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Disneyland Shanghai | Tron Coaster | Vekoma motorbike


CF Legend
I don't remember seeing a topic for this and it seems to be pretty much confirmed as happening. Shanhai will be getting this coaster as their Space Mountain basically. I think it's a good idea but details are light at the moment, as is anything Disney related.

Screamscape are reporting that the below image is possibly the layout for the coaster. With a dual loading station, the green arrow obviously being the launch and all those red arrows are supposedly MCBR to boost the capacity of the ride.


I'm intrigued if this is true. Screamscape are also reporting that the coaster will be "just over 3050 feet of track and hit a top speed in the 45-50 mph range."
Re: Tron Coaster | Vekoma motorbike | Disneyland Shanghai

About bloody time this is getting built, just a shame it's not in Orlando.

Thing is though people will still expect a Space Mountain. There's a group of rides people expect at the parks.
Re: Tron Coaster | Vekoma motorbike | Disneyland Shanghai

By the sound of it that was the problem with Orlando when it first opened. However Disney seem to want to make this park in Shanghai completely different to everything else they've done. No Main Street, no Space Mountain, a bigger Pirates area, a completely different Fantasyland.

It's been reported they're making it different because the Shanghai audience are still new to the Disney brand and so are using more updated franchises.
Re: Tron Coaster | Vekoma motorbike | Disneyland Shanghai

Yes I read they want it to be totally different.

It will be the Disney fans that complain like they did when Paris opened without it.
Re: Tron Coaster | Vekoma motorbike | Disneyland Shanghai

It's happened with both Florida AND Paris. When Florida opened there was no PotC because they felt Florida had its own pirate folk story culture and was therefore not necessary except it opened and people asked why it was there.

Paris intentionally withheld Space Mountain so they could launch it with its own PR as a new attraction etc.

I am so chuffed that this Tron Bike coaster rumour is gaining more attention and also more likelihood. I've been hoping for it ever since the first Vekoma Motorbike coaster opened (long before Legacy came along). I wouldn't be shocked to see it open in Shanghai followed by Tommorowland in Cali as part of a land revamp and then possibly even Florida, although I reckon it would be more likely in Hollywood Studios or perhaps even Epcot as part of the technology pavilions.
Re: Tron Coaster | Vekoma motorbike | Disneyland Shanghai

Hope they add Daft Punk Audio from the soundtrack. I would travel there just to ride it. :shock:


Anyways great approach for Disney. Who would have thought they would ever buy a motocoaster.
Re: Tron Coaster | Vekoma motorbike | Disneyland Shanghai

Thanks coastercruiser, saw those on my twitter feed yesterday but forgot to post them once at a pc.

So excited about this ride, I love the style of the films and a motorcycle cred themed to them is just something that needed to happen. After seeing the 2d layout I admit I didn't think it looked amazing but the construction makes it look awesome and much bigger compared to previous Vekoma motorcycle creds.

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It's just a Shame the layout is not better, it looks really short and it does not do much.

The effects will probably make is so much better than it is though. Disney can turn an average coaster into something special.
Alright, now I'm officially excited. As for the length, I'd remind everyone that Vekoma motorbikes have historically been shorter rides. Longest I have found is Velocity at Flamingo Land at 2,100 ft.

Would be even better if Daft Punk gets a cameo in the ride - animatric DJs in the queue per chance?