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Dive Machines

The Grape Wizard

Hyper Poster
Are dive machines dead or is there alot that can be done with them?

I mean all the layouts are very similar and have all the same elements, so is there anything that can be done.

I have one idea:

Ok it goes up the lift hill, turns to the left does a small drop and then does a very slow half-barrel roll and turns vertical, but before it goes vertical it holds you half upside down.

Ok stupid idea, but just one i had.
I think the biggest issue there would be the technical complexity at that kind of height. I suppose it could be done, but it wouldn't have much of an effect beyond those experienced on say, a humpty bump lift hill on an X-Car.

I think that we'll see some small variations on the theme, but they're still all about those 90 degree drops. It's what the ride type really does - so why change that?
Dive Machines are not 'dead'. We all thought that they were dead after Oblivion, bar a mirror clone, but we were proven wrong. Look how highly rated Sheikra, Griffon and even Oblivion are on the force factor list. Quiet high.

I don't think the 90 degree element is old, as Furie said, it is the key element in a Dive Machine, and there are many more elements that could be incorporated into a Dive Machine but simply aren't because they are not being built.

One problem with Dive Machines is parks getting planning permission to build them. To make a longer, faster and more thrilling Dive Machine, you need to build up and some parks simply cannot do that.

Is the Dive Machine dead? Not by a long shot.
There Hardly dead. Look how many have been built recently; SheiKra, Griffon, Dive Coaster, the one at happy valley.

Is that 4 in 4 years?
They're not dead, I mean, they're still very popular and widely regarded among enthusiasts and the public, and I'm sure much more can be done with the layouts. I just think that with SheiKra being built and being pretty successful, the other Dive Machines thought if they did similar layouts they'd be equally as good? I dunno, just a theory :p .

I don't think we'll see anymore built for a little bit, but they're definitely not dead!
I should explain really, when i meant dead, i meant the layouts are similar and the ideas are "dead" i didnt mean dive mahcines are dead.
I would actually build a compact variation of dive-machines, say about 140-150 feet with an airtime hill or two with a few inversions. Even though it's a lot better when they're above 200 feet, what's wrong with making a shorter - more forceful layout?
They're not dead. However, i think manufactuers Sp? should be looking at different ways and ideas. I still get a buzz off them, but if others dont then the engineers should think of that extra something. Maybe a vertical lift hill like them eurofighters, and yeah, why not include afew airtime hills and elements. Howeverr, cost and planning permission is a problem, and im sure the ideas i have mentioned would be too, but there is opportunities avaliable, so therefore, in my opinion, no they are not dead.
The Grape Wizard said:
I should explain really, when i meant dead, i meant the layouts are similar and the ideas are "dead" i didnt mean dive mahcines are dead.
I was actually was thinking about that the other day.
But it's a tendency to do "what works".
If a park puts a ride in, and it's a huge hit, why wouldn't it work out for you?

Sure, eventually they will start to vary, after these layouts get "old", but until then these layouts are still great and successful.
The train's width prevents a lot of things. You won't get much variation in layouts.

Maybe we'll see a dive loop inversion at one point.
The Grape Wizard said:
They could have a cobra roll instead of an immelmann, then have the Immelmann after the 2nd drop

The trains are too huge. They're exceptionally wide, so the cobra roll would have to be utterly enormous to deal with it. It would also have to be carefully controlled, as the outer seats would take a much larger route than the inner seats. So the roll would have to be taken quite slowly otherwise the forces on passengers and the train on the outside would be too great.

It's why one of the inversions was removed from Furious Baco - similar issue with the forces on such a large train being too high.
I did not know they removed an inversion from Baco, if they did why did they just not remove the whole ride they would have been better off lol.

They could make a Dive Machine with trains that are only 4 wide but then people may as well just buy a Eurofighter, how long will it be until they hold the car?

At the end of the day a Dive Machine is about the drop, Oblivians is better than Sheikra's simply due to the hole it goes through.

I found Skeikra as a coaster boring forcless and very little point in the loop etc. If you want inversions there are many other type of coasters that do that and better.
furie said:
It's why one of the inversions was removed from Furious Baco - similar issue with the forces on such a large train being too high.

There was an inversion removed from Baco?

To answer the topic, no Dive Machines aren't dead but like has been said to do more with the coaster type they will either have to build a bigger a first drop as the inversions have to be huge for the train to travel through them safely. Thats why they are all similar to Sheikra, however I don't think the layout to the one in Happy Valley has been revealed yet?
spicy said:
There was an inversion removed from Baco?

no actually, my memory playing tricks on me... Must have been wasted at some point...

I just remember all the American's laughing at Baco when it opened, as everyone bigging up Baco was laughing at Maverick having an inversion removed. I don't know what it was all about now though, but thought it was an inversion removal on Baco...
I find Dive Machines boring. Yes I know they're about the drop but it's only thrilling the first few times before it's just another drop.
Plus Oblivion is over in seconds so you start to wonder if it's worth queuing for.

And don't attack me for saying that as it's my opinion. I just don't find vertical drops exciting anymore.
It's fair enough Ollie- I don't see why people love Apocalypse. It's essentially the same thing, only on Oblivion you're facing forwards.

However, I DO love Oblivion's drop. I'll take it over Apocalypse every minute of the day. Horses for courses and all that :)
southend_marc said:
They could make a Dive Machine with trains that are only 4 wide but then people may as well just buy a Eurofighter, how long will it be until they hold the car?

It would be better if they did it 6 across, they alread have 4 across trains, and with 4 across the people/hour thing would be horrid.

I'd like one to have a small drop out of the station into a jojo...it would be something new.
