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Euthanasia Coaster...

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Hyper Poster
Fair Warning, this is a pretty serious topic.

I hope that this is the right area to post it in, and I hope that we can discuss the idea of the ride rather than the ethics of the choice involved...

I have just been stumbling around the web and landed on this page, and I've got to say, it knocked me for six...

I would warn those of a weak disposition not to read the following, it's a pretty harrowing account...


So, um... thoughts? As I've already said, I found it very hard to read, but morbid curiosity pushed me onwards... I didn't watch the video at the bottom though...
I hope this is fake... But it isn't. Why would somebody want to ride it... What kind of park would buy this... This is truly horrifying.
I do think your waning and stuff are kinda humorous. Maybe I'm just desensitized by the internet and **** but it isn't that bad
Josh73 said:
I hope this is fake... But it isn't. Why would somebody want to ride it... What kind of park would buy this... This is truly horrifying.

Oh yeah, It's not fake. It's a theortical concept of killing people in a fun way! A fun and by the looks if it incredibly expensive and kinda stupid way. it's 1673 ft high... why not lauch them at couple hundred mile an hour into a wall or sommat....
dropthefloor93 said:
I'd ride it. I think life is fake and everything is scripted and happens for a reason, so like hell I'd ride this thing.
A positive outlook is always good... :roll:
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