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Eurovision 2016


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As always, it's once again me who's bringing up this topic on the forums. The event starts in about an hour, at 9pm CET and 8pm British time.

Who are your favorites for the night? I'm personally going with the simplistic approach of Latvia and France and the powerful, but nevertheless cute, Italian performance. I was also pleasantly surprised with Georgia, Austria and Netherlands, so I would have nothing against if they manage to score well.

Your thoughts?
I've bet an illogical amount of money on it this year, and hope to get at least some of it back...

My personal favourites are Armenia, Ukraine and Hungary's song, and I also like Belgium and Spain's.

Russia will probably win.

The UK might even not be in the last 5, due to the girl-faced-boy One Direction-esque singers. Although it still won't do well obvs.

I like Eurovision.

My favourite was Ukraine so it's good that they won.

Russia didn't win.

UK did their usual.

I lost all the bets.

I don't like eurovision.
Ukraine was OK but didn't deserve to win, like, at all.

Australia and Russia were my favourite entries.

I loved how crazy intense the voting system got, I couldn't handle it! I look forward to seeing what some numbers guy says would have won with the original voting system.

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well - that was even worse than usual.

3 or 4 reasonable songs out of the 26. (russia, lithuania, austria and belgiam)

The winner was borderline breaking the no politics rule
2nd place was from f***ing Australia

Grumble grumble...
I'm just glad Australia didn't win since they're not Europe and shouldn't be in it in the first place. Can't really comment on the songs as only managed to catch the voting but that Love Love Peace Peace song is going to be in my head forever!

Didn't think the new voting system would work at first but it ended up working perfectly and massively increased the tension in seeing who won. Roll on next year!
Australia was clearly the best and I liked Netherlands too for a change... The rest was mostly meh, with Ukraine and Poland being the absolute worst.