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Favorite Defunct Roller Coaster

Edward M

Strata Poster
Some rides you wish never left. What are these for you?

Mine are Rampage @ Alabama Adventure and Disaster Transport
White Water Landing and Mill Race at Cedar Point.



Er yeah, defunct roller coaster.

Can I just say Villain out of spite? Maybe it was misunderstood the entire time! :razz:
I was going to make some sarcastic and cutting remark about how people will go on about a "great old Schwartzkopf" or something, getting all misty eyed about some old POS like Thunderlooper or The Beast - how it's such a shame Anton's best old machines have all gone out to pasture and whatever.

Then I had a good long think about it, and the only ride I can think of that's no longer "available to ride" that I'd love to ride again is... The Bullet from Flamingoland. I was gutted when I realised that - bad_furie.
The only coaster i've ever been on that is no longer operating is Corkscrew at Alton Towers, so i'll go with that.

I wish i'd ridden Black Hole, but as a kid I wouldn't ride anything that I couldn't see first.
It's okay, it was rubbish - you didn't miss out on anything.
I'd love to have "one more go" on Bullet at FL and Scenic Railway at Margate.

Can't really say I have a favourite defunct coaster.
I'll second the Schwartzkopf love - while Dorney Park's Laser lives on in Mexico, it is defunct to the point that I'll never ride it again. It was my first Schwartzkopf looper, and quite a good one at that. Definitely makes you come to appreciate the awe of the Schwartzkopf loop!
Don't second it, I hate myself for saying it - I think they're generally mediocre or poor, with just one or two being really "good".
Maybe a better label for Schwartzkopf is "iconic?"
I was actually going to put Flamingoland's Bullet as well. It was excellent, but the shoulder restraints could be quite painful. They had a horrible habit of sometimes tightening through the ride, leaving you in agony and unable to move until they were released.

Riding it as a lapbar only ride solved the problem fortunately.