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Favourite Flamingo Land ride



What is your favourite past & present ride at Flamingo land? Any thing from the bullet to velocity or topgun to kumali.

I'll get us started. My favourite past rollercoaster was Sky Flyer and my favourite present rollercoaster is Velcoity.

My top 5 all - time favourites are:

1. Velocity
2. Kumali
3. Flip flop
4. Wild Mouse
5. Tidal Wave.

I went on all of these when I was either 8, 10 or 11 years old.
I loved the feeling where you felt like you were gonna fall out.
My favourite coaster is Velocity then followed by Kumali. I really liked Velocity when I visited even though its a bit short but the launch is good. Didn't really do many of the flat rides.

Would have loved to have visited when The Bullet and Magnum Force were there. I'm sure those 2 would have been top of my list.
1. Magnum Force
2. Bullet
3. Velocity
4. Thunder Mountain
5. Crazy Loop

You can see how I rate Kumali lol
Unfortuanately I wasn't there when Magnum Force/Bullet was around. But last time I went which was 2 years ago now, I had a pretty good time and enjoyed most of the rides there.


1. Velocity (Glass smooth but the only downside is it's too short)

2. Kumali (Found it a tad rough on some parts of the ride)

4. Wild Mouse (Had some nice sharp corners)

3. Corkscrew (Ugh made my ear red cause it bashed it so much on the harness)


1. Sky Flyer (Only a lapbar to keep you in which made it really scary even though they class it as a family ride?)

2. Circulator (Now left the park but I actually liked it even though alot of people don't :lol:)

3. Cliffhanger (They only ran it on Shot mode when I was there :()

4. Tidal Wave (Now left the park aswell but I thought it was a fun quirky ride)

5. Navigator (Felt like it was about to come off the edge but it was fun)

6. Voodoo (Average Pirate Ship)

Ermm I don't have a category for Lost River as it was the only water ride I went on (Splosh area wasn't ready yet) but I got pretty wet from what I can remember.

Hopefully I'm gonna go back this year and do Mumbo Jumbo and Flip Flop. :)
I've only been once and Kumali is right at the bottom where it belongs.

1. Velocity (Lovely but downside - too short)
2. Cliffhanger (Fun and fast. Good combination)
¦ Insert all other
¦ Flamingoland rides
V here
Last. Kumali (Just...eurgh)
Moved from General Discussions.

I haven't been there in years, so can't really comment on the present rides there. In the past though, the best was definitely Magnum Force, with Bullet as a close second.

I'd actually put those two above most of the present U.K. coasters. Well,the ones I've ridden at least.
Velocity by far. I think without it, the park would be perhaps the worst in the UK.

The Disk-o ride is probably after that followed by Cliffhanger. I haven't ridden Flip Flop yet but it looks quite fun.

The rest of the rides are crap.
Velocity and Flip-Flop.
I think that the Bullet would of been my favourite, wish I could of ridden it. :(
I loved Bullet. Magnum Force was also pretty damn awesome.

My list ends there :)
I'v only been once and it was around 1997-98?, Mine :-

1. Magnum Force
2. Bullet
3. Thunder Mountain
4. Corkscrew
5. Flying Trapese
6. Wild Mouse
7. Dragon Coaster
Kumali for me, Velocity is alright but more of a gimmick train on a junior coaster layout. Corkscrew shows it's age!
Definitely Velocity.
That is a top class ride.

I was too young for Magnum Force and Bullet when they were still around.
Shame, really. They looked immense.
My favourite coaster's... 1.kumali

when mumbo jumbo open's im sure that will be one of my favourites aswell.
Magnum Force was great!

Bullet wasn't as enjoyable, but it was better than anything they've got there now. I find Velocity and Kumali extremely rough and dull. :(.