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Earthquake in Japan


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
We are receiving reports that the earthquake in Japan that has created tsunami waves has flooded the parking lots at Tokyo Disney & further damage to the park is suspected.
I will update as we hear further reports.
It looks really bad out there at the moment, I was shocked when I saw the pictures of the floods and damage to Japan.
We've had 8 confirmed deaths so far & I'm sure there's more to come. The video that we're up linking is just incredible. The way the waves just swept through & carried everything in their path so far inland.
Of course some damage to the Tokyo Disney resorts is nothing compared to the devastation over there, but I'm sure some have been wondering about the parks & the Disney report was one of the first we received.
Really Japan? REALLY?!

I know you do make a lot of products, but getting the apocalypse 18 months early is just taking the piss!

Disclaimer - It's called British humour, deal with it America! ;)
Ha. Neal. That made me Lol. Good shout!

Anyway, this is a shame. I knew nothing about it until this topic. I've just watched a BBC news story on it and the water just kept plowing and plowing through with no sign of stopping. Even Disney in all it's power can't stop natural disasters, who'd have thought it eh?
Holy **** I woke up and I see this,
This has also caused a volcano to erupt in Indonesia...


Puts all the stuff we apparently 'suffer' from weather wise over here into perspective...

Can this be put into somewhere else as well? I know it's a coaster forum and everything but why are we just focusing on Disney here?

My thoughts go out to those involved as well... Least Japan are at least relatively prepared for earthquake issues...
^ They're also the country that copes best when it comes to them, not only for the fact that they can afford to, but the fact that they're 'used to them', although not on this scale.

I'm not saying it's ok what's happened, because it's really devastating for the country, but I just thought I'd point out that fact and to back you up on the last part of the post! :)
I think at the time it was posted no one really knew what had happened and that is why it started off with Disney.

It now has nothing to do with Disney as they seem to be ok apart from some flooding.

Japan and other places are either affected or will be by this.

It must be so nasty to see this wave heading to islands with no way of stopping it :(
^ Some slightly good news on that front though. One of the islands on the way to Hawaii, or south of Japan which they thought would get hit MAJORLY only got a 50cm Tsunami, compare this to the Tsunami that hit Kho Phi Phi which was 25/26m. I know this doesn't sound a lot, but it still hit them, they're now thinking that it's actually losing energy, which is strange because usually Tsunami's gather momentum. The one that they're expecting to be the worst is Hawaii. They're saying it could get the full brunt of it. They're using it as a measuring tool really, which is sad, they're saying that as soon as it hits Hawaii, they'll know the rest of the outcome of the other countries/island. Very sad news.
Is it wrong of me to expect a "storm surge" related PR stunt from Thorpe Park?

Aside from that, sympathy to those involved etc.
I've been watching BBC News 24 almost all day. Whilst desperately sad, I'm in awe of not only the power of nature, but by the Japanese themselves. Anywhere else and the disaster would have been so much worse.
^I found it weird how they were fleeing. But they were so orderly about it. They were queueing for the buses that were still running and even waiting for the green man at crossings as they were getting away.
^I think it's just a culture thing. Everything is so well thought through and precise and the people are so disciplined that they're not likely to be the nation to just start running and screaming. It's still incredible that they keep up the order when something like this is happening.

The footage of the waves is incredible, it's just got so much momentum and nothing can stop it. Don't get wrong, it must be terrible for the people and their lives have been changed forever, but there is a part of me that is in awe at the whole thing.
As with any major disaster there's an awe factor, you can't help but be mesmerised by something that is beyond any normal sort of scale.

I've been off work ill again today and i've had news 24 on pretty much since I woke up. Absolutely horrifying scenes of destruction, mainly from the tsunami. It's going to take a while to rebuild the north eastern coast.
I know people have mentioned this, but Jerry or any of the Site and Management teams please change the title of this thread to about the earthquake and move it to Anything Goes please? Out of respect more than anything - this massive catastrophe and it just looks like all we care about is a park suffering a tad water damage...

Anyway, I awoke at 6.30 this morning literally just as this was breaking news, so I was really concerned as reports in the morning were so sketchy and I had to go to school.

I was able to watch live the tsunami hit Japan, and it was simply awful. Awful, awful, awful. It was really hard to watch it live knowing that people's live are literally being swept away, people possibly being swept away, injured or even killed. I felt powerless.

I have maintained my interest into the quake all day as I've been shocked at how the situation is getting worse than better - some of the aftershocks are huge (a 6.6 just as I type has just hit Japan) and the waters aren't going down very quickly.

Boats, cars and even trains been swept away - I fear large numbers of deaths.

I suppose all you can do is pray.
ciallkennett said:
I know people have mentioned this, but Jerry or any of the Site and Management teams please change the title of this thread to about the earthquake and move it to Anything Goes please? Out of respect more than anything - this massive catastrophe and it just looks like all we care about is a park suffering a tad water damage....

Seconded, the title made me cringe when I first read it.
tks said:
As with any major disaster there's an awe factor, you can't help but be mesmerised by something that is beyond any normal sort of scale.

I've been off work ill again today and i've had news 24 on pretty much since I woke up. Absolutely horrifying scenes of destruction, mainly from the tsunami. It's going to take a while to rebuild the north eastern coast.

Pretty much this.

Awesome to see natures power, harrowing to see the destruction it causes, horrific to think what it would be like to be in that situation.
I heard on the news about boats being dragged down streets, and even a train carrying over a 100 people got swept away....just horrific stuff.

Just like other people in here, I've been fixed on to News 24 too.

I know its early days, but the death toll isn't that high really, which is obviously good.