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Favourite B&M Invert?


Mega Poster
Post your favourite below...

Mine has to be Nemesis, it just has that 'X-factor' to it

Anyways, feel free to post below
I've only been on two, Nemesis and Inferno, so I choose Nemesis. But I really didn't like any of them...
I loved Alpengeist. Just huge, fast and great fun.

Talon was pretty close behind, and I also enjoyed the good bits of Great Bear (the good bits are brilliant, the not so good bits, not so good :lol: ).

Nemesis I've been on too many times, but usually once or twice a season it will catch me off guard and remind me of when I used to love it (long before I was an enthusiast).

Without riding them all a fair amount, over a number of years - it's difficult to really say to be honest. You become accustomed to what you know, and something new and fresh always seems to be better, but whether it would be or not after living with it, I don't know?
furie said:
and I also enjoyed the good bit of Great Bear

EFA (although it was tempting just to say there were no good bits on Great Bear :lol:)

Nemesis for me thanks...

Though I do wish Alpengeist hadn't decided to throw a tantrum and break it's damn chain, because I think it could've gotten bloody close to Nemmie...
I still say Nemesis even though its not what it used to be. Its still wild though which is how it rates so high to me. No other ride is so visualy intense. Trouble is you can feel every little joint/weld/change in bank now. And in many seats it beats the turds out of you.

Its better than thomas crapper at CP anyway, which feels kinda the same as Nemesis but harsh in the wrong places. Inferno is fine but after the 0G its stays at the constant pace with little change that makes you want to yawn.

That paragraph was probally a grammer nightmare but I dont care.
Homer said:
Montu was here, all others are smalltime.
I agree (assuming you mean that's your favourite).

Don't get me wrong, I love Nemesis. I think it's a brilliant design which has been very well executed and there is nothing wrong with it.

Montu, however, left me with a feeling of awe as well. I loved its size and power and it felt so much... well... stronger.

So yeah, Montu and Nemesis are very close to me, but Montu gets it, only just, because of its size.
Alpengeist. Giant, forceful, and just all-around epic.
Talon was also amazing, but Alpengeist is just... woah.
And Great Bear had some good parts but wasn't as good as Talon or Alpengeist.
1. Alpengeist
2. Montu
3. Talon
4. Batman: The Ride (SFGAm)
5. Batman: The Ride (SFMM)

The sheer madness of it wins out. The layout is so different and well designed, the interaction with scenry is superb and it is incredibly forcefull. The roughness it is developing actually completes the ride and it wouldn't be the same if it was silky smooth.
My favourite is Montu, however I have only ridden it twice but have ridden Nemesis loads of times, and Nemesis has consistently delivered. Montu was fantastic on both those rides though, and just was so much better than anything else I have ever ridden, so Montu for me, although Nemesis is a close second.
My favourite would easily be Pyrenees even though the second half is a bit weak...

The first half though it beyond awesome!!
Especially the turn between the last loop and the cobra :)
It's basically a tie for me between Raptor and Batman at SFMM. They're next to each other in my rankings and always switch...but for now I think I'm going to go with Batman. I have a feeling if I rode Raptor as many times as I've ridden Batman, I'd be tired of it. Batman on the other hand never gets old, not to mention it's smooth and doesn't smack you on the brake run.
I've been on:
Nemesis Inferno
3x Batman's

Nemesis was the best, closely followed by Batman La Fuga.
1. Talon
2. Alpengeist
3. Montu
4. Black Mamba
5. Batman La Fuga
6. Batman the Others
7. Nemsis Inferno
8. Dueling Dragons
9. Great Bear
10. Flight Deck
11. Silver Bullet tied with Nemesis

Though we blates had this topic only a little while ago, cause everyone got their panties in a twist over me ranking Nemesis.
^Yeah, we have this topic once every other month or so I reckon.

1. Pyrenees
2. Nemesis
3. Phaethon
4. Nemesis Inferno
^ Yeah I thought I was getting a bit of deja vu!

Anywho, of all 2 that I've been on, I actually find Inferno more enjoyable than Nemesis.