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Favourite Season?

Favourite Season

  • Spring

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Summer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Autumn/Fall

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Winter

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Strata Poster
Simple really, what is your favourite season of the year and why. No +1 posts please if you can't tell me why just vote don't post! :p

They've all got their advantages.

I like Spring although it doesn't kick in until March, its like the start of a new year for me, all the new leaves on trees, the new flowers in the park, all the newborn stuff. Also the UK gets silly after 3 months of Winter and everyone goes out in shorts at the tiniest glimpse of sunshine in Spring haha.

My favourite is Winter though, I hate long days I much prefer the early nights. I love sitting in knowing full well every twta outside is freezing their bollocks off, whether it be sat in my house or a pub. Pubs are another reason, me and my mates have a certain area in Middlesbrough where we will only go in Winter, not sure how it happened but it has, and they're awesome little cosy pubs the pints feel so much more rewarding in Winter.

Then obviously theres Christmas, everyones in a festive mood for about two months, and SNOW I love snow when we get it properly.

Anyway enough creaming over Winter, whats yours :D
Summer as it's when most the things happen. Everyone's off school/college and you get to spend more time with family and friends going out. Also it's when the Euro-Live is. :)
I love summer, especially summer nights. Summer nights are neither too cold, or too hot, and the air is fresh and lovely.

Summer is also holidays, which are win :D

Spring has its charms, but is also a quite wet season. The snow is melting, there is mud everywhere, but we get flowers and bird twitter again. Too bad it's still way too cold to be much outside, and it's muddy everywhere.

Summer is great. The one season when you can wear the same inside as outside, and you don't have to wear more than a shorts and t-shirt (plus necessary underwear). The fact that you can bike as well makes summer a winner. Bugs are a negative, but not a big one. Summer is when parks are open as well.

Autumn is a little depressing, represented by weeks with drizzling rain and fog. Leaves fall, temperatures sink, school starts again, parks close for the season... It's great to sit inside and be warm, though. Early nightfall is also cozy. Autumns also comes with plenty of excuses for sitting indoors and playing games.

Winter. You have to spend five minutes getting dressed... with whatever you are wearing indoors. It takes another five to get ready to go out. Snow falls (but never in time for a white Christmas...), and it has to go somewhere. Shuffling snow is fun, at least the first ten minutes. Everything is also silent, days are short, no bugs, and Christmas drags Winter up to the second spot.

So all in all, summer for me.
I like spring. Summer is too hot, winter is too cold and spring feels better coming out of the cold. Plus hayfever doesn't really kick in until early summer.

The last few years, the weather in spring has generally been better than summer. I like the cool sunny mornings too (if I get up for them!).
I like summer, but mostly the beginning/end of it when it's not so hot out that you want to stay in all the time. I like it because there is more to do, and to put it simply, I'm a sissy when it comes to the cold.

Autumn would be my next favourite, because not only is it my middle name, I loveee love love all the weather, the atmopshere, and fall means Halloween which= lots of day trips to haunted houses and other random fall activities.
I love winter, mainly because in the summer if I get hot I take layers of clothes off, and if I'm still hot what can I do? But in Winter if I;m cold you wrap up until your warm, which dosen't take too long. Plus in Winter you don't have to look that attractive :p
In a slightly selfish way, winter would be my favourite because that's when my birthday and Christmas are. Other than that, I'm not really a fan of the cold weather at all and I absolutely hate January/February time. Oh and I suppose that because kitsune is hibernating it's an added bonus.

I love Spring/Summer because it's when it starts to get warmer and I generally feel a lot happier then. April especially as Jake said, it's been a lot warmer then than in August.

I couldn't really choose a favourite season, but I know it wouldn't be Autumn.
Agrees on the Winter thing involving birthday times :p

I think I like summer the best though just because it involves less stress and more fun than any other times in the year where school and college can just get in the way.
I love the summer because that's when it's time for amusement parks. :wink: But I do like winter because of Christmas even though I live in Texas and all we get is ice, whereas in VA we got full out snow. But I'd have to say summer hands down. Even in this hot Texas heat. :p
Summer just feels so much better. And as above, is theme park time!

Winter it dark and depressing, apart from the magical time that is Christmas. Dark, cold, wet (I am still talking about winter, not summer or bank hollidays), and no theme parks!
Hmm. I guess I'd have to say uh... Late spring, early summer where it's not too hot, mostly dry and stiff and the school year ends so everyone is chilling out maxing relaxing all cool except a couple of guy who are obviously upto no good and making trouble in the neighborhood.
Winter or Summer. I enjoyed Summer last year more than this year. Winter will probably be better this year.
Summer for sure, it's great when you don't have to put on that many layers of clothes etc. Also it's light outside for a long time (contrary to Winter) and there are more things/activities I (can) do in Summer.
My favourite is Autumn because its usually not too hot or too cold and I find it more comfortable to do things in. Plus I like when the days get shorter especially in the morning when it stays darker for longer. Also I like that end of year feeling just before the chaos of Christmas kicks in.
Winter. Summer and Spring are overrated. I love the shorter days, the cold, and the clouds.

^^^^I especially like snow.
All of my opinions are based on Florida weather. :)

Spring: It's very wet outside, not as hot as summer but very humid, but you get the feeling that school is almost over, which is great, plus my birthday is in spring. So is Easter which means free candy and cool songs at church. Plus you can start to go to the beach.

Summer: Averages of 90-100 degrees outside and very humid so that it feels like 105-120 degrees. You sweat alot but almost everyone has pools or you can go to the beach alot. No school, which is great, but thousands of bugs, especially in the evening.

Autumn: Starting to cool down alot, and everyone is used to school by now, as school starts in August, which is the end of summer. Leaves change color, it is the perfect temperature of around 70 degrees. There is hardly any humidity, plus there is just a feel of fall in the air. There is thanksgiving and other good food which comes into season. Unfortunately, swim practice starts getting annoying with colder water.

Winter: First half is great, what with Christmas, and cold(er) weather, around 50 degrees (if we're lucky). However, swim practice is really miserable, especially right before and right after, standing around in nothing but a thin swim suit reaching to above the knees, and afterwards it's worse because I'm wet. And I don't like shorter days, they seem too short and dark.

I pick Autumn as the winner. :--D