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"Ethereal" - X-car.

Uncle Arly

Strata Poster

Well, I hate (love) to admit it Arly, but your shapping is horrid!

Firstly, you had a huge drop out of the station, then, without doing anything with all that created momentum, you just got rid of it. Secondly, the tophat was horrid with the shapping. You flattened the top, for some odd reason, instead of creating a parabolic arch which would have 1. Been more fun to ride, and 2, would have keep the forces in the negatives.

Next, the immelmann was very round, which it should have been more clothoid shapped, to keep the force into the positives at the top. Also, felt kinda slow ish.

The first MCBR you literally flew through it, and came out of a very forceful turn. Also, a lot of the turns weren't banked properly, so it felt paintful to ride.

Your Maurer rollover also felt forced with the bankings, but whatever. The last turn was also funky.

Overall, it's a 6/10 ride. Not your best, and certainly not your most creative, but with a little owkr, it can become a lot better :)
See that Ash, all you need is some
Simple. :lol:

Might as well add something constructive I guess :roll:

Good Points
-Layout was quite nice
-Most of the trackwork was smooth
-Support work was nice
-Pacing was great, although it didn't feel right through one or two of the corners

Bad Points
-There were a few odd jerks and pumps in the track
-I agree that the drop from the station might have been a little pointless, you should've at least gone straight to the lift.

Overall, not a bad coaster. I just felt like it lacked the 'quality' that some of your previous rides have had. Not a bad effort, but could do with a little bit of work. 6/10.
Quite a good ride. I liked the colour scheme, and the layout. Pacing was good, if a little too fast in places. Trackwork was ok, quite a lot of bumps though. As Xpress said the shaping needs to be improved, especially on the tophat. Overall, decent original ride. 6.5/10

Also, how do you get the catwalks (orange in the editor) to be a station?