I am on them :)

I sort of like the sound of air time though, you hear the coaster noise then silence.
Again Ben I did not hear it, you were sat next to me so you know why lol.

Maybe that could be a good sound, me shouting and screaming on drop towers.
PA France. Zeus’s wooden rollercoaster brake run. You hear all the creaking of the wood and the sound of the airbrakes in one. To see it is just as scary and good it moves about 10ft either way (probably only 5ft.)

Apart from that Arrow coasters like Bullet at Flamingo Land which has been moved. The chain both sides. Clun..k Clu..nk Clunk .. Bang! (as it drops.)
Rickety-rickety-rickety... whhooooooooOOSSHH!, and then the roar of a woodie down the first drop. Back in the days when ThunderCoaster lived up to its name, that sound muted everything else.

S&S shot towers are nice too. From the ground, it sounds like they slam into the top of the tower, that sound from the pistons.

Also, I love the combination of escalator, general chatting, and a passing coaster train. The sight is even better.
I agree the sound of Arrow's just after the lift hill, especially The Pepsi Max Big One, I also love the sound of The Pepsi Max Big one when it hits the breaks too, ear sex :--D
Top of Arrow's lift hills.
Roar of B&M's.
And quite alot others, but all have already been said. :p

I also like the sound that Waterfall at Oakwood makes. roooollllll......splash...splash...splash...squeek
I love Khan's as you can hear the roar of it from like miles away and I love the S&S Towers when they're about to launch upwards. :)
The Bullet used to have my favourite sound... all around...

With the Bullet what they did was valley it over night (in between the loop and the spike)... then a catch car used to slowly go down and collect it the next day and hoist it to the top. The Bullet used to open at 1pm so everyone was ready for a go by that time, and the noise it made when releasing that train was an almighty BANG! ... then you could hear the Schwarzkopf roaring around the loop too, it just made EVERY thrill seeker in the park leg it to the Bullet as fast as they could.

<3 that ride.... < /3 its gone :(

(Stop filtering stuff! </3 :p)
Screams and the roar of a coaster as it thunders along the track, but I also love the the sound of the hisses made by friction breaks and hydrolics on rides etc :)
Corkscrew at AT's lift hill noise, That noise makes (or made as of Sunday) UG Land imo.

I also love that hiss sound as those things on Rita/Stealth's lauch (forgot what they're called) raise and lower.

The B&M roar sounds awesome too.

Also the 'clunky' lifthills of Nemesis and Oblivion.