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Do you suffer from "man tan"?

Do you suffer from man tan?

  • Yes!

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  • No, I avoid the sun, use suncream or go topless.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Screw you bitches, I'm tanned all the time!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Lovely weather this weekend and I've been outside for most of it.

Just had a shower and noticed that I have horrendous man tan! Man tan is where the parts that are covered by a t-shirt are white, whereas the arms and face/collar area are brown (or red in my case).

Who else suffers from man tan, or wo-man tan if you're female?

Oh, and if anybody is offended and thinks I'm being racist with option three, then they can suck my lillywhite balls. Not got round to naked sunbathing yet this year.
Yes and it hurts end of.

Though my fault for falling asleep in bed with the curtains open as my bedroom is in the direction of the sun.
Yep. I only usually get the sun from being at motorsport events or whatever, where it would be inappropriate to go topless, so it's just neck, arms and face for me! And yeah, not really tanned, just kinda burnt.
Steven you can not get a tan through glass btw.

And yes I do as well, I tan really easy and where my shirt is I go brown.
I do. I have had this continuous mild tan on my skin for years, which means the bottom of my arms have a light tan along my my face and neck, while the rest of my body is as white as Michael Jackson.

I should really go topless one day so that they whole, of my top half is constantly tanned, but I hate taking my shirt off.
Nope. I was meant to go out today but plans got cancelled and I've been stuck indoors most the time. :(
^ You suffer from man-tan only on your feet, haha.. They're like eighty three shades lighter than the rest of your body :p .

I don't really suffer from this, although, I do have bad tan lines around my boobs. My boobs are like, really white from where my bikini sits, and the rest is a bit darker. Other than that, no, but my knees have been darker than the rest of my body for a few years now, ever since they got burned pretty bad in grade nine.

You can only get a tan in mid-July here, usually, unless you try to get one. The rest of the year is too cloudy or too cold to stay outdoors. Or the sun is too low on the horizon to provide any tanning rays.

Still white as an egg here. This text is placed here for all of you who will try the "brown egg"-joke.
My work is all outdoors, so if we get a sunny spell and I have to work a few days in a row then my arms go brown, but because I have to wear a shirt then obviously most of me is still white. :p

Then between work during the summer i'm normally at themeparks, airshows, motorsport or other events, so get man tan from those too.
Hmmmm, sometimes...

To be honest I normally wear a vest type top, shorts and flip-flops when it gets to weather that is nice and hot, so it's more the common female issue of white lines for me :p (Oh the irony lol)

If I get the oppurtunity, I will take my top off, but that happens rarely in this country. A few hours round an outdoor swimming pool normally gets rid of the problem for me. (Except for the shorts area, only an offer of an alarmingly life changing amount of money would make me want to walk around in the nude in public)
As white people go I think I'm fairly dark anyway. I do tan very easily though.

I've sorta got a "man-tan". But there are no really distinct cut off marks, it just fades gradully from my tanned neck, arms and lower legs into the paler torso.

A trip to Spain in the summer should sort that I reckon.
I jst have to look at the sun and tan, and I've only burnt twice in my whole life weirdly, and they were in different countries, but yes I find it is a regular occourence, but I wouldn't call it suffering.
I definately have man tan all year round. I put it down to all the park trips where I am essentially outdoors from early morning until late at night. as a result people at work are always commenting and suggesting that I must do sunbeds in the winter. I then raise my shirt sleeve to reveal the true manliness of the tan.

I would go for the more complete version, but never seem to get the time .
Yes, I have it at the moment where the bottom of my arms are nicely cooked whereas the other part are the colour of raw chicken. I'm also raw from where my watch has been as well.
I'll not subject anyone to the sight of me without a shirt - just wish some others would think the same. So yes, it's always just arms, head and neck for me. Shirts should only come off when you have something worth looking at - in public at least.
I'm definately suffering at the moment, I tried to even it out by rolling my sleeves up when I went jogging the other day, but now the tops of my arms are a bit darker than a daz-ad t-shirt, and my forearms got darker too, so I've still got the man tan =[