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Disneys PotC


Mega Poster
I know this isn't a Coaster. But, I didn't know if anyone knew this information or not, so I decided to post it. Hope I posted it in the right place :?

Today is the 44th B-Day of Pirates of the Caribbean. I had not a clue that this ride was even around for that long, lol. So, here's the video. Hope you enjoy :)

I heard about this earlier today.
44 isn't really a milestone year for anything though, so I don't really see the point in this "celebration".

Same goes with Vampire at Chessington. What's so special about a ride being 21 years old to hold a whole year of celebrations for it? :?

Hooray I guess? :?
Well, I only give a thumbs up because it has to do with Disney, lol. But, I don't really care too much for PotC. Just thought others might :)
Yeah. 44 is a pretty strange year to celebrate. 21 is understandable though. 21 is seen in the UK as one of the biggest Milestones of people's lives. Followed by 30, 40, 50, and 60. So, yeah, 21 is understandable in the UK's culture.
Same here in the USA, as it's when you're legaly allowed to comsume achahol. :--D